900 dollar K & C Light posts???? (1 Viewer)

I'm curious why you are so hostile.

I have read this thread from the beginning and watched you snap at folks for sharing their experiences in auction. I have not seen anthing here accusing you of shady selling practices, yet as a self-proclaimed expect on Ebay and the market value of everything worthwhile, you seem to think that no one else's experiences are of any value. This thread has evolved from a notifaction of one item selling at an unusually high price to a discussion about the nature of online auctions...I don't think that is unreasonable...and frankly, I'd like to hear everyone's opinion here without them being ridiculed because you happen to disagree with them.


I enjoy reading other peoples views, and consider their well thought out comments.

It is interesting that you find my comments hostile yet take no offense when someone else is accused with no merit of being dishonest.:rolleyes:

There is certainly no point in mentioning me in such a sentence, it is most uncalled for.

I have simply stated my opinon and backed it with information available to anyone.

If you do not wish to read my posts that is certainly your option.:rolleyes:
The only benefit of NOT starting an auction at a $ or so is for the seller.
I can't make out any benefit from a buyers perspective.
A lot of posts here are mentioning that those auctions might sell for very little money or even for the starting bid, maybe a few increments higher.

While high prices that were achieved are recorded by several collectors, is anybody recording what items really went for a little more then the 99 Cent starting bid.
If this very much "feared" case actually would happen frequently I'd be on ebay night and day and be winning stuff.

Gentlemen -

There are as many strategies for selling/buying on eBay as there are people doing it.

A person who starts an item at 99 cents has reason to do so (not necessarly to save a few bucks on listing) ... a person who spends more than others think necessary for a item may have reasons to do so (not because they are morons).

Just because someone doesn't agree with your strategy doesn't make that person an idiot. Please take the time to step back and remember that.

You are free to disagree on this forum - sometimes it's what makes life interesting. To resort to belittling people who disagree with your opinion is not OK.
I see some more sellers are trying to sell these light posts. I've found that what happens in one auction doesn't necessarily translate to others.
Let me add my 2 cents for what it is worth since I sell my dupes/etc on ebay. I place a value on my item, I list it for that value (lowest I will accept), if it sells, it sells, if not, stays with me. No pressure, rush, etc.

I will tell you as far as K&C secondary market, I have never been disappointed, most of the time getting more that I listed items for. The older stuff generally holds its value and sells well.

I see some more sellers are trying to sell these light posts. I've found that what happens in one auction doesn't necessarily translate to others.
I agree with you there...so far all have had great success in selling their lamp posts for an above average price...In appreciation of the forum and this thread I'm going for gold...since I'm in the olympic spirit...make me an offer and I'll take bronze!

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