Another shop in the great country. (1 Viewer)

If i didn't read it i wouldn't believe it.............{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}

Tell me about it! Howard mate, i'll be on the dog and bone when I get home to have that serious talk with you about that beer preference issue you are having!!!!{sm4}

Are XXXX beer my only friend until the end. Of course I go for the heavy ones. I also like VB and Tooheys and a Tassie beer Cascade export. Chris.
Yes, but bear this in mind, there is a country I won't name that drinks warm beer! Now that's just wrong!.....^&confuse{sm3}
Gentlemen, Cobbers & Mates,
Many thanks for the congrats and I must say that I have nearly achieved all I require in life. I have a beautiful K&C Museum with a dealership attached and my son owns and operates a Pub.
What more could a man ask for. Whoops just got a whack from the GLW for not including her in my list.^&grin^&grin
To end all arguements, I have travelled the globe and tried to find a nice beer but even my good mate Chris Munro could not steer me onto one whilst in the US. Nothing better than (hate to say it) a Queensland XXXX Gold.:smile2:
Cheers Howard

Howard, Mate, I couldn't be happier for you and the lovely Jenny, and wish you nothing but health, happiness and success in your new venture!:smile2:
A very nice article there Howard, all the best to you and Jenny for 2014 in your new venture my friend. If my boss lets me off I hope to hear all about it on Saturday in the bar, where we don't mess about with this Beer nonsense...straight to the spirits!:salute:::wink2: Even Louis went straight on the Whisky when he walked in!:salute::

All the best H.


As I've often said, Rob, to a whiskey drinker, beer is similar to making love in a canoe . . . it's F***ing close to water!{sm2}

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