Anglo Zulu wars - same old stuff! (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jan 8, 2015
You cannot deny that the AZW theater is a big hit with collectors. When I first got to see 'Zulu' in the mid 1970's as a young 9 year old I desperately wanted to reenact the battle with my toy soldiers. My plastic armies of Airfix and Britains details figures did nothing for this colorful period in history. I had to let my imagination run wild as troops from other eras fought at Rorkes Drift.

Now its a different story as a mature man with money to spend on hobbies the Zulu War seems awash with figures I can purchase. I started with the WB gloss series and Rorkes Drift diorama when I first started collecting toy soldiers in 2001. But things really took off in 2006 when WB went for matte AZW figures and buildings in a big way. I responded and over the next 5 or so years bought every figure and scenic piece they produced. I added some Frontline figures and more recently Conte, Collectors Showcase and Thomas Gunn. But unless anything really different comes out I have now stopped my purchasing - focusing on other conflicts.

I love setting up the Rorkes Drift or Isandlwana dioramas but apart from maybe a rocket team, green clad 60th rifles (I have a couple from TG) more cavalry (Heritage do some nice looking lancers). Maybe a Zulu village - and what about an ox wagon drawn by some ox - I am done with the range.

But its no bad thing for WB and others to keep repeating the red clad British 24th foot and ebony Zulu warriors. People come to the hobby at different times and if you can't get the basics why would you start a collection. They obviously still sell well otherwise they would have been discontinued.

So for me I am after different things (its rather the same with my ACW collecting) which is great and brings much diversity to my collection. I won't miss the clamshell packs though. I hate trying to figure out which Zulu goes in which plastic container when packing them away!



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Agree Gary, for 2 battles occurring on the same day, this range especially by Britain's has been done extensively. Also considering winding back on this conflict, unless something materialises like the rocket team, mounted or personalities. Happy to know that current collectors are catching up with the series still and new collectors are discovering a wealth of product to indulge in. You would have to be happy with your layout, really captures the events of the day. Was looking at the FL new Zulu (11), but at almost $100 Aust each, will give them a miss. I feel the bulk of my money will be going to the ECW this year. Thanks again for sharing your photos, our armies are just separated by a small piece of ocean.^&grin, Robin.
Agree Gary, for 2 battles occurring on the same day, this range especially by Britain's has been done extensively. Also considering winding back on this conflict, unless something materialises like the rocket team, mounted or personalities. Happy to know that current collectors are catching up with the series still and new collectors are discovering a wealth of product to indulge in. You would have to be happy with your layout, really captures the events of the day. Was looking at the FL new Zulu (11), but at almost $100 Aust each, will give them a miss. I feel the bulk of my money will be going to the ECW this year. Thanks again for sharing your photos, our armies are just separated by a small piece of ocean.^&grin, Robin.

Thanks for your message Robin. An Aussie collecting ECW! When I lived in the UK I did a fair amount of research concerning the ECW and my home town of Exeter. Royalist stronghold with old Roman and medieval walls beefed up to keep the Parliamentarians out. King Charles spent some time in the city and his wife gave birth to their last child (Princess Henrietta) there. There was a quite a battle around the southern gate to the city which initially was thought to be a small skirmish but archaeological evidence points to a significant engagement.

I have gone for ECW with Heritage miniatures and ATS (got another 10 Musketeers on the way from the UK). Might add Empire Miniatures figures but have so far resisted K&C due to size. I have also started a collection of English Tudor armies.
That's a great connection Gary, can see why you are keen on ECW. For me it's the colour and range, plus it is a substitute for Napoleonic which I left too late to collect and is now too daunting in numbers and variety to consider. I have my eye on the mounted Empire figures, but fortunately K&C are doing these also, so I can resist those. Keep your amazing photos coming. Cheers, Robin.


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AZW was one of my early collections, nice to see your dios Robin and Gary. I don't have the ambulance or artillery limber, ran out of space. :rolleyes2: Still one of my favorite lines. Chris

Chris your diorama's are excellent, remember looking at these over the last few years which kept my inspiration going. The limber and hospital wagon are still available, but not cheap, great iconic pieces though. Really like your terrain mat and backdrop. Robin.
Hopefully you'll like the next release I'm making for the Heritage AZW range! Pictures in the next couple of weeks.^&grin

Wonderful collection, my collection (being a purist) is just the Britains line. Just missing a few figures to complete the set so far.
Great pics, really enjoy seeing large scale scenes with the various makers' figures battling it out. Colorful, dramatic and well put-together. Cheers, lad.

nice collection and nice display of the Zulu Wars...

I used to collect them...


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You have nailed the display Mike, all the elements are there, can see why no need to continue to collect these. Done and dusted, great show piece. Robin.
Hi Robin and Gary,
Great sets of dios....massed clashes and stubborn defenders...


