ACW - Much Needed Reinforcements (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2008
These new WB figures showed up at my doorstep today. Two new figures to supplement both my Union and Confederate artillery crews and 5 new much needed Confederate infantry reinforcements. These will soon be added to "My Battleground" diorama . . .
:smile2: Mike

WB #31085 Confederate Artillery Crewman Holding Trail Spike

This is the first Confederate artillery crewman add-on and represents the #3 crewman holding the gun's trail spike which he will use to turn the gun left or right at the bidding of the gunner as the gunner aims the gun at its intended target. I have him pictured with my Don Troiani Historical Miniatures 3-inch Ordnance Rifle.


WB #31084 Union Artillery Crewman Holding Worm

This is the third Union artillery crewman add-on that's been released and represents the #2 crewman holding a worm which he will use to clean out any remaining debris that is left in the discharged gun. Previous to this figure, WB released a #1 crewman holding a sponge/ramrod and a #4 crewman holding a friction primer. This figure is stylized wearing knee-high boots with "butter fly" knee flaps. This was a popular boot of the period but was not an army "issue" boot. Regardless of the Union branch of service (Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery), enlisted men were issued the ankle high Jefferson Bootees also known as Brogans. This would have been a private purchase item that this individual bought to "personalize" his dapper look. These were expensive and would not have been worm by everybody in the unit due to the expense. What I like about this, is that Ken Osen, who did the sculpting, understands and is very knowledgeable about the fact that soldiers did make personal purchases to augment/personalize their "government issue" wardrobe.

Two more great new figures to add to the army Mike. Thanks for sharing them with us and for also providing a little history behind them.
. . . . last but certainly not least from left to right:

WB #31088 Confederate Infantry Ramming Cartridge, WB #31089 Confederate Infantry Standing Firing, WB #31090 Confederate Infantry Reaching for Cartridge, WB #31091 Confederat Infantry Defending, and WB #31092 Confederat Infantry Urging Troops Forward

All five of these figures show the effort that WB is making to make improvements in their product line, especially the painting. In my opinion, these figures are a good representation of mid-war Army of Northen Virginia infantry uniformed in what appears to be Richmond Depot Jackets and wearing Richmond Depot blue kersey trousers. Notice that their trouser cuffs are "unbloused" or rolled. This was very common practice in warmer weather which allowed more air flow and was cooler. Other nice details added to these figures are things like a looped knot tied into one of the haversack straps (#31089) - a common practice of the troops to make quick adjustments to the length of their haversack. Also, all the cartridge box slings are properly worn under each of their waist belts, and there are no patchwork repairs on their knees (so often done by other manufacturers). Its because of this kind of attention to historical detail why I collect WB/Ken Osen sculpted ACW. They are the most historically accurate ACW figures on the general TS market.

My new Confederate infantry defending a fence line . . .
:smile2: Mike

A Union gun and crew in action. Crewman #1 (Sponge/ramrod), Crewman #2 (WB #31084 w/Worm), Crewman #3 (behind guns trail spike), and Crewman #4 (friction primer and lanyard) . . . . All that's needed now is a gunner, and crewmen #5, #6, and #7
:smile2: Mike

A Confederate gun and crew in action. Having fired their last shell the Gunner is yelling for resupply. WB #31085 is standing ready with the gun's trail spike ever hopeful that more ammunition is on its way . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Combined with your H&A you have stunning collection Mike. Hopefully I will have a similar setup soon for my AZW. :)

Thanks for sharing !!
Great additions Mike:salute:::salute::


knew they wouldn't stay log in their boxes Mike shortly after their arrival an knowing you good sir it wouldn't be long before they appeared in front of your camera and headed our way. Kind of favor the Yankee crew an gun.
They look great. Thanks for the photos and the heads up that they're available now.
Very nice. I want the one with the worm and the man ramming the cartridge. Giood variations from Britains. Thanks for the great photos.
Thanks everyone; Scott Mark (RevWarBuff), Mark (Marco55), Panzer Meyer, Martyn, Chris, Michael, Joe, Nooooo9, Titus, and 6th WI . . . .

Scheduled for August release are two artillery sets, one Union, one Confederate . . .

:smile2: Mike
Britain's ACW figures are the best value for the money today!
The sculpting and painting keep improving.

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