Here you go
Love the French Artillery train pics, Ray. I especially like the drivers sitting side-saddle on their hores - with legs crossed over each other. Wouldn't mind having that set to paint for myself. Any idea on who/what/where???
Ok Jb, As Usual the boys over on the International flat figure society have come thru: I thought these might be Mignot figures which it seems are always difficult to find but they are actually an Ochel which is an active firm in Germany.
Additional info:
the tross is designed as artillery and tross Louis XIV. ; in the Ochel list they are in the part 7-years-war (1756-1763);
french artillery. I think you can use the tross with the new figures of french artllery Louis XIV. edited by Glorious Empires.
The soldiers are 7-years-war uniforms.
The Artist is Douchkine
french artillery train