Any news on the Glory of Rome range Germanics? (2 Viewers)

Thank you for the pic Gebhard! WOW! Do these guys like untamed and wild or what? Congrats due to FL for such a fantastic looking barbarian horde!
Bring on that pre-order.

I received my frist FL Romans today, and I am quite pleased with them:smile2:....looking forward to adding more. Now back to studying the image of the forthcoming Germanics.

My Pleasure I wasn't sure how many guys have not yey subscribed to the FL Newsletter and therefore had not seen this . This release is very exciting for me , I have been waiting a long time for these guys . I will be displaying these along side of my Aeroart versions , I wish Mr Thor would have done more with his line . From the picture I see at least three I have to have asap the others will be sprinkled in with my orders two a month . These are good times indeed well done First Legion .. Would really like a better view of that one in the back with Battle Axe raised he is a dead ringer for my good friend Jens . Regards Gebhard
Okay ....just broke down !!!!!!!!! doubled up on my K&C WW2 Germans in my display case and made room for my new First Legion Romans which I just ordered.....was trying to slow down a little on my collecting but these Germanics look to good .....I have K&C Romans and Celts and have a few St Petersburg Areoart Celts .......if these FL's Rome series are as good as some of you saythey are I am in big trouble ........!!!!!!!!^&grin^&grin
..... Would really like a better view of that one in the back with Battle Axe raised he is a dead ringer for my good friend Jens . Regards Gebhard

Guy named Jens + Guy who looks like wild, savage, marauding barbarian= EPIC GOOD TIMES!! {bravo}}
My Pleasure I wasn't sure how many guys have not yey subscribed to the FL Newsletter and therefore had not seen this . This release is very exciting for me , I have been waiting a long time for these guys . I will be displaying these along side of my Aeroart versions , I wish Mr Thor would have done more with his line . From the picture I see at least three I have to have asap the others will be sprinkled in with my orders two a month . These are good times indeed well done First Legion .. Would really like a better view of that one in the back with Battle Axe raised he is a dead ringer for my good friend Jens . Regards Gebhard

I too see three (or four or five :tongue:) that I will be ordering straightaway, and then my buying schedule will be much like yours' or two a month along w/ one or two Romans a month....just wonderful stuff! The figure to the right w/ two weapons really caught my eye as did the noble up front in the pic w/ green shield, red hair and spear, and how about the one w/ scale armor, striped pants, red shield, and wearing a Roman's helmet? Outstanding!!! These are good, exciting times!

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