“DESERT Auntie Ju 52” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

We just got delivery of five of these “beauties” and they are flying out to various homes around the world.

Hope you like ‘em!

All the best and happy flying.

Andy C.​


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Those are fantastic!!!Nice work Andy and King and Country!!!
Ive got a desert airfield this would look great on,lucky people getting 1 of these maybe when i win lotto i will get 1........................^&grin
Well done to K&C on another great piece.
Yeah, lucky buggers that are getting one, great looking grand old bird!

Hello Andy! What is the Cost of this NEW JU-52 Desert Airplane? Also, on your DAK Flyer, a Few Months ago is Shown a DAK Heinkel 110/111? What is the Cost of that DAK Airplane also? When are we going to Receive a FIESLER STORCH in DAK Colors? CIAO! :wink2::rolleyes2:

Andy and his team have made for me the Ju 52 in DAK colours, the HE111, Fieseler Storch - all in DAK cammo. They are fantastic pieces and I currently have an order the Me110, FW190 and Hs 123 all to be in DAK weathered Once this group comes through I have a further order lined up..they go really well with the figures but the detail is astonishing

The details and the colour scheme are stunning and whilst not cheap they are worth the money.... you pay for the quality and Andy and the team deliver it
Ive got a desert airfield this would look great on,lucky people getting 1 of these maybe when i win lotto i will get 1........................^&grin
Well done to K&C on another great piece.

I think your landing field is rather crowded alread, so where could you land this beauty??


Hi Guys,

We just got delivery of five of these “beauties” and they are flying out to various homes around the world.

Hope you like ‘em!

All the best and happy flying.
Andy C.​

Can someone give me a quick $2,500? Please, don't dally ^&grin

Superb looking aircraft Andy.
Superb looking aircraft.

Now I am certain this will sound very, very silly, but how do they make a wooden aircraft like this?
They use wood ^&grin

There is a workshop in the Philippines that K & C discovered a few years ago. They had been making planes for a Japanese client (exclusively I believe) who passed away and they approached K & C and the rest is history. I believe there are a few threads about the origins, circa 2006 or 2007. Andy, please correct me if I've gotten this wrong.

They use wood ^&grin

There is a workshop in the Philippines that K & C discovered a few years ago. They had been making planes for a Japanese client (exclusively I believe) who passed away and they approached K & C and the rest is history. I believe there are a few threads about the origins, circa 2006 or 2007. Andy, please correct me if I've gotten this wrong.


Think Tg are getting there made in the Philippines as well but a lot cheaper {eek3}
They use wood ^&grin

There is a workshop in the Philippines that K & C discovered a few years ago. They had been making planes for a Japanese client (exclusively I believe) who passed away and they approached K & C and the rest is history. I believe there are a few threads about the origins, circa 2006 or 2007. Andy, please correct me if I've gotten this wrong.



You have answered the What, Where, When and Who but what about the How? Pieces glued together or a solid piece carved?


The reason i want to know is that you can buy a great piece of hand made wooden furniture for the price of these wooden planes being made by everyone.
I don't get why they are so expensive im not starting a price war or bagging anyone who has 1 etc (I would by one in a flash if i could afford it) just don't get why they are so much.
So if anyone could explain without giving away any trade secrets etc im just curious that,s all i rreckon they are superb and like i said if i could afford it i would have a room full of them.
Hi Subs,

I think you are right I do believe TG are also making models in the Philippines and they are definitely cheaper…

However they’re also much smaller and less detailed.

You could also point out that a Mini costs a lot less than a Bentley…Why? After all they’ve both got four wheels and they both go down the road!

Happy collecting!

Andy C.​
Hi Subs,

I think you are right I do believe TG are also making models in the Philippines and they are definitely cheaper…

However they’re also much smaller and less detailed.

You could also point out that a Mini costs a lot less than a Bentley…Why? After all they’ve both got four wheels and they both go down the road!

Happy collecting!

Andy C.​
Andy Tg Me 262 or Do 355 are not small mate , as for detail I've been told Tg wooden planes are very good and are let you know next month when I collect my Tg Me 262 ^&grin . going by your prices Your charging I know what car you would be driving and it not the Mini :wink2:
Just having a bit of fun Andy happy collecting to you to

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