Andy's Cartoon (6 Viewers)

Ditto. Makes you think he missed his calling (although the toy soldier industry must provide him with lots of ideas...
I am also interested in a framed print. In addition, Andy was a commercial graphic artist before getting sidetracked by toy soldiers so you could say he left his original calling.;)
Perhaps ... this cartoon can take up the rear page of the next issue of K&C's Collector magazine.

Autographs are optional

Old Dragon,

That's a great idea....:)
Probably breaks all copyright laws, but it could then be scanned and framed. That way we would all have the opportunity to have a copy.:cool:

Put me down for one of the framed ones - I wont be in Chicago - so if you do this let us know so we can work something out.

Is anyone here who realised that the WSS104SL set is also historical incorrect?
Heydrich never used a green "Horch" as staff car.
From 1941 to 27th May 1942 he used a black Mercedes 320 B (1938).
This car can still be seen in a German museum.....

May be Mr. Neilson should spend more time in recherche than in painting cartoons.

This cartoon only proves and reminds us that K &C has done a lot of mistakes in recherche in the past and Mr. Neilson does not like critic (see also the "Gestapo car incident" and "Rammjäger" discussion).

And what is the reaction here in the forum: they even want to buy the cartoon....unbelievable!
Never saw so many "uncritical" disciples.
This cartoon only proves and reminds us that K &C has done a lot of mistakes in recherche in the past and Mr. Neilson does not like critic (see also the "Gestapo car incident" and "Rammjäger" discussion).

And what is the reaction here in the forum: they even want to buy the cartoon....unbelievable!
Never saw so many "uncritical" disciples.

I think the reason behind the cartoon is exactly because there are so many "critical" disciples, as you put it.

And the reaon behind people wanting to buy the prints of the cartoon, is because it characterises so many of the individual traits that forum members present in their postings here.

Emmm, excuse me Adolf, I certainly never mentioned anything about BUYING the cartoon (?) - I'm Scottish, so perish the thought....:rolleyes::rolleyes: I simply agreed it would be a great idea to have it on the back cover of a future collectors magazine (A4 hopefully) and then it could be scanned (ie. ripped off) and framed by anyone who wanted a copy - not just those who might be present at the next toy soldier show.

BTW, personally I couldn't give a flying monkeys whether scumbag Heydrich's car is the correct colour or not. The more I study photos of the set, the more I'm attracted to buying it and incorporating it into an expanded display that reflects my admiration for the different Resistance groups who sprang up in the Nazi occupied countries during WW2. Just need to track down more civilian figures I can use as Resistance fighters.

For those who seem to get innordinately hung up about these things :confused:, I hear that Halfords sell a range of auto spay paints. Pretty certain a tin of gloss black can be picked up cheaply enough. Please remember that the ashtray was (maybe) blown out of the car dash due to the explosion. Hope no-one misses the fact that the cigarrette butts wouldn't have had filter tips. This would really be a dead giveawy at 1/30 scale.....:rolleyes::rolleyes: I say maybe cos no-one knows for sure - there's no photographic or historical evidence for the "ashtray" incident. There is however, plenty of photographic and historical evidence for the Nazi's cruelty towards those who found themselves under their power.
PS. Adolf, I look forward to you making corporal on this forum. Endless wind-up opportunities present themselves.....:D:D:D
Only kidding. Welcome aboard.
I think Andy's cartoon puts it in a nut shell. Lighten up on the I wants and must have, and whos is right and wrong, its a Hobby, things are better now, than they have ever been in this Hobby. Great cartoon, Mike:)

I think he's looking for a reaction so I wouldn't get too excited, plus I think the issue has been discussed. My suggestion to him would be to contact Andy directly if he would like to discuss the Heydrich issue.
My post was a mickey-take. Yet another rivet counter not happy unless he's miserable. :D
The "Adloph from Austria" was a dead giveaway anyway.:p
Maybe it's Andy, just trying to get a rise out of us! :eek:

Ha Ha, never thought of that.....:p
You know the man better than me, but from what I've seen on this forum, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it is indeed the Head Honcho taking the mickey....:eek::eek:
"Adolf from Austria" - its just gotta be a wind-up:)
...the Head Honcho taking the mickey...


Who's the Head Honcho and what is the mickey?

Nothing behind my question, it is just that I do not understand that part of your post. Is it an expression? And what does it mean?

My post was a mickey-take. Yet another rivet counter not happy unless he's miserable. :D
The "Adloph from Austria" was a dead giveaway anyway.:p

Seems like a perfectly legitimate question that Andy never answered. Getting both the color and model of the car wrong is a far cry from rivet counting. Why not say oops I got it wrong or maybe he did it in grey for some reason and its done. No big deal or silliness necessary.

Who's the Head Honcho and what is the mickey?

Nothing behind my question, it is just that I do not understand that part of your post. Is it an expression? And what does it mean?



Both expressions:

Head Honcho - the chief, boss etc, and
Taking the mickey - Taking the p*ss, being totally unreasonable, or having a laugh at another's expense (eg 'You're taking the mickey out of me').

Funny how expressions that are taken for granted in one country, are never heard of in another.

Bit like the word fanny in America and in the UK
I thought the british slang for backside was "bum" ? Which here is a person who does not work. Or bum as a verb, as in bummuing a cigaret or *** as the brits call them. Confoosin' ain't it?
I once heard on an Americna adventure type sitcom teh coast gaurds threatening to blow two young lady's F***** off if they didn't stop their boat at once. They were the heroines tryuing to save the day as alwas. It made me sit right up I can tell you that. It means the same thing in SA as in the UK but not the USA.

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