ACW Reb Artillery Set (1 Viewer)

Bob could you identify the guy far right here for me?


Very interested to see where Figarti go next with this range

Having collected some of these in the past - my recollection is that is George McClellan on the far right.

This was very evident on Saturday when I left you and entered the hall he grabbed me to help him identify the Union/Reb generals sets. Customers had been asking him all morning who these characters were and he didn't have a clue. I gave him a quick thumbnail sketch of Longstreet; Jackson; Chamberlain; Thomas; Hood; Meade etc and he took notes. I was struck in particular with the figure of Ewell and the figures apparent "stiff" left leg and pointed out to Clive this was really impressive as Ewell had had his kneecap shot off at Second Manassas which led to his leg being amputated above the knee then replaced with a wooden version. You could clearly see this on the figure and it wowed me.


I think one of the Reb generals is Joseph Johnston instead of Ewell. But it's been a while since I collected these.
I think one of the Reb generals is Joseph Johnston instead of Ewell. But it's been a while since I collected these.

Yes on reflection you are probably right. Clive had told me on Saturday that a previous viewer had mentioned that the Joe Johnston/Ewell character had in fact had a wooden leg but Clive may have got that wrong as Sam Hood had also suffered the loss of a leg at Chickamauga. I naturally assumed the figure was Dick Ewell and pictures of both him and Joe Johnston bear an uncanny resemblance to each other and both were Lt Generals as indeed were the other three in the set.

Either way both Union and Reb sets really are something else and cannot be regarded as just toy soldiers. Thanks for putting the record straight.

"Despatches from Gettysburg" Love it ^&grin but I doubt very much the thread would get as many posters and hits as your monthly K&C post receives ;)

Yes as Combat has posted I had that Union character down as McClellan or as old Abe called him "His general with the slows"

Beautiful artillery set Bob :salute::

You know Clive is a bit of a dark horse, did he mention to you that he is an avid Trophy collector^&grin


I would be interested in picking up some but not all of these Generals and certainly not McClellan! :mad:

In addition, having seen more photos and read some comments here and elsewhere, I would probably be more inclined to purchase the First Legion Civil War figures.
I would be interested in picking up some but not all of these Generals and certainly not McClellan! :mad:

In addition, having seen more photos and read some comments here and elsewhere, I would probably be more inclined to purchase the First Legion Civil War figures.

Brad, for the sake of this novice, could you expand a bit re your McClellan comment?.

I think its very close between FL and Figarti ACW, have not seen a personality figure from FL yet so it will be good to compare when one is released.

To put in a nutshell, the government put great forces at his disposal but the only thing that McClellan wanted to do was drill not fight. Hence, the comment mentioned by Bob about "having the slows." Lincoln was constantly trying to get him to use the Army of the Potomac to attack the enemy but McClellan always found a reason why he couldn't and constantly overestimated the forces opposing him. He had no desire to disturb the South's property relations, i.e., slaves, and wanted to do nothing to disturb that. He had no interest in fighting a hard war, which what was needed.

On top of that, in private he constantly ran Lincoln down calling him the "original gorrilla." There is one incident where Lincoln came to see McClellan at his home but was told he was out so Lincoln waited for him. Eventually, he showed up and instead of seeing the President he went to bed and had a servant tell the President that he had gone to bed. For that he should have been fired but, unfortunately, Lincoln had no effective general to replace McClellan.
Yes I remember now the Ken Burns series which described how Lincoln was urging him to do something with little effect. Cheers Brad, its good to put names to faces,events, battles or debacles.

Yes I remember now the Ken Burns series which described how Lincoln was urging him to do something with little effect. Cheer Brad, its good to put names to faces,events, battles or debacles.



There were plenty of Union debacles until Grant came east and even then he had a couple of bramas himself
One of the problem with Union generals is that they were not specifically attuned to pursuing, destroying and killing the enemy, which caused Lincoln quite a bit of a anguish. See this letter from Lincoln to Meade that he never sent. The ones who seemed to grasp this concept better than most were Grant and Sherman.
Fascinating stuff Brad, thanks for the link. He was not happy was he!{eek3}

That's not the half of it. In his order congratulating his troops on the victory, Meade said their job was "now to drive from our soil every vestige of the presence of the invader."

