A bit o’ this… a bit o’ that! (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi guys,

Greetings from the “Pearl of the Orient”… Some interesting ideas and suggestions of late, here’s a few thoughts.

1. “Taxis de la Marne”
Actually Fred of “Toy Soldier Paris” and me talked about this a couple of years ago when we first released the marching “1914” French infantry. We also went over the French ’75… Now, it would be great to do both but what would you prefer to arrive first? I like them both!

2. Into the Sand Pit…
Congrats to my old mate “Tom NT”… this is what toy soldiers is really all about… Having fun… and sharing it with others… No agendas, no nastiness no “mine is better than yours”… just FUN!

3. Eastern Front
Soon, my friends, soon… Gordon just finished a great dio for the West Coaster and we’ve got all the new Soviet pieces to go on it… plus a wee surprise!
However as we’re coming into Spring and Summer… Winter as is natural will come later.

4. K&C Conversions
I love to see what K&C collectors can do with our vehicles and aircraft. As you know it’s impossible to please everyone so “Converters” do a great job in making what they and their friends want. However to describe the original paint scheme as “visual vomit” is a tad extreme… even for some of the “Internet Bravadoes” who prowl around cyberspace.

Best wishes, happy collecting and have FUN!
Andy C.
“Pearl of the Orient”… Some interesting ideas and suggestions of late, here’s a few thoughts.

1. “Taxis de la Marne”
Actually Fred of “Toy Soldier Paris” and me talked about this a couple of years ago when we first released the marching “1914” French infantry. We also went over the French ’75… Now, it would be great to do both but what would you prefer to arrive first? I like them both!

4. K&C Conversions
I love to see what K&C collectors can do with our vehicles and aircraft. As you know it’s impossible to please everyone so “Converters” do a great job in making what they and their friends want. However to describe the original paint scheme as “visual vomit” is a tad extreme… even for some of the “Internet Bravadoes” who prowl around cyberspace.

Best wishes, happy collecting and have FUN!
Andy C.


in response to 2 of the comments above...

1. Artillery ALWAYS before vehicles, so I'd go for the 75mm French with 1914 crew.

4. Thanks for your kind response, and I'm one of the main 'culprits' doing the repaints of K&C vehicles, and I strive to match your standards, and the guys who get them, think I do :)

Good to hear from you again, and keep up the great work, and I AM having 'fun' ....

A wee surprise Jimmy,looking forward to that...........................^&grin
Hi guys,

Greetings from the “Pearl of the Orient”… Some interesting ideas and suggestions of late, here’s a few thoughts.

2. Into the Sand Pit…
Congrats to my old mate “Tom NT”… this is what toy soldiers is really all about… Having fun… and sharing it with others… No agendas, no nastiness no “mine is better than yours”… just FUN!

Best wishes, happy collecting and have FUN!
Andy C.

Thanks Andy, i just have to keep the cat out of me sandpit (the cat being the furry 4 legged kind) but the armoured cat or tiger is always welcome!! ^&grin

My 8th Army troops and vehicles will be heading to the sandpit next so watch this space....

Thanks for posting Andy, really looking forward to seeing the Eastern front preview at the Westcoaster.^&cool The surprise sounds good too:wink2:^&grin


Thanks for posting Andy, really looking forward to seeing the Eastern front preview at the Westcoaster.^&cool The surprise sounds good too:wink2:^&grin



We know 1 thing there not winterized yet............^&grin
Wayne, do you reckon you'll go for the Eastern front items?


Only if a STUKA appears on the Eastern horizon..............^&grin
i will say NO but ive said no that many times before,so will wait and see.
Only if a STUKA appears on the Eastern horizon..............^&grin
i will say NO but ive said no that many times before,so will wait and see.

Same here mate, wouldn't mind a pound for everytime I've said no and a few weeks later hitting the order button!:wink2:

At last my primary targets for this year are looming over the horizon! I have my sights now zeroed in March 10! :wink2: Can't wait to see what's coming from the east!!!!!
At last my primary targets for this year are looming over the horizon! I have my sights now zeroed in March 10! :wink2: Can't wait to see what's coming from the east!!!!!

And just over four weeks to go!{bravo}}

Waiting for those Russian items to hit the market. Good to see K&C posting on a `regular` basis. ^&grin
However to describe the original paint scheme as “visual vomit” is a tad extreme… even for some of the “Internet Bravadoes” who prowl around cyberspace.


I would like it entered into the record that this was an example of incredible restraint on my part. I hated it from day 1...only snapped this past weekend.

But I really do like your recent work on greying down the Panzer Yellow. Keep going with it & I might even start collecting them & get into a new front
The 75mm first then the taxi with more infantry. I'm happy for all the Eastern Front collectors to get there Russians.
That would be great , 1914 french artillery
Really like the early french
Keep them comming KC
Looking forward to having fun w/ the forthcoming Eastern Front items! Will Gordon be accompanying his new Eastern Front dio at the Westcoaster? See you there and thanks for the post. Best, Joe
King & Country;461481this is what toy soldiers is really all about… Having fun… and sharing it with others… No agendas said:
I couldn't agree more. The best part of the forum is sharing our collections with like minded collectors who appreciate and enjoy the things I like. Being negative and putting things down is not enjoyable to me. I see this forum as a way to add to my enjoyment, not take away from it! {eek3} I've often found myself backing away from certain posts, members, and sections because of all the negativity. I ventured to the forum in my homeland to see what all the fuss was about...........not my idea of adding enjoyment to a hobby I greatly enjoy. :( To each their own I guess but being negative and spewing venom around is a waste of my time and my energies are best put elsewhere.

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