Anonymity and the Forum (1 Viewer)

A continuing issue that has arisen once again is that some people think there is some sort of conspiracy against K & C and or Andy Neilson.

Personally I'm just a keen collector that really doesn't care who makes the models as long as they get made at a reasonable cost. Consequently I apply positive or negative comments based on who has brought out what lately and what I would like to buy. And I think I am part of the majority here, albeit we all want slightly different items.

To be frank, and I usually am ;) If I was a military model factory owner, I wouldn't be saying anything controversial about any forum member/potential customer. And I wouldn't be making what I want. I would be producing what the majority of the customers wanted. To do otherwise is very likely to upset customers and dealers, and maybe even moderators.
I would generally agree with Oz. Now, as I posted in the now closed thread, I understand why he was upset. However, when you are the biggest toy soldier company around, you're going to get criticism -- it just comes with the territory -- and I think you have to let it bounce off of you. People are going to say what they want to say.
I would generally agree with Oz. Now, as I posted in the now closed thread, I understand why he was upset. However, when you are the biggest toy soldier company around, you're going to get criticism -- it just comes with the territory -- and I think you have to let it bounce off of you. People are going to say what they want to say.

Absolutely, and by bothering to respond to them in a public arena you are really only pandering to their whims. I'd like to get that guy that said "there is no such thing as bad publicity" and point out where he was wrong - on several thousand occasions ;)
A continuing issue that has arisen once again is that some people think there is some sort of conspiracy against K & C and or Andy Neilson.

Personally I'm just a keen collector that really doesn't care who makes the models as long as they get made at a reasonable cost. Consequently I apply positive or negative comments based on who has brought out what lately and what I would like to buy. And I think I am part of the majority here, albeit we all want slightly different items.

To be frank, and I usually am ;) If I was a military model factory owner, I wouldn't be saying anything controversial about any forum member/potential customer. And I wouldn't be making what I want. I would be producing what the majority of the customers wanted. To do otherwise is very likely to upset customers and dealers, and maybe even moderators.
Very well said Oz. My thoughts as well.:)
Its funny how King & Country always seems to draw all the flack. I rarely

see people complaining about Britians, Honor Bound, Figarti, Forces of Valor,

or anyone else. But they always have something to say about King & Country.

The moment someone that happens to like King & Country makes a positive

comment.....thats it! They are instantly attacked simply for having an opinion.

Its a military miniature phenomenon.:eek::D
Its funny how King & Country always seems to draw all the flack. I rarely

see people complaining about Britians, Honor Bound, Figarti, Forces of Valor,

or anyone else. But they always have something to say about King & Country.

The moment someone that happens to like King & Country makes a positive

comment.....thats it! They are instantly attacked simply for having an opinion.

Its a military miniature phenomenon.:eek::D

Yo Trooper, I complained about Britains, didn't make me any Cavalry sets. Had to get Jeff to do them for me lol.:D.
Its funny how King & Country always seems to draw all the flack. I rarely see people complaining about Britians, Honor Bound, Figarti, Forces of Valor, or anyone else. But they always have something to say about King & Country.

The moment someone that happens to like King & Country makes a positive comment.....thats it! They are instantly attacked simply for having an opinion....
Interesting perspective; I certainly haven't noticed that to be the case. To the extent it does happen, it likely goes with the big dog position. It may also be an quite understandable reaction to the relative frequency and intensity of the K&C fan exuberance expressed here. As Oz noted, I think many if not most of us here don't care about who produces something but rather how it is produced. It is not an attack to express a contrary opinion.;):) Of course the more recent critical comments about K&C originated from its own controversial postings and not because of the fact of the opinion but rather the baggage that it came with.
Its funny how King & Country always seems to draw all the flack. I rarely

see people complaining about Britians, Honor Bound, Figarti, Forces of Valor,

or anyone else. But they always have something to say about King & Country.

The moment someone that happens to like King & Country makes a positive

comment.....thats it! They are instantly attacked simply for having an opinion.

Its a military miniature phenomenon.:eek::D

I think your wrong as The Collector's Showcase have come in for loads of flak with the Tiger & Brain has taken it on the chin
What wrong with freedom of speech :confused:
Nothing as long as one side allows the other to have their say. Look at all

the fuss over a few people sticking up for King & Country.

Its simply not allowed!

Why your in the tank, for them......its nonsense.:eek:
Nothing as long as one side allows the other to have their say. Look at all

the fuss over a few people sticking up for King & Country.

Its simply not allowed!

