3rd SS Totenkopf (2 Viewers)


Nov 26, 2007
I would like to see some vehicles/tanks/figures of the 3rd SS "Totenkopf" Division. They would add some variety in the WS line.
If I am not mistaken, KC has done 3rd SS with the Hummel and I think the flak panzer. Can't remember others. A Kursk Tiger would be nice. -- lancer
If I am not mistaken, KC has done 3rd SS with the Hummel and I think the flak panzer. Can't remember others. A Kursk Tiger would be nice. -- lancer

Yes that would be nice, and you're right about those two pieces. Both have the Totenkopf logo painted on the vehicle. But I would like to also see some panzer grenadiers with deaths head collar patches. They would be great for any easter front dio, especially Kursk.
I would like to see some vehicles/tanks/figures of the 3rd SS "Totenkopf" Division. They would add some variety in the WS line.

This one is one of the fiercest and aggressive SS divisions of the war....this is a dangerous request....:eek:
This one is one of the fiercest and aggressive SS divisions of the war....this is a dangerous request....:eek:
Maybe someone will do Prinz Eugen chasing Tito around Yugoslavia (would make some interesting uniforms)or Skorzeny rescuing Mussolini. Wouldn't mind seeing the 14th SS or the 17th SS represented either. -- lancer
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If I am not mistaken, KC has done 3rd SS with the Hummel and I think the flak panzer. Can't remember others. A Kursk Tiger would be nice. -- lancer

Most German units at Kursk used alternate unit emblems in an attempt to confuse the Soviets (didn't work). In the case of the 3rd SS three vertical bars replaced the normal skull and cross bones emblem.
Most German units at Kursk used alternate unit emblems in an attempt to confuse the Soviets (didn't work). In the case of the 3rd SS three vertical bars replaced the normal skull and cross bones emblem.
Hey Frank, now that you raised the fact, I know 2nd SS used two vertical bars but I do not know what, if any, 1st SS used as a symbol change. -- lancer
The 1st SS retained their standard shield with a key emblem.


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No more Tigers please........... from anyone. I love them BUT they have been done to death by everyone from Tamiya (plastic and diecast) to Minichamps,

What about Panzer IVs (long barrel) ?.
Thanks for the answer Frank. I had never seen the alternate (unused) emblem for LSSAH. -- lancer
Did 3SSTot ever leave the East Front?
I believe their entire operational history was on the eastern front except for their participation in the 1940 French campaign, when, if memory serves, they were of regimental strength. -- lancer
I believe their entire operational history was on the eastern front except for their participation in the 1940 French campaign, when, if memory serves, they were of regimental strength. -- lancer

It did take part in "Operation Anton" (the takeover of French "free zone") in November 1942 as it was rebuilding in France at the time. It returned to the east in Jan/Feb 1943.
Totenkopf were in france in 1940 ,members were accused of committing attrocities against british forces at Le Paradis.On the eastern front the soviets offered the populace a bounty to kill members of totenkopf,they would receive the bounty on receipt of the deaths head collar patch,but it caused some confusion,which lead to members of the panzerwaffe being executed out of hand for their version of the pink bordered deaths head,the soviets were so pleased with the response,they did not clarify the difference and still paid the bounty.
K&C hasen't really done any SS Totenkopf figures, it would be interesting to see some.

3rd SS Totenkopf first engagement was in France & they were mainly supplied with Czech tanks...designated as 35t or 38t...I would love to see K&C make some Czech tanks marked as Totenkopf division...Here is my 3rd SS Totenkopf collection...Misc 025.jpgMisc 022.jpgMisc 027.jpgMisc 016.jpg
He is my SS Totenkopf.




a few old ones of mine. always interested to see this unit represented


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