2008 New York Toy Soldier Symposium (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
Well gentlemen, I thought I would use my 4,000 post to annouce this year's New York Toy Soldier Symposium. Lawrence Lo, Hans Hedrich, Mark Hoffman and myself will be this years sponsors, and are honored to extend you an invitation.

The events will be as follows:

Friday, March 7th: 7:00 p.m. - Greenwich Village, NYC - Cocktails followed by the Welcoming Dinner at Tiro A Segno (a Private Huntsmen's Club famous for some of the best Italian food in New York, as well as a rifle range in the basement where you can shoot after dinner)

Saturday, March 8th: 12:00 Noon - Roslyn Harbor, New York - Luncheon and Tour of my collection. This year's Guest Speaker will be Rick Wang of Figarti.

Saturday, March 8th: 7:00 p.m. - Midtown Manhattan, NYC - Dinner at Tse Yang (rated a 25 for food by Zagats, making it the second highest rated Chinese Restaurant in NYC). We hope to have a second suprise guest speaker.

Sunday, March 9th: 12:00 Noon - Midtown Manhattan, NYC - Tour of the Mark Hoffman Collection (The largest collection I've ever heard of dedicated to Artillery, with sets from virtually ever company and every era in virtually every style, including some amazing custom made dioramas, armored trains, Ships, and Luzinski elephants that would make you drool), followed by a farewell luncheon at the Carnegie Deli, one of the 2 or 3 best Deli's in New York City.

For those who stick around late Sunday, traditionally we end up at the Wollenski Grill at Smith & Wollenski for a farewell meal.

So far, in addition to the Figarti team (which includes, but is not necessarily limited to Rick Wang and Clive Gande, their European distributor), the Nevilles of K&C, UK will have 4 representatives, including Tony and Dispatch Dave, Tim Tyler of Troops of Time, major collector Doug Luna and Brad Lewin and McKenna from this forum have already reserved spots. Those interested in coming please send me a PM with the events you intend to attend, and I will reserve spots on a first come first served basis.
For those who are interested in coming, but don't want to incur the $350+ per night room rates in NYC, there is a hotel about a 5 minute drive from the Saturday Roslyn events, and from which attendees can car pool to the NYC events, with rates between $179 and $199 per night. It is an old Gold Coast Mansion made into a Hotel/convention center. Here is the website for the hotel: http://www.glencovemansion.com/default_.asp
Hope you have a great symposium Louis and congrats on your promotion,very well deserved;)

Thank you Rob. I suspect its going to take me a very long time to get another promotion, so I better enjoy this third star.

By the way, just a little update on our attempt to add a "surprise guest". One of our mutual good friends spent about an hour on the phone trying to convince him to join us, and I sent him a personal invitation, so we are very hopeful to be able to announce that another hobby VIP will be joining in the fun this year.

This year's Symposium will be far more broad based. The past three Symposia were more focused on K&C than the other manufacturers, as Andy was the keynote speaker each year. This year with Rick from Figarti as the keynote speaker and ??? of ?????? as a potential surprise guest, the Symposium will be about the entire Hobby: all manufacturers, all styles, all eras, all scales will be open to discussion.

Would you like me to contact KMW and arrange some 1/1 vehicles for the event. ;)

Can you see Louis neighborhood now with German Armor rolling around and Louis telling everyone - VOTE for Me or Deal With My Army !! :eek: :eek:

Can't wait. :cool:

Would you like me to contact KMW and arrange some 1/1 vehicles for the event. ;)

Can you see Louis neighborhood now with German Armor rolling around and Louis telling everyone - VOTE for Me or Deal With My Army !! :eek: :eek:

Can't wait. :cool:

German armor operational on this continent . . . I don't think so! If the Tigers and Panthers couldn't get here, I don't think the Leopard will either! :cool:

Muhahahahahahaha - Things are happening around you - perhaps you should start learning some German ! :eek: :eek:

Did I say that out loud ?? :rolleyes:
Well, our man Carlos "Desk11Desk12" is coming! This is getting better and better . . .
Hans, Larry, Mark Hoffman and I are absolutely thrilled to annouce that our "surprise guest" for this years symposium has confirmed that he is coming (and may be cooking a really unique and special demonstration for attendees of the symposium). The special guest is . . . wait for it! . . .

John Jenkins of John Jenkins Designs!!:D:cool:
Tom Dubel and his stepfather are coming to the Saturday events, and possibly Sunday morning.

looks like its cooking up to being a good one.

Dave and myself looking forward to it and I will be there with the camera for the TV side of things!

Harvey Hammer will be joining us again . . .

Oh, and by the way I made a minor mistake, Tse Yang is the #1 highest rated Chinese Restaurant in New York according to Zagats, not #2 as I thought. . . . Sorry Larry, is that better?:p
and Tse Yang, my wife has not stopped talking about since being there and even haveing a chinese in the HK Cricket club did not compare................i Looooved the pancakes larry i lovvvveeedd them (is that enough for a couple extra!!?) and the wine list is up there with the best in the world.

My family and I were there for Christmas last year and Larry treated us to a wonderful meal!!!!
My wife can't stop talking about the food and how good it was. This is definately a high priority on my list when visiting NY.
Thanks Larry

Bill Sager
Green Beret Ed "Halomeeps" will be joining us again!

Oh, and a slight change in then scheduling:

The Saturday Afternoon event will have the demonstration by Special Guest John Jenkins, while Rick Wang's keynote address will be at the Saturday evening event at Tse Yang. Also the Sunday event will have the Carnegie Deli catering at Mark's collection, as we could not get enough tables at the Deli itself to seat everyone (same food, more comfortable location . . . you can eat and tour the collection simultaneously).
John Jenkins has suggested that he do a figure sculpting demonstration at the Symposium . . . what do the attendees think?

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