Great summary of how ZULU influenced you and I can surely say the same applied to me....
After the film I also wanted to reenact the scenes .... got to Reading every piece of literature I could lay my hands on related to the battles ....
Now a days 40 years later and with some disposable cash I have gone into creating my own 24th foot battle columns...The ones to influence me here were WB, Little Legion, Trophy and Tradition of London.....
But as with everything the collecting evolved into two different axis...Victorian for sure, but more towards the Empire Armies in Sudan and those in the Two Boer Wars, and artillery....being the AZW theme still very much present on the shelves but not receiving as much attention as the Sudan/Boer/Indian Northwestern periods, and here Obee and Martin Tabony were key is givining me the extra push....the other axis being WW1 and French Foreign Legion
I would say that these new periods came into the centre of my collecting due to the great assortment or artillery pieces and the ever fascinating appearance on the battle field of the Gatling,Nordenfelt and the fantastic Maxim......

Last but not least you have great sets/dios, the mass of Zulus challenging the thin red lines,... is just least I spotted one Gatling....they better use it wisely for the small 7 pdrs are history by now and commander Arthur Harness' battery must on his last salvo before being overrun....Some narratives give that the small caliber of the 7pdrs were usless for the projectiles bounced off on the thick grass.....can you imagine how desperate the gunners were .......

You cannot deny that the AZW theater is a big hit with collectors. When I first got to see 'Zulu' in the mid 1970's as a young 9 year old I desperately wanted to reenact the battle with my toy soldiers. My plastic armies of Airfix and Britains details figures did nothing for this colorful period in history. I had to let my imagination run wild as troops from other eras fought at Rorkes Drift.

Now its a different story as a mature man with money to spend on hobbies the Zulu War seems awash with figures I can purchase. I started with the WB gloss series and Rorkes Drift diorama when I first started collecting toy soldiers in 2001. But things really took off in 2006 when WB went for matte AZW figures and buildings in a big way. I responded and over the next 5 or so years bought every figure and scenic piece they produced. I added some Frontline figures and more recently Conte, Collectors Showcase and Thomas Gunn. But unless anything really different comes out I have now stopped my purchasing - focusing on other conflicts.

I love setting up the Rorkes Drift or Isandlwana dioramas but apart from maybe a rocket team, green clad 60th rifles (I have a couple from TG) more cavalry (Heritage do some nice looking lancers). Maybe a Zulu village - and what about an ox wagon drawn by some ox - I am done with the range.

But its no bad thing for WB and others to keep repeating the red clad British 24th foot and ebony Zulu warriors. People come to the hobby at different times and if you can't get the basics why would you start a collection. They obviously still sell well otherwise they would have been discontinued.

So for me I am after different things (its rather the same with my ACW collecting) which is great and brings much diversity to my collection. I won't miss the clamshell packs though. I hate trying to figure out which Zulu goes in which plastic container when packing them away!

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Hi Robin and Gary,
Great sets of dios....massed clashes and stubborn defenders...


Great summary of how ZULU influenced you and I can surely say the same applied to me....
After the film I also wanted to reenact the scenes .... got to Reading every piece of literature I could lay my hands on related to the battles ....
Now a days 40 years later and with some disposable cash I have gone into creating my own 24th foot battle columns...The ones to influence me here were WB, Little Legion, Trophy and Tradition of London.....
But as with everything the collecting evolved into two different axis...Victorian for sure, but more towards the Empire Armies in Sudan and those in the Two Boer Wars, and artillery....being the AZW theme still very much present on the shelves but not receiving as much attention as the Sudan/Boer/Indian Northwestern periods, and here Obee and Martin Tabony were key is givining me the extra push....the other axis being WW1 and French Foreign Legion
I would say that these new periods came into the centre of my collecting due to the great assortment or artillery pieces and the ever fascinating appearance on the battle field of the Gatling,Nordenfelt and the fantastic Maxim......

Last but not least you have great sets/dios, the mass of Zulus challenging the thin red lines,... is just least I spotted one Gatling....they better use it wisely for the small 7 pdrs are history by now and commander Arthur Harness' battery must on his last salvo before being overrun....Some narratives give that the small caliber of the 7pdrs were usless for the projectiles bounced off on the thick grass.....can you imagine how desperate the gunners were .......
Hi Artillery Crazy. Really nice story and interesting blurb as to how your collection has progressed. I would love to get a bit more Boer War stuff in my collection with only the WB centenary set and some Regal mounted NZ rifles for this period. If you have any shots of your figures from this era would love to see them.

And thanks also for the kind words - I do not currently have permanent displays set up as my collection is too large and have been busy emigrating from the UK to NZ, divorce, re-marriage, kids, a busy and demanding job, two centre living (city apartment and country weekend house) etc all take their toll in terms of money and time. One day though.....

I have found that setting up (and repacking - ahhh) the collection and taking photos is a great way (and for me the only way) to enjoy the hobby of collecting toy soldiers.

My passion in terms of what to collect is a bit of everything - trying to cover as many periods, conflicts and armies as possible. No easy task.


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