American Civil War - Release Schedule 2010 (1 Viewer)

That is absolutely splendid news Ken. I realize that you can't be very forthcoming. However the highly anticipated second wave this summer of dismounted Union Cavalry along with General John Buford gives incredible quality and dimension to the WM Britains ACW line. The previously released line of Confederate cavalry mounted figures in both generic as well as of the storied 1st Virginia Cavalry are most due for some balance in dismounted depictions and I'm sure the quality and accuracy will resonate with your timeless masterpieces. The portrayals of Rebel Cavalry Generals/Officers has been confined to J.E.B. Stuart, Bedford Forrest and John S. Mosby primarily. However a host of solid leaders from Fitzhugh Lee, Wade Hampton, "Grumble" Jones, and "Rooney" Lee would be at the top of my list. The cavalry leaders of the western theater are also worthy of consideration although their scope and style are somewhat different than the traditional eastern theater leaders from battlefield objective standpoints. The richness of the Britain's ACW cavalry line continues to evolve with incredible layers and dimensions. Can't wait for 2011 as this year the Union got all the love. Perhaps next year we will get your usual balanced return payoff. All the best.
"3rd Hussars New Jersey", a novelty in the range of the Union Cavalry for future releases, have a peculiar uniform.:eek:


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Francisco: Keep in mind that specialized uniforms like say the 1st U.S. Hussars more well known as the 3rd New Jersey Cavalry or "Butterflies, evolved into a regular attired Federal Cavalry unit over the course of the Civil War. Consider that the yellow hussar braided jackets were probably not in issue after 1862. To that end for the most part Civil War Cavalry was considered light cavalry, like Hussars from the classical French Napoleonic era. Early Union regiments like the 1st and 2nd US Dragoons with orange piped shell jackets and the US Mounted Rifles...literally mounted infantry and issued with green piped jackets were destined to become standard US Cavalry regiments complete with standard issue yellow piping by 1862. The point is early war depictions of both Union and Confederate cavalry haberdashery is an inexact science that some depictions require some conjecture and creative license and their look was destined to become changed rather quickly as the rigors of battle quickly tattered the look of the soldiers requiring replacement uniforms to be issued. With Britain's extensive rollout of standard US cavalry in the dismounted forms primarily for 2010 I see any distribution of a specialized Union Cavalry regiment in either mounted or dismounted form to be a few years off. Not to say that they would not be popular sellers but a specialized uniform depiction whether it be say Dragoons (US 1st and 2nd),Hussars (3rd NJ Cavalry), Mounted Rifles, Rush's Lancers (6th PA. Cavalry) etc is primarily an early war circa 1861-62 angle, a time when Confederate Cavalry routinely ran circles around Federal units due to superior horseman, better knowledge of the terrain and no gap in weaponry quality or quantities. The extensive painting required to depict a more ornate or specialized unit can drive up the cost of a line as for example hussar braided jackets require significatly more detailed painting to accomplish the look of the units initial mustering. I'm still hoping for additional 1st Virginia Cavalry preferably dismounted from Britains as the mounted figures are the cornerstone of my Britain's collection and Ken indicated that some dismounted Rebel's may be on the drawing board. I originally paid $25 to $30 for my mounted 1st Virginians and I suspect that is what dismounted figures based on the 2010 Union figures pricing are going to fetch so cost increases will be absorbed by the end buyer if they decide to release more specialized ACW units whether they are infantry,artillery or our favorites cavalry!
Fantastic, the Wizard in the Saddle will reappear!!!



As an fyi, I really do like Buford, I figure if Sam Elliott was willing to portray him in a movie, has to be an able officer!
Thank you for the information, you possess a wide knowledge of the evolution of the uniform of the cavalry that I was ignoring, I to have a collection of the federal cavalry with the standard uniform and the innovation in this peculiar uniforms wakes my interest, regards



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Francisco/Tom all: The purpose of a hobby message board is to convey what you want or think . To that end Britain's is an absolute gem of a manufacturer when it comes to the ACW. It is important to give ones knowledge and opinions as it helps the makers come up with designs that are historically accurate and have mass appeal. The end result is carefully articulated depictions of conflict long gone but worthy of historical consideration. In the context of preserving and understanding history I suspect our postings have validity and will be transformed into products to be viewed and enjoyed by future generations.
Everybody has their favorites and you can only do so much at a time. But if you are taking requests I would like more Union Infantry privates with black hats that are advancing to fill out the ranks of the Chosen Ground Sets coming out. And of course, William Tecumseh Sherman.
I would like to see some Berdan Sharpshooters and more cavalry figs!!
Hi All!
Sorry to be late responding to the interesting postings here. As pointed out the W. Britain team is really getting out to the various sites and events to get a feel for what folks are looking for.
ACW is a favorite to Richard and I both, having some connection either with family, our own interest in black powder living history or collecting.

This conflict could certainly supply a never ending list of subjects and variations for folks to build their collections with. As we move forward the ACW collection will offer more options as far as 'in theater' looks to help you get the look you want. I think it is useful to point out a couple of things from my perspective that should be factored in when building your ACW collection.

The bulk of the Federal releases have been 9 button frock coats and 4 button sack coats. This style uniform is by far the most common style of dress by Federal troops during the war and is easy to confirm with period photography and surviving uniforms. Tis is true for all areas of operations.
The one area we will address here soon is to include more private purchase headgear, some state issue shell jackets and import firearms. This should round things out nicely for Western units

The Confederate troops have had a good mix of frock coats and depot jackets with a mix of hat and cap styles. Although I think this is very representative, we will probably be looking at some of the uniforms that made their appearance in good numbers such as state issued frock coats with trim and import clothing along with Confederate manufactured caps.

No collection would be complete without some of the foreign influenced uniforms that were so popular in the pre war period and were worn in some variations throughout the war.

I know that some of you feel that we are taking forever to make the unique uniforms you might want, but please be patient. We have already produced 80 + figure patterns alone with more coming. (see the 2005-09 Collector's Guidebook and then add more that will appear in future supplements)
Please keep the requests coming because we listen and have fun collecting.

All the Best!
Ken Osen
Ken is being modest - he just delivered Civil War figure number 220!!!!
Some western federal troops in their bummer hats would be awesome.
and yellow or red handkerchiefs around his neck like in the movies :D


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This figures
are nice, but caps are strange ; I can't understand why are so high ! Never see that!

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