A good time to buy from the UK (1 Viewer)

Feb 14, 2011
Well with the £ reaching record low levels there has never been a better time to buy your toy soldiers from the UK especially if you live outside the European Union you will benefit from an extra 20% off retail prices by being exempt from the VAT. There are plenty of toy soldier companies to choose from. The £ being weak will inevitably push up prices but at the moment there are plenty of good priced soldiers to buy from the in the UK. not just my soldiers there are many others to choose from Ready 4Action,Empire,Imperial,Little Legion and more:salute::.
The current exchange rate is the best it's been for some time, but would still cost $2NZ for every pound spent, so unfortunately that great for us down under I'm afraid.

Thanks for posting though.
The current exchange rate is the best it's been for some time, but would still cost $2NZ for every pound spent, so unfortunately that great for us down under I'm afraid.

Thanks for posting though.

Hello Desertkiwi, did you factor in that you do not need to pay VAT too? That's an additional 20% off the retail price by itself, you should be looking at the prices less VAT if that helps. I had no clue about this VAT exclusion till recently and promptly bought a bunch of soldiers upon discovery. Can't help but feel sorry for the UK collectors who have to pay such high VAT rates though! :(
The current exchange rate is the best it's been for some time, but would still cost $2NZ for every pound spent, so unfortunately that great for us down under I'm afraid.

Thanks for posting though.

In USD it's also not favorable. If I order a Cold Steel Miniatures figure from the UK that costs £60 (£50 after VAT is excluded), that equates to $72. If I order the same figure from Sager's Soldiers that equates to $70. Moreover, I haven't factored in shipping. Bill Sager doesn't charge shipping whereas the shipping charge from the UK is £14.50.
Well with the £ reaching record low levels there has never been a better time to buy your toy soldiers from the UK especially if you live outside the European Union you will benefit from an extra 20% off retail prices by being exempt from the VAT.

Depends on the level of GST (i.e. VAT) and/or import taxes that are levied by the customs and excise at the point of entry. {sm2}
In USD it's also not favorable. If I order a Cold Steel Miniatures figure from the UK that costs £60 (£50 after VAT is excluded), that equates to $72. If I order the same figure from Sager's Soldiers that equates to $70. Moreover, I haven't factored in shipping. Bill Sager doesn't charge shipping whereas the shipping charge from the UK is £14.50.

Yeah I hear ya Brad, the shipping is often expensive from the UK to down here, plus if the item is valued over $450nz we get hit with our GST (ie VAT).

I'm not moaning and no disrespect to my UK friends, but the postage alone usually makes buying from the UK too expensive. Most of us down here only buy from Oz or the US now-a-days.

I also remember when 1 pound sterling was worth $3.50nz. The exchange rate with the Aussie & US dollars is just that much better.

With the UK leaving Europe and the pound dropped against the dollar again it might be a good time to buy toy soldiers from Britain.
I am doing free shipping on all cold steel international orders.

I suppose it will depend on where you are in the world and what currencies you use.
It could be worth a look.

Regards Iwan
The border effect with the countries of the European Union may hurt sales, pay customs duties.
The border effect with the countries of the European Union may hurt sales, pay customs duties.

I think it's a bit soon to speculate but a lot of British businesses will suffer myself included especially if people think there is a recession coming and they stop spending. Maybe KC uk won't be the only ones leaving the TS industry.

It's gotta be a good time to buy from the UK now, with the dollar down to 1.24 against the pound also still free shipping on all Cold Steel Soldiers around the world. Why not take advantage.

It's gotta be a good time to buy from the UK now, with the dollar down to 1.24 against the pound also still free shipping on all Cold Steel Soldiers around the world. Why not take advantage.


For our friends overseas I agree and I hope they take advantage of this to add to their collections, but it sure is a rotten time for us in UK to buy anything from abroad with the exchange rate at present !
Bought some of your pieces from the Guards Museum shop on a recent U.K. Visit and very pleased with workmanship - excellent quality.

Never buy online but as I've seen some of your pieces, think I might just send you an order as the HKD GBP fantastic at moment.
For our friends overseas I agree and I hope they take advantage of this to add to their collections, but it sure is a rotten time for us in UK to buy anything from abroad with the exchange rate at present !

Steve I know exactly what you re saying, I have to buy all my soldiers from overseas in USD and getting hammered on the exchange rate. Also the pound seems to keep dropping with little prospect of it getting back to where it used to be.

Bought some of your pieces from the Guards Museum shop on a recent U.K. Visit and very pleased with workmanship - excellent quality.

Never buy online but as I've seen some of your pieces, think I might just send you an order as the HKD GBP fantastic at moment.

Thank you for your kind words and support by buying them and I am made up that you like them.

I am so glad there are still places left where you can go in and look at the soldiers, pick them up if you want to. I know a lot of collectors who will not buy on line they prefer to make a journey to a shop or show but sadly the online business is taking over.

Anyway hats off to the guards for keeping the shop going in London.

Thank you for your kind words and support by buying them and I am made up that you like them.

I am so glad there are still places left where you can go in and look at the soldiers, pick them up if you want to. I know a lot of collectors who will not buy on line they prefer to make a journey to a shop or show but sadly the online business is taking over.

Anyway hats off to the guards for keeping the shop going in London.


I spent a very pleaseant afternoon in the shop and you'll be please to know that out of all the manufacturers we discussed (pretty much everyone) they were extremely complimentary about your work
Been reading an interesting article on model train prices and I think its likely to be the same for TS collectors, here in the UK.


Going by the recent fall in value of the Pound, I'd like to see the manufacturers prices remaining stable.
But I suppose that is going to be a forlorn hope as they have their pressures too.
I think for us in the UK we are likely see prices rising steeply so that sales for all manufacturers could well be falling off in the UK for a while.

As one of the aforementioned train sellers I can say that my international business has gone up considerably over the last couple of months . The ironic thing is that I am shipping stock from the US then selling it back there or to Canada . I am having a record year and am not too worried if Novemebr or December fall a little flat as I have doubled the previous 10 months revenue already .

The guy that specialises in the little blue tank , # 1 store for the #1 engine

Been reading an interesting article on model train prices and I think its likely to be the same for TS collectors, here in the UK.


Going by the recent fall in value of the Pound, I'd like to see the manufacturers prices remaining stable.
But I suppose that is going to be a forlorn hope as they have their pressures too.
I think for us in the UK we are likely see prices rising steeply so that sales for all manufacturers could well be falling off in the UK for a while.

Good to hear you are doing well so far, though what I took from the article was that it's not what export sales you are doing now so much as to what's happening past the immediate future when new stock arrives at higher prices that will halt most export trade and which will make collecting more expensive for UK collectors to buy, further pushing down sales.
For myself as I mostly collect Naps, where more than one of each figure is needed, such as when trying to assemble a diorama featuring a British Square, then I certainly will be having second thoughts.
I think perhaps some dealers / manufacturers must of already felt this with previous price rises putting off many collectors, as an example, fewer TS dealers in the UK now stocking First Legion figures.


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