30mm napoleonics (1 Viewer)


Remember that Jules Verne thing you posted a long time ago - with the squid coming up the side?
I found the guy who made that and he's making me a little something now!

(he asked if I wanted pics along the way, but I said I just want to see it at the end as a surprise!)

I just completely fell in love with that piece
Well Done Zach! I'm really looking forward to seeing that one, Nothing like an original piece!
After seeing all the great artist at shows and on line I thought if I win the lottery I'd make weekend trips to shws and conventions and put together a world class museum of the art of the miniature.
Looks like your doing just that
Once again, well done Zach!

P.S. Id love to hear the back story on how you tracked him down if it's not giving away too much?
More fun Art

A fun Kitchen

Always loved German Sea planes

Scary Warhammer Alien scenario

more traditional combat

cool fighter

Art Sunday

Attack on Gravelotte 1870

german Mercenaries

Antique Russo Japanese war ser 1905

Highlanders from the 1800's
I hope you don't mind mine adding to this, but I thought this was very cool! It's called "Saipan Beach"

Yes Zach, all flats and all 30mm ( maybe with the exception of the British sailing ship)

ODDS and Ends

for the hard core fan of WWII grays, they have matching curtain to complete your interior decoration, try running this by the wifey

this is a detail shot of a Warhammer 40k fortress siege
Love this thread, always the first I click on to enjoy the flats and other novel figures.......thanks!
Love this thread, always the first I click on to enjoy the flats and other novel figures.......thanks!

Thank you N,
All the guys enjoyment is the only reason I do this!

OK, How bout small scale, big scale?

On this I'll add every animal and plant is a flat in this pic

Ancient Germanian Hunt

a couple of Antique Napoleonic Vignettes

Austro-Hungarian Infantry 1756-1763

Bavarians of the Napoleonic era

1st Empire by the Artist Douchkine

Napoleons expeditionary force in Egypt

And just for fun....

Ancient Germanian Hunt

a couple of Antique Napoleonic Vignettes

Austro-Hungarian Infantry 1756-1763

Bavarians of the Napoleonic era

1st Empire by the Artist Douchkine

Napoleons expeditionary force in Egypt

And just for fun....

What background!
Morning of battle at Agincourt 1415

Zastrow Currassiers at Borodino

nice little set up


Battle of Warsaw 1813

The Dance of Salome

Thank you very much for putting all these up. Very nice collection. I allways admired those dareing
old manufacuteres comeing up with groups and scenery pieces totally out of scale but eventually it allways worked in the final set up. I think that this "Oddity" adds a lot to the glory of Flats.
I have allways been a keen fan of 30YW figurines. I know that there are a lot of nice perhaps brilliant "Round Figures" in various scales covering this period of history out there. But they never really tempted me, as for Flats I would love to have them all. Can't really explain why but I guess that this fact is just a part of my ongoing love for Flats. A passion that receives it's booster again and again while you are updateing this thread,- I love it and hope it will go on forever.
Thank You for shareing.
Best Regards
Thank you very much for putting all these up. Very nice collection. I allways admired those dareing
old manufacuteres comeing up with groups and scenery pieces totally out of scale but eventually it allways worked in the final set up. I think that this "Oddity" adds a lot to the glory of Flats.
I have allways been a keen fan of 30YW figurines. I know that there are a lot of nice perhaps brilliant "Round Figures" in various scales covering this period of history out there. But they never really tempted me, as for Flats I would love to have them all. Can't really explain why but I guess that this fact is just a part of my ongoing love for Flats. A passion that receives it's booster again and again while you are updateing this thread,- I love it and hope it will go on forever.
Thank You for shareing.
Best Regards

Your kind and eloquent words give me great pleasure, you can count on me to continue to bring the art and beauty that is the flat before the forum. As for the 30 yrs. war, my personal collection does not have many of these sets, though it is a very popular period and subject, I just can't collect it all!
In Honor of your kind words, all 30 years war sets!

train 1630

preparing for battle

Wallwenstien camp

Your kind and eloquent words give me great pleasure, you can count on me to continue to bring the art and beauty that is the flat before the forum. As for the 30 yrs. war, my personal collection does not have many of these sets, though it is a very popular period and subject, I just can't collect it all!
In Honor of your kind words, all 30 years war sets!

Hello Ray,
sorry about the late reply and thank you very much for shareing those fantastic sets with us. Wallenstein's siege of Nürnberg is what comes up in my mind first when I see camp or train scenes from that period.
Great sets indeed with so much personal character and charme, one can almost hear those Landknechts swear ...
Just building up a collection of flag/standard bearers would be a task that could last a collectors live Droste (Kopie).jpgFlags (Kopie).jpgGlanz (Kopie).JPGthere are so many different subjects within the subject it is simply amazing. Names like Scheibert, Heinrichsen, Windisch and most of all (for 30YW) Dr. Droste come to my mind. All of those manufactures and a great many more did/do produce a seemingly endless choice of subjects and poses just covering that period. All had one thing in common: Thorough research.
Again thank you for keeping us astonished and happy ....
Kind Regards
Wolfgang :smile2:
Your kind and eloquent words give me great pleasure, you can count on me to continue to bring the art and beauty that is the flat before the forum. As for the 30 yrs. war, my personal collection does not have many of these sets, though it is a very popular period and subject, I just can't collect it all!
In Honor of your kind words, all 30 years war sets!

Hello Ray,
sorry about the late reply and thank you very much for shareing those fantastic sets with us. Wallenstein's siege of Nürnberg is what comes up in my mind first when I see camp or train scenes from that period.
Great sets indeed with so much personal character and charme, one can almost hear those Landknechts swear ...
Just building up a collection of flag/standard bearers would be a task that could last a collectors live View attachment 167426View attachment 167427View attachment 167428there are so many different subjects within the subject it is simply amazing. Names like Scheibert, Heinrichsen, Windisch and most of all (for 30YW) Dr. Droste come to my mind. All of those manufactures and a great many more did/do produce a seemingly endless choice of subjects and poses just covering that period. All had one thing in common: Thorough research.
Again thank you for keeping us astonished and happy ....
Kind Regards
Wolfgang :smile2:

Wolfgang, I also was working out of town and delayed in my reply.
Those are great figures and the flag bearers are outstanding! you are a talented artist *** I have said before and I enjoy viewing your work. I agree with you it is a very colorful period, the uniforms are all so bright and seemingly impractical unless you are hiding in a Carnival, but that is the charm isn't it?
It is a steep learning curve for me on all the famous German and French artists and firms, I love the learning and research process! It was a suprising revelation to me as Ilearned more and more about what was actually out there in the world of flats, that I have no doubt that there is a vastly greater number of different individual figures in flats than rounds or full bodied figures!
I will continue to post the great sets/figures I see, thank you for your kinds words and fabulous contributions to the story of the flat.

painted in black and white

flats and fun

Turkish camp scenes 1683

french artillery train

2 sided roman ville

warhammer world

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