are these new?? (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Some photos for adverts

I know the IV is new, but what about the Civil War sets and the 2 musketteers dueling with swords??...Sammy
The Civil War figures are from a new series from First Legion called Mass Battle. These are more entry level figures with a lesser quality painting, but the similar sculpts as the original ACW releases. They are priced at $38.95 each. The standard barriers are a bit more at $54.95. A repaint of the Imperial Roman Testudo is being released as well. I saw an advert for these releases in the latest Toy Solder and Model Figure magazine.
The Civil War figures are from a new series from First Legion called Mass Battle. These are more entry level figures with a lesser quality painting, but the similar sculpts as the original ACW releases. They are priced at $38.95 each. The standard barriers are a bit more at $54.95.

So First Legion are going to start releasing thier figures in two versions ? ^&confuse.
Very intriguing. I mostly buy FL due to superior quality, but this could be using for adding more numbers to scenes.
This sounds like a strategy to appeal to both sides of the market.

I'm sure we will find out in due course.
It is intriguing, to buy pieces that is in the W. Britains price range, and it being an FL sculpt. Would be perfect..
Probably trying to get collectors to buy their products.Most can't afford or won't pay $70 a figure.
Probably trying to get collectors to buy their products.Most can't afford or won't pay $70 a figure.

Not sure I'd say most. Some will and some won't. If most didn't, they probably wouldn't be in business.

If they go to a less expensive line but painted at something similar to their present quality, this may hurt new Britains, just as they're getting off the ground. It's a dog eat dog world.
The duelists were introduced as paint masters in Chicago.

The Panzers IV were anticipated in winter camo as well as a desert version.

The "shocking" news is that FL offer two paint qualities. Not sure what to make out of that.
Maybe they are trying something like KC did when they made those cheaper figures for the Alamo.Haven't heard too much about that,must have not been too popular. Didn't they also offer the 2 painting levels for a little while too.
I think its a good idea to test market this product with a few series. ACW and Nap collectors often like to create mass formation scenes and dioramas. Its gets quite expensive to build a column or firing line. If the lower price "non-connoseur" figures are relegated to more common poses (firing, marching, advancing) I think this strategy can work. Keep the flag bearers, officers and personality figures with the high quality painting and offer both styles on the others.
Personally I have been building a Macedonian phalanx which would benefit from this approach. I could also see this helping those who want to build a Roman army.

FL has differentiated themselves from the other majors by offering a higher quality figure at comparatively lower pricing than the "Russian" makers (e.g. AeroArt). Diluting this image
could potentially hurt their brand so they should carefully test the waters.
In the absence of any statement from the company, it's hard to make predictions on what this new strategy may purport to be.

AeroArt and Figarti attempted something similar with their Marco Polo joint venture and it was a resounding failure.
I think its a good idea to test market this product with a few series. ACW and Nap collectors often like to create mass formation scenes and dioramas. Its gets quite expensive to build a column or firing line. If the lower price "non-connoseur" figures are relegated to more common poses (firing, marching, advancing) I think this strategy can work. Keep the flag bearers, officers and personality figures with the high quality painting and offer both styles on the others.
Personally I have been building a Macedonian phalanx which would benefit from this approach. I could also see this helping those who want to build a Roman army.

FL has differentiated themselves from the other majors by offering a higher quality figure... Diluting this image
could potentially hurt their brand so they should carefully test the waters.

Totally Agree:salute::....This must be done correctly....It would be especially helpful to FL NAPS collectors who need more figures to create larger battle scenes without "breaking the bank"....Most of us cannot purchase many figures at $70 per figure....something has to give....This may be a helpful solution.
Before we get all fired up, shouldn't we wait to see what it is that FL proposes? :wink2:

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