This caused Lincoln great anguish. He exclaimed "Drive the invaders from our soil! My God! Is that all?" He called it a dreadful reminescence of McClellan. Exasperated he asked "Will our Generals never get that idea out of their heads? The whole country is our soil."

Lincoln would never countenance (and rightly so) what some of his officers seemed to subconsciously acknowledge: that there were two countries.
I think it's a Roman Candle firework ^&grin But he will soon be holding a lanyard as his arm has already been amputated in my work-shop.

On the train back from London I had a closer look at the set and decided it needed to be changed (Mike has since noticed this too re his post) but before actually cutting off the linstock and drilling his hand to take a wire lanyard I have this very night written to AeroArt to ask them what research the original artist/sculptor had undertaken for both the firer and the cannon (albeit perhaps a "hybrid" barrel and breech the whole gun has been beautifully cast and painted).

When and if I get their answer I'll report it back on here.

looks like some errors in their research to me. reminds me of hen KC did some CW figs years ago and had a Reb artillery officer listed as an infantry officer apparently confusing red with blue detailing
wasn't there a similar figure wiping his brow from a st petersburg artillery set? great set btw, really like it.
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been travelling for a few days and not been able to post.
Just to clear a few things up. The ACW sets are under the brand name Marco Polo which is a joint venture between Figarti and Aeroart with Thor providing the masters as it were and Rick providing the production (casting and painting). So not Figarti or for that matter Aeroart.
So maybe we need to start a Marco Polo thread?
As I mentioned to a few guys at the show it was the usual panic as the day became closer and although I had the full details of the sets my printer packed up and I didn;t have the details with me, so here's the accurate list of the generals depicted.
Mc:Lellan,Chamberlain,Sherman,Meade and set 2: Longstreet,Johnston,Hood,Jackson.

Re the artillery set questions, I know Thor has responded privately and I'll see if it's OK to post his response generally.

Rob, forgive me but it was great to see your face after telling you I'd have something not to be expected of us.

Reb, extremely grateful for your educational assistance and as usual the setup and picture is superb, by the way WW11 is only part of what I collect and if Martyn would give me a chance I might have a few more Trophy sets!!:)

Now if we're talking camels then that's different matter. It has to be said that you can never have too many camels, bought another 20 or so in my brief foray from the stand at the weekend.

Only 20? Trophy Camels are so expensive nowadays mate because you cornered the market several years ago!^&grin
It has to be said that you can never have too many camels, bought another 20 or so in my brief foray from the stand at the weekend.


I've already told you, it's a silly habit. It starts off with 20 Camels, just on a show day and before you know it, you're on 4 packs a day, with the Doctor giving you grief.
I'll have you know I had to pay a tidy sum for my "Grief" a WW11 halftrack if memory serves, the good Doctor doesn't give anything away. :)
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been travelling for a few days and not been able to post.
Just to clear a few things up. The ACW sets are under the brand name Marco Polo which is a joint venture between Figarti and Aeroart with Thor providing the masters as it were and Rick providing the production (casting and painting). So not Figarti or for that matter Aeroart.
So maybe we need to start a Marco Polo thread?
As I mentioned to a few guys at the show it was the usual panic as the day became closer and although I had the full details of the sets my printer packed up and I didn;t have the details with me, so here's the accurate list of the generals depicted.
Mc:Lellan,Chamberlain,Sherman,Meade and set 2: Longstreet,Johnston,Hood,Jackson.

Re the artillery set questions, I know Thor has responded privately and I'll see if it's OK to post his response generally.

Rob, forgive me but it was great to see your face after telling you I'd have something not to be expected of us.

Reb, extremely grateful for your educational assistance and as usual the setup and picture is superb, by the way WW11 is only part of what I collect and if Martyn would give me a chance I might have a few more Trophy sets!!:)
Now if we're talking camels then that's different matter. It has to be said that you can never have too many camels, bought another 20 or so in my brief foray from the stand at the weekend.


Clive, you know that's a load of WALLS {eek3}:tongue:


Glad they found a good home, after I found them for you, and at a discounted price^&grin



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