Do you mean beyond the obvious fact that they all lost? -- AlNothing like a mention of Civil War figures to touch off a ACW North/South debate; almost 145 years after the last shot was fired, yet the war still rages on.
Speaking as a dealer, my three biggest K & C sellers are WWII Germans, ACW Confederates and Napoleonic French.
Now here's a question for all of you history buffs; what do all three of these armies have in common?
As a manufacturer, your job is to make what the customers want, so if they want Confederates, then make them.
There are plenty of famous Northern units; The Iron Brigade, The Irish Brigade, the 54th Massachusetts, 114th Pennsylvannia, 14th Brooklyn, 146th New York, etc, etc.
Give the man time, he'll get around to the Northern units too.
Ok, let the fighting continue, you guys slay me, you really do.
One of you in particular who I've got on ignore (thank you God for that wonderful feature)...........
Speaking as a dealer, my three biggest K & C sellers are WWII Germans, ACW Confederates and Napoleonic French.
Now here's a question for all of you history buffs; what do all three of these armies have in common?
Sexier uniforms, charismatic leaders, came on the world scene with a splash-got the establishment all rattled up, unstoppable underdogs, enduring mythology, overwhelmed by numbers/attrition, dramatic defeats (Waterloo, Gettysbug, Stalingrad), great tacticians, poor strategists, elite troops (Guard, Cavalry, W-SS)
Yes, yes, yes....but apart from that, what did the Romans ever do for us....![]()
Sexier uniforms, charismatic leaders, came on the world scene with a splash-got the establishment all rattled up, unstoppable underdogs, enduring mythology, overwhelmed by numbers/attrition, dramatic defeats (Waterloo, Gettysbug, Stalingrad), great tacticians, poor strategists, elite troops (Guard, Cavalry, W-SS)
I'll go with Lancers answer.
And leave it at that.
As a "Cornhusker" I can't support the "Seminoles", sorry.
Good points by Blowtorch, except I'm not sure I would say the Confederates had better uniforms, even before they were in rags.
6. Why No Union?
Confederates outsell Union by about 3 to 1… However you will see more Union in 2010 don’t worry.
No, no - Andy! Words about the Crusader line, please! When will we see the next ones?
The best uniforms I've ever seen on Union dudes is the early Fredricksburg look. The long blue/grey coats with kepi. Add Irish Bde clover for flavor. Winter seems to do well in WW2..maybe this would too.
My favorite by far of all the best Union uniforms were those of the Iron Brigade, complete with leggings, frock coats and the regular army dress black hat, "the black hat brigade."
Yes, yes, yes....but apart from that, what did the Romans ever do for us....![]()
Good points by Blowtorch, except I'm not sure I would say the Confederates had better uniforms, even before they were in rags.