Tojo....I mean Mitch^&grin:wink2:,
Yes I do take your point of course, perhaps I should have said that in the eyes of other nations they need to apologize before those nations will forgive and forget. And of course then the question broadens out into the bomb, our bombing of Germany and German bombing of us etc etc. One reason I wrote what I did is that Germany has offered apologies and regrets on several occasions over the years and seems to want to move on. (although I think perhaps it should stop criticizing the allied nations when they hold memorial services etc).So I was wondering if in Japan they get fed up with this running sore re the allied POW's and perhaps might want to move past it, but perhaps they just don't give a ? . I think the dropping of the two A bombs although terrible for the citizens of those two cities was a necessary evil that showed the Japs they were never going to win and therefore brought an end to a conflict that no doubt would have gone on to claim hundreds of thousands of more lives on both sides. We must also remember that Pearl Harbor was a despicable
attack on America and although the casualties were not on the scale of the A bomb sites lets not fool ourselves that if they could have the Japenese would have sunk every single ship and killed every serviceman there that day. They did pay a very high price in the end, but it was of their own making.
Cheers Ivan (I thought I'd give you your next name early Mitch because next we will be talking about Russian atrocities in Berlin!^&grin:wink2