Another First Legion Poll (2 Viewers)

Which First Legion series do you collect?

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Feb 22, 2009

I'm not trying to upstage Mapleleaf, but please vote in the poll. Which lines are you collecting? Please list your lines in the body of the thread as well. Personally, I'm in for Bunker Hill, the Crusaders, and DAK. Thanks for cooperating, and Vivat First Legion!

Only Gettysburg or Civil War for me! Anxiously waiting for the Union to join the field.
Good morning guys ,
I currently collect the Napoleonic , Stalingrad , Crusaders in that order , and very soon to be Roman line . From the looks of what I have seen the Romans will be my new number two . There are still two more totally new lines coming by years end and I've a feeling I will be cherry picking at least one of those as well . Regards Gebhard
Strange!!!! I just saw the results of the FIRST LEGION poll so far.
It looks like the AWI, Bunker Hill (althought it could be used in Lexington / Concord very easily as well) is in SECOND place. Yet in the K&C poll us AWI folks are in the basement.

Why is that I wonder????

Larry i was noticing that myself
Maybe the poses of figures maybe quality
I was stricly a Nap collector but at the Ackensack
show i bought mounted colonel and king flagbearer
from George, i've been buying since then the AWI
Maybe some feel patriotic, who knows
Maple Leaf
I thought it was the damp New England Weather rotting my brian! (Still a very good possibility.)

But, in my thinking, K&C has a woeful offering of Militia which makes it impossible to do anything for early in the Rev War, expecially all the battles that took placce within a few miles from my home, in Cambridge, Mass. Add to that the lack of casualities and the long time between releases for K&C and I think FL saw a good opening. Even the K&C latest releases of British Fusiliers are not really new. Granted, an upgrade of the earlier BR01s and such, but not new. Then FL added the "personalities" of Warren and Prescott which gives a stronger Historical aspect.

Finally, each and every outfit (clothes) the colonials are wearing is unique to really make it look special. Same with the British (to a point). I LOVE the face of the Sapper - AWI 029. Dude looks angry and mean!!!l{sm2}
At the risk of hijacking this thread, I would say you have hit the major points Larry. The First Legion AWI releases are outstanding due to the quality of paintwork, variety of pose, depth of the release and inclusion of both casualties and personalities. Of course, this description covers most every release FL does, but that doesn't diminish the quality of their AWI range!^&grin

I'm excited to see where this range goes in the future.

Will start collecting FL with Aspern-Essling, and pick up with Gettysburg if and when they start to produce the Union 1st Corp. ( Iron Brigade, 14th Brooklynn, etc.. )
I am in for the AWI if one could not tell that by my forum name.

Waterloo, Gettysburg and Bunker Hill. I have "one off's" from Samurai, Crusarer and Borodino, and may pick up a Stalingrad Russian. I don't collect WWII Germans.
Apart from the flagship (Naps) sailing graciously ahead
i'm surprised to see AWI so close and ahead of Stalingrad
i think ACW will pickup steam once Union comes out.
Beside samurai all range are in range of each other
which actually means that FL ranges are pretty popular
with everybody. Being a Nap and AWI collector i'm very proud
of my choices.
Happy collecting guys
Maple Leaf
Interesting thing these polls are , we've had 42 voters yet only 10 collectors posted a comment . I guess that's the silent majority at work :rolleyes2: . Regards Gebhard
Interesting thing these polls are , we've had 42 voters yet only 10 collectors posted a comment . I guess that's the silent majority at work :rolleyes2: . Regards Gebhard

Your right Geb, come on Stalingrad "you can do it"!!!!! just kid'n, wish I could have a shelf for every line but haven't hit the lottery yet so WWII it tis for now, but we all know once the Western Front line begins the Flagship Naps will be over run by some GIs, paras, Brits:):)...Sammy

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