“Enemy Coast Ahead!” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Following on from the “Desert Junkers 52” thread and seeing as how our mate Howard just posted “G for George”. I thought I’d post a few different Lancs that K&C has produced over the last couple of years…We tried weathering on several aircraft but the vast majority of wooden warbird fans seem to prefer the straight-forward factory finish. If a collector wanted “weathering” of course we would provide it.

As for Wayne 556517’s comment about “If he had the money and the “power” to get K&C to do requests for him – he would want his aircraft “dirty” — No problem mate, believe me you don’t need any so called “power” (or do you mean influence?) All you need is the dosh! I’ll be waiting for your credit card details or bank transfer any day now.

All the best and…happy flying!

Andy C.​


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You should place some in smaller museums on loan as a way of drumming up interest and letting more people than just the next person who burgles Howard's house to see the finished product.

In one of those weird coincidences I help run a small museum. You could road test the idea there ... for free.

PM me. I am at my computer.

That payload looks awesome. This plane would be mine if it was not for the space issue and oh yea the slight money issue.:salute::, Robin.
Andy mate,
Your killing me with all those Lancasters in the one thread. Out Bloody Standing. Maybe and just maybe I might need another Lancaster on the tarmac at the new venture. But then on the other hand, this Wellington is crying out for a new home. Decisions, decisions. ^&grin
Cheers Howard

I think I might order one N for Nothing. Need one to tow my Horsa^&grin. You have the pick of them Howard IMHO , G for GEORGE. Outstanding, does not get any better than that one.^&cool. Robin.
I have to say that these planes look really good much better than the painted windows on the old ones. I thought those ones looked terrible but that is in my eye's. I still think the cost is so over the top for a toy and that you have to be in your own club to even want one.{sm3}
Hi Guys,

I certainly agree with Simmo that the newer aircraft with the “see-through” canopies definitely look better than the older ones. However those other older aircraft still had (and have) their own unique style and character. Where I might disagree with our friend is that the cost is “over-the-top for a toy” . At the end of the day every collector buys what he likes and most importantly what he (or she) can afford. After all as I’ve said many times before, “No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to hand over your piggy bank.”

Over the years hundreds of collectors all over the world have collected these very special aircraft and I would venture to say that most of that number are extremely happy and proud to own one or even several.

As an alternative you could always follow the advice of one of our number who likes to build and paint his own complete with all the details he requires…Now, who makes an all plastic, 1:30 scale Avro Lancaster…Wellington…Halifax…Sunderland…and soon I hope, a Stirling?

Best wishes and happy flying!

Andy C.​

P.S. Talking of “toys”…who was it who said “The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys!”
I think it was either Marilyn Monroe or…Jeremy Clarkson.
Hi Guys,

I certainly agree with Simmo that the newer aircraft with the “see-through” canopies definitely look better than the older ones. However those other older aircraft still had (and have) their own unique style and character. Where I might disagree with our friend is that the cost is “over-the-top for a toy” . At the end of the day every collector buys what he likes and most importantly what he (or she) can afford. After all as I’ve said many times before, “No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to hand over your piggy bank.”

Over the years hundreds of collectors all over the world have collected these very special aircraft and I would venture to say that most of that number are extremely happy and proud to own one or even several.

As an alternative you could always follow the advice of one of our number who likes to build and paint his own complete with all the details he requires…Now, who makes an all plastic, 1:30 scale Avro Lancaster…Wellington…Halifax…Sunderland…and soon I hope, a Stirling?

Best wishes and happy flying!

Andy C.​

P.S. Talking of “toys”…who was it who said “The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys!”
I think it was either Marilyn Monroe or…Jeremy Clarkson.

Well Andy thanks for the reply and not shooting me down to much. I do agree that for me a toy is only what I want to pay for it. I find the rising cost of toy soldiers all across the board has reached beyond the limit I am prepared to pay. These air planes are at a huge cost and good luck to those that can collect them. I still think that the die cast one's have far better detail and are better value for the buck in my eye's only.

P.S I am voting with my wallet and I think a lot of other people are doing the same.

P.S.S I still am looking at your commando's as I do like this series.
Fantastic looking aircraft, just terrific. What I wouldnt give for one of those!!^&cool

Thanks for posting Andy/Howard

Very nice Lancaster's and if I had the money would get a grand slam version , good to see the tractor with the bomb trolley
well, everyone knows what I think of the Lanc and, if one looks at Hong Kong models they are releasing one in 1/32nd scale the same scale as the wooden airbirds in the new year. The only reason why I pulled back from buying one of these and saved myself a packet
Hi Guys,

Here’s the thing Mitch, most of us on this Forum have full-time jobs and neither have the time or energy available to construct and paint a complex, large-scale model kit such as a Lanc or indeed anything else. Add to that the advancing years, of at least some of us, and the possible lack of the necessary model-building skills and you have at least a few of the reasons some collectors prefer to buy a superb, ready-made, ready-painted model that matches their air force figures and vehicle collection.

So, by all means press ahead with your own effort… I, like many of the other guys, will look forward to seeing it in due course.

In the meantime best wishes and… happy model building!

Andy C.​
Its all relative. What most people see as expensive, other people see as affordable or have the "want" for it. It not a matter if you can find an alternative aircraft, some people want a KC product, like some people want a certain kind of car. BTW Andy, nice aircraft.
Time is certainly a factor in building a large scale kit. I bought the Revell 1/32 Junkers Ju 88 A-1 kit two years ago thinking it would fit in well with my K & C sets. Alas, it still resides in the box in about 600 unpainted plastic pieces.
Skill comes into play also, as I can no longer pass off blobs of glue and fingerprints as advanced German camouflage like I could as a kid.
Those big K & C and Figarti planes are nice, but much more difficult to hide and explain away than figure sets and tanks.
I am mixed on this topic. While I love the pics of these unique creations and I hope Andy continues to share them on the forum; I don't think the relative value proposition is that great. Can you imagine how many figures/tanks you can buy for 2500-3500 dollars with shipping and taxes included for a single bird. Now saying that I was tempted with the winter version of this aircraft so to do one of the airfields around Stalingrad. Regardless of what side we are on in terms of pricing and relative value; no one can deny these are beautiful pieces...
... I can no longer pass off blobs of glue and fingerprints as advanced German camouflage....
Great line, that made me laugh! {sm4} Debating value really is pointless. If K&C can charge "X" for their products and someone is willing to buy it because they like it that's great for both parties, just as others who suggest more affordable options like modelling or smaller scale diecast pieces is fine too.

I think the key point to this whole thread and the takeaway K&C or others should see is that there could be a decent market for more affordable large 4 engine airplanes.

Its the same thing as doing your own home renovation, you save $$$ alot but alot of effort put in doing the work done.

Or you just hire a professional company to do the same job, cost more but at the end your super happy.


Everyone seems to be focusing on the more expensive ones and no doubt they truly are the most spectacular but a great majority of the wooden planes K & C has made are under $900. I know that's still a lot of money but nowhere near the $2,000 plus range.


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