Bad weekend all around from the sounds of it. Had 5 National Guardsmen shot, too. -- AlYikes! It's more dangerous there than in Iraq. Hard to believe. I wonder what the total was nationwide?
48 in one weekend! Wow that is bad, are many of them gang related or just one offs? And I thought the deaths in our riots the other week were bad.
Despite all the sensationalist headlines and unfortunate occurrences, compared to ten years ago, the crime rate is down. New York is one of the greatest places to live, rivaled only by the great cities of the world such as London and Paris. It grabs headlines for a reason because it is one of the great cities of the world, where, as the lyrics for New York, New York go, it's the city that never sleeps. However, if your thing is watching the grass grow, then head out yonder.
Despite all the sensationalist headlines and unfortunate occurrences, compared to ten years ago, the crime rate is down. New York is one of the greatest places to live, rivaled only by the great cities of the world such as London and Paris. It grabs headlines for a reason because it is one of the great cities of the world, where, as the lyrics for New York, New York go, it's the city that never sleeps. However, if your thing is watching the grass grow, then head out yonder.
Despite all the sensationalist headlines and unfortunate occurrences, compared to ten years ago, the crime rate is down. New York is one of the greatest places to live, rivaled only by the great cities of the world such as London and Paris. It grabs headlines for a reason because it is one of the great cities of the world, where, as the lyrics for New York, New York go, it's the city that never sleeps. However, if your thing is watching the grass grow, then head out yonder.
This "event" seems to make the news every time it is held, and not in a good way. Perhaps the powers that be should stop worrying about being PC and just cancel the event, permanently. At the very least this would cut down on the flying lead. -- Alit was actually 67 people shot in NYC over the weekend,including 2 police officers. One of the main reasons for the weekend violence is a joyous little get together called the west Indian day parade,and the pre and post parties ,same every year,just a little more than usual this year.
People should be allowed to celebrate their race, religion, sexuality etc.. peacefully and not have to worry about be killed while doing so. Perhaps the guns laws need to be addressed ?
I don't think reporting on 60+ shootings in a single weekend is sensationalist or akin to watching the grass grow. That's more like the wild west. Maybe NYC never sleeps because the gunfire keeps waking people up. And really the opposite situation has occurred with the media. Almost no publicity. Likely because it involves some poorer communities.
Gun laws won't stop people from getting guns. there's always going to a black market for these things and people always willing to buy - like anything else.
I used to go to the Caribbean day parade when I was living in that area every year. Great food, great people, wow - beautiful women, I never saw violence there. Never a gunshot, maybe a little argument or something.
Something in my gut tells me that this was a day off where people would be in certain places and a lot of business issues, personal grievances and other stupid crap got settled that day - of course with innocent people and police caught in the cross fire, as usual. I hate to sound so callous about this, but I grew up there and, for a long time, was accustomed to this happening much more frequently than it does now.
I had a teacher who once said that if you tally up the people murdered in our country every year that it's similar to the body count of a smaller scale war - civil or otherwise.