Why your in the tank, for them......its nonsense.:eek:

Well I can't wait for K&C King tiger when it come out this month & look at all the great vehicles they made , loads of choice
Always wanted some British Arnhem paras & thanks to K&C I have :)
Long my it last ;)
Very nice.......lets just hope you aren't attacked for saying something

"positive"..........oh he's another one of "those guys":D

I finally broke down and ordered the FOB43 Armoured Car......which looks

really cool.......and its rumored a M26 is headed here as well.:D
Very nice.......lets just hope you aren't attacked for saying something

"positive"..........oh he's another one of "those guys":D

I finally broke down and ordered the FOB43 Armoured Car......which looks

really cool.......and its rumored a M26 is headed here as well.:D

M26 would be Very cool :cool:
Figarti in the early days was attacked with vigor. Everything from your figures suck to intentional misspelling of their company name. Even now you here comments about your figures are improving but..... Collectors showcase is constantly hammered about everything. Where are the cries of foul when this occurs? Britains has endured many sly remarks by posters and yet no cry of foul. Just obseravtions I have made over and over and ya'll still wonder why this is called a K&C forum.
Let's see John Jenkins figures look like neanderthals, HB prices are too high, Collectors Showcase figures look like zombies..... I'm sure I read all that somewhere. The only real difference is the attitude of the owner toward real or perceived criticism.
This may have started out as a principally K & C forum but thanks to Shannon, the Forum has greatly expanded to include all categories of toy soldier collecting. We never thought the plastics categories of the Forum would draw that much interest but I'm happy to say I'm wrong.

We have strong interest in all the big companies besides K & C: Britains, Figarti, John Jenkins, Collectors Showcase and many others. Now, people are going to say what they want: whether they like this or not that sculpting, figure, what have you. I believe no company is immune nor should it be. It just comes with the territory. As a manufacturer, you consider some and reject some.

All in all, I think this is a fairly balanced forum. Yes, K & C does draw a lot of interest because it is the biggest and many new collectors have gravitated to K & C. John and Spitfrnd have raised a good question as to why K & C seems to generate so much controversy compared to other companies. I don't think it's necessarily a function of K & C but World War II. That range does draw a lot of interest (it's probably the reason why K & C is where it is) and with interest comes difference of opinions and controlversy. Figarti and Collectors Showcase are primarily WW II and they've drawn some heat. Does Figarti's Lewis & Clark draw this controversy? Does K & C's Napoleonics or SOHK? No, it seems to be a function of WW II.

So, if you ask me if this place is biased in favor of K & C, my answer is no. You can say anything you want about K & C or any company or any matter.
Figarti in the early days was attacked with vigor. Everything from your figures suck to intentional misspelling of their company name. Even now you here comments about your figures are improving but..... Collectors showcase is constantly hammered about everything. Where are the cries of foul when this occurs? Britains has endured many sly remarks by posters and yet no cry of foul. Just obseravtions I have made over and over and ya'll still wonder why this is called a K&C forum.

:confused: Perhaps I should have said I rarely see this much controversy
over other manufacters. I have seen a few comments, even made a few positive, and negitive about Figarti. It just seems the ebb and flow is handled
in a more positive way.

I think we should all be free to make our comments, if they are done in a constructive manner.:)

Just my opinion.
Figarti in the early days was attacked with vigor. Everything from your figures suck to intentional misspelling of their company name. Even now you here comments about your figures are improving but..... Collectors showcase is constantly hammered about everything. Where are the cries of foul when this occurs? Britains has endured many sly remarks by posters and yet no cry of foul. Just obseravtions I have made over and over and ya'll still wonder why this is called a K&C forum.

I also remember how "Old Tanker" hammered NMA and thier Tiger I for not having a viewing hole or something.
It's all adding to the spice of the forum I guess.
If there was no controversy every now and again it may get a bit boring. :)
There is two differant kind of attacking going on here.

1). The people whom are critical of the manufactures.

2). The people whom attack the members of this forum.

IMHO, I think some of the manufacturer critics are here as people, whom for what ever reason, just like to b***h and the member's of the ' Et tu Brute ' groups, are the same.

It's one reason that Peter Townsend of ' The Who ' fame said he shut down his Forum, a few years ago. He shut down his Forum because it had become an attack lightening rod, for the secret agenda's of the sniping members in the enviroment of anominity.

They had taken over his forum and ruined it for all the real Who fans.

Maybe we all should think about what we say here and let our members be what they be, without the name calling and selective sniping, gang daggering attacks and just be thankful for what we have, just MHO.


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