A year I'll never forget (2 Viewers)


Oct 30, 2007
Can't say I'll miss 2023, probably the worst year I've had since my mother died when I was very young, short of it, had a partial tear in my right ACL knee, and lingering bone Spur in my right, I took off a bunch of time earlier in the year, used up all my vacation, personal time instead of getting it fixed, became a couch potato, gained a bunch of weight, got behind on expenses, bills and such, basically went into a depression instead of dealing with my issues....finally after discussions with family and a new Doctor, there is light at the end ofvthe 2023 Tunnel, I'm moving home to Virginia or Maryland in the new year, getting my old job back, recover from knee surgery and begin a new chapter back home!! Love Arizona but I need to be with family and friends...with all the shitt that went wrong this year, I still have the love of my hobby and in hopes once there is some normalcy in life again I can return to collecting a set here and there, my apologies to George as I couldn't make a payment for a pre order on a item and again I apologize, same as Dave at aTM Terrain, he spent time on building a diorama and I kept putting it off, lessons learned, don't buy or order what you don't have, even if intentions are good...anyway, Depression is real, and can become dangerous, I always thought people put to much into it until it happened to me, I thank Jesus there is hope and a new beginning in 2024. 🙏
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Sounds like you have turned the page and a new brighter chapter is upon you. Best for 2024 and beyond. Robin.
Good luck, Sammy! We've all had years like that. I hope you bounce back and have a better 2024.
Sorry to hear all that Sammy. As you get older, life does seem to get more difficult. Health, job, family responsibilities. But every crisis has its end. The good, bad, and indifferent are all transitory. Eventually they all pass and something new arises. You only have control over so much. And as Tom Petty said "Most things I worry about never happen anyway."
Sorry to hear all that Sammy. As you get older, life does seem to get more difficult. Health, job, family responsibilities. But every crisis has its end. The good, bad, and indifferent are all transitory. Eventually they all pass and something new arises. You only have control over so much. And as Tom Petty said "Most things I worry about never happen anyway."

Thank you for your words, for the most part I have been lucky in life to be healthy, happy ( mostly) but I've learned some hard lessons, went to some dark places that I never want to visit again....better days ahead 🙏
All the best butch this year has not been a good year for me either so like you looking forward to 2024, if you wanna chat mate you know how to get in touch take care brother.
Sammy, a new year beckons so hopefully things turn brighter for you in 2024 and that being around family gives you the support system you need. This is a trite expression but there is some truth to it: “it’s darkest before the dawn.”

All the best to you for the future.

All the best butch this year has not been a good year for me either so like you looking forward to 2024, if you wanna chat mate you know how to get in touch take care brother.

Thanks Butch, not many ol timers left on this forum and it's good to be able to write or call and chat once in awhile with others, to 2024 and hoping better days for we Butchers!!!!
Sammy, a new year beckons so hopefully things turn brighter for you in 2024 and that being around family gives you the support system you need. This is a trite expression but there is some truth to it: “it’s darkest before the dawn.”

All the best to you for the future.


Thanks Brad!! I appreciate your words and agree 100% that days are often darkest before Dawn, and hopefully the darkest days are behind me, thank you again for your kind words.
All the best to you Sammy. May you have many many happy days ahead.
Thanks Brad!! I appreciate your words and agree 100% that days are often darkest before Dawn, and hopefully the darkest days are behind me, thank you again for your kind words.

One thing I’d suggest doing is contacting George and David and try to make amends.
Thanks Steve, I appreciate your words, better days for sure.

Glad things are turning for the better.
Paddy, who has had depression from medical issues that have seriously compromised my ability to work up to my potential...
Hang in there, Sammy. Life is definitely a challenge but good friends, family and faith will see you through to better times.

Merry Christmas my friend.

Hang in there, Sammy. Life is definitely a challenge but good friends, family and faith will see you through to better times.

Merry Christmas my friend.

I appreciate Mark, already better days, looking forward to 2024 to be a year of living
Glad things are turning for the better.
Paddy, who has had depression from medical issues that have seriously compromised my ability to work up to my potential...

What I found out about depression is it is invisible, it hides in you, you feel and see events and happenings around you and you self implode.....first it starts out by just being unsocialable, withdrawn a bit, next you choose to stay home and become even more withdrawn, next comes the disconnection of friends, family, neighbors, now it gets real...you become a hermit, never leaving the home, glued ti the television, social media are your best friends, Food?? Order online and delivered at the door, never any outside contact, hide from the bill collectors, every knock is a panic attack, every call is looked at with suspicion??...but then someone will say hey, I taked to you and you seemed ok??...depression and lies go hand in hand, one needs the other to feed off, ..then finally we hit rock bottom!!! Suicide?? Not for me, dark thoughts?? Absolutely...do I live on the couch and rot away from fear or do I try and fight back??...if you never experienced real full blown depression consider yourself lucky, ...a great friend whom I owe the world opened my eyes, and now it is time to keep a promise and move on with life, be thankful for what I have, not what can I get, a happy home, job, family and a few friends is what's most important, one step at a time.

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