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  1. Scott

    Contact for W. Britains repair parts?

    Thank you for the reply. I probably used the a mistaken email address. I bought the gun damaged on eBay so there is no fault of W. Britain. I'll try the repair.
  2. Scott

    Contact for W. Britains repair parts?

    I'm trying to restore this battered W. Britains gun carriage that I got on eBay. I tried emailing Britains but I haven't got a response. Does anyone know a Britains link or email address I can use to get parts?
  3. Scott

    An early look at Expeditionary Force plans for the 18th Century

    Thank you. If you know Mr. Lam, please ask him to update his future release page. I've had some of those coming attractions already painted on my shelf for a few months. :wink2:
  4. Scott

    Painted LOD Amazons.

    Colors are based on ancient pottery images and modern interpretations of Scythian costume. Lots of detail in this series. A little hard to paint under the shields and cloaks . I had to try just painting stripes because a common zig-zag clothing pattern was too hard for me to paint. I tried a few...
  5. Scott

    LOD Amazons arrived from The Hobby Bunker.

    A VERY quick delivery from Then Hobby Bunker. I'm very pleased with LOD's Amazon figures. There was one issue that two mounted archers arrived in the bag instead the ax carrying figure. That's an issue at the source and not the dealer. I wish that they were firing right handed to, but lefty...
  6. Scott

    Expeditionary Force Royal Marines.

    I did some conversions of the stock Royal Marine figures from X-Force. Period images, modern uniform plates, and even reenactor interpretations have slight variations in the uniforms from the Trafalgar era to the War and 1812. I consulted sources available on-line and even a Royal Marine...
  7. Scott

    Timpo favorites?

    Maybe when I retire.
  8. Scott

    Best value for 1:32 ACW irregulars

    I forget to mention that Toy Soldiers of San Diego Civil War and Alamo Texans can be easily converted. Trade revolvers and cap lock rifles for the flint weapons on the Alamo figures .
  9. Scott

    Best value for 1:32 ACW irregulars

    Armies In Plastic has a sale on Civil War right now. A mix of the two Confederate Infantry/Marines sets and some figures from the Boers set could give you the Guerrillas you want.
  10. Scott

    PubUprising of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 1648, by Publius

    US $119.99 I'm sure that there are plastic collectors that will pay that. These beautiful new sets of characters are too precious to "play" with, convert of paint. It will be expensive to try to build any kind of a unit out of them.
  11. Scott

    Expeditionary Force Frontiersman and Kentucky Riflemen

    I'm looking forward to the "54 AMR 02–K Kentucky Riflemen (Foot & Mounted)".
  12. Scott

    What are these 1/72 soldiers?

    Esci French infantry.
  13. Scott

    Move Expeditionary Force British Light Infantry.

    Thank you for asking. I painted the bodies and heads together. A plastic strip sling was added to the musket with Zap-a Gap. The knapsack, haversack combo, and arms musket combo were partially painted separately and Zap-A Gapped to the body. Painted details were finished on the fully assembled...
  14. Scott

    Move Expeditionary Force British Light Infantry.

    Three sets of LI plus the officer set.
  15. Scott

    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    As I suspected. I've been using these sets for years as other armies.
  16. Scott

    Some New Plastic News

    I looks like the company adds a female figure for each set they do. I haven't seen one yet that is correctly dressed for it's period or is anymore than a fantasy babe. The nurse doesn't look like Geneviève de Galard
  17. Scott

    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    Hi! Where on the site did you see that? Thanks.