The quiet before the storm?{sm3} -- Alprice has already been raised nothing yet on accuracy
The quiet before the storm?{sm3} -- Alprice has already been raised nothing yet on accuracy
You know, I don't think there will be a storm this time. Most people really like the Typhoon,I'm sure the Light Horse figures will be much enjoyed by our Aussie friends as will be the Naps by collectors of those . Its all quiet so far, but I suppose its still early doors!^&grin:wink2:
You know, I don't think there will be a storm this time. Most people really like the Typhoon,I'm sure the Light Horse figures will be much enjoyed by our Aussie friends as will be the Naps by collectors of those . Its all quiet so far, but I suppose its still early doors!^&grin:wink2:
Gents...we're not going to rehash any debates from the Canadian Forum. If you have issues with what's said up there...
Simple answer: the usual suspects have not been usual....
and to them I say "Thank You" in all sincerity.
As long as there is a forum I'm sure there will be arguments from time to time, it's kids in the sandpit after all, once it gets personal that's when I've had enough.It's a shame FL were given a bit of a baptism of fire when they arrived as it split the forum. Personally I've always said I don't see why as adults we can't appreciate products we don't collect?. It's just a shame that both K&C and FL collectors are now both known as extreme camps as it were. If people want to argue they can go right ahead, I've grown very weary of the whole thing to be honest.
Howard, you do have to love the Typhoon , I thought it would be good but am really knocked out by it and it's ground crew. I think I need another Nissen hut!
No riff here with K&C for this First Legion guy, but yea Rob I know there has been some serious arguments (some good, some not so good) between collectors of both companies and I'm with you, let the other guy buy and spend his coin on what he wants, and going forward hopefully collectors from both companies can have discussions about the hobby, seems to working so far...Sammy