Arhem: A futile endeavour? (1 Viewer)


Major General
May 1, 2010
Well, I saw it posted by some that when the figures come out from the new Arnhem, MG, P series they will be there taking pictures of them and evaluating them with the older versions.

What a waste of time that will be other than to try and prove to themselves in some way that the price increase is justified because they look better than the 2007/8 releases from the series.

I don't think anyone and certainly not I have said they are not good figures so, the vain point that will be rolled out when they are released by these persons will be as wasteful as any old to new set comparison. The paint style has changed over the years so, instead of trying to vainly show the product is better in this way or that way to previous releases do it properly.

It only will be useful to show how they mix if, indeed they do, with the previous releases with the rather changed interpretation of the Denison jackets and darker tones so, that will be interesting only.

This will mean taking pictures of the more recent figures which we have seen from K&C which have similar facial tones and, paint style in order to address what has (if anything) changed, improved to warrant the price increase and, the P name.

Its going to be a little harder to do this with the Indians but, that can be left to those with an interest and knowledge in that era.

Well, that's it so, we await the rather expected ''their much better than the old so, there definitely worth it'' but, we are aware of the caveats of such simplistic interpretations and the reasoning behind it.

No offence to anyone but, this is an important issue so, we need to address it properly. The question is are they actually better than the current well painted standard releases from K&C at £41/44 and thus worth£55/76 not, are they better than the old Arnhem figures.
Well, I saw it posted by some that when the figures come out from the new Arnhem, MG, P series they will be there taking pictures of them and evaluating them with the older versions.

What a waste of time that will be other than to try and prove to themselves in some way that the price increase is justified because they look better than the 2007/8 releases from the series.

I don't think anyone and certainly not I have said they are not good figures so, the vain point that will be rolled out when they are released by these persons will be as wasteful as any old to new set comparison. The paint style has changed over the years so, instead of trying to vainly show the product is better in this way or that way to previous releases do it properly.

It only will be useful to show how they mix if, indeed they do, with the previous releases with the rather changed interpretation of the Denison jackets and darker tones so, that will be interesting only.

This will mean taking pictures of the more recent figures which we have seen from K&C which have similar facial tones and, paint style in order to address what has (if anything) changed, improved to warrant the price increase and, the P name.

Its going to be a little harder to do this with the Indians but, that can be left to those with an interest and knowledge in that era.

Well, that's it so, we await the rather expected ''their much better than the old so, there definitely worth it'' but, we are aware of the caveats of such simplistic interpretations and the reasoning behind it.

No offence to anyone but, this is an important issue so, we need to address it properly. The question is are they actually better than the current well painted standard releases from K&C at £41/44 and thus worth£55/76 not, are they better than the old Arnhem figures.

So I guess I should tell Waynepoo not to bother bringing his camera to take pictures. Would not want to waste anybodies time.

No offence to anyone but I think I will give this 7th thread on the subject a miss.

may i ask.......would you buy the new figures if they are 36 pounds each (instead of 55)?

(for comparison, the new russians are 28 pounds each)
Was it really necessary to create a new thread to say exactly the same thing?
Maybe this thread could be merged with all the others?
oops I thought you meant Arnhem was futile because it failed to achieve it's goal. Monty was hoping it would end the war by Christmas 44, but even he knew it was not without risk. As it turned out it was futile, but was still praised as a success. Lets hope the current conflict will have a better outcome. In the first 6 releases the extra dollars possibly total $60, be great if Andy could find a way to make this up, perhaps offering a 2 figure set for the price of one in future. One other maker throws in a club figure for nix if you spend over $250. {sm4}, Robin.
Well, I saw it posted by some that when the figures come out from the new Arnhem, MG, P series they will be there taking pictures of them and evaluating them with the older versions.

What a waste of time that will be other than to try and prove to themselves in some way that the price increase is justified because they look better than the 2007/8 releases from the series.

I don't think anyone and certainly not I have said they are not good figures so, the vain point that will be rolled out when they are released by these persons will be as wasteful as any old to new set comparison. The paint style has changed over the years so, instead of trying to vainly show the product is better in this way or that way to previous releases do it properly.

It only will be useful to show how they mix if, indeed they do, with the previous releases with the rather changed interpretation of the Denison jackets and darker tones so, that will be interesting only.

This will mean taking pictures of the more recent figures which we have seen from K&C which have similar facial tones and, paint style in order to address what has (if anything) changed, improved to warrant the price increase and, the P name.

Its going to be a little harder to do this with the Indians but, that can be left to those with an interest and knowledge in that era.

Well, that's it so, we await the rather expected ''their much better than the old so, there definitely worth it'' but, we are aware of the caveats of such simplistic interpretations and the reasoning behind it.

No offence to anyone but, this is an important issue so, we need to address it properly. The question is are they actually better than the current well painted standard releases from K&C at £41/44 and thus worth£55/76 not, are they better than the old Arnhem figures.
You may not agree but it would be nice if K$C was to come forward and state their position...has the standard MG finished and being replaced by the P.......if they were watching for a reaction for the P, they now have plenty of let them clear the air........I think we all know now the up market P is better presented than the standard MG....okay point proven....what does K&C have planned ?....cheers TomB
5 threads on "Arnhem" at the same time...Should enter the guinness book! {eek3}

may i ask.......would you buy the new figures if they are 36 pounds each (instead of 55)?

(for comparison, the new russians are 28 pounds each)

No the new russians are £42? Oram I missing something haha?
Time to give it a rest,if you can't afford them either work harder or collect something else.
They are toy soldiers,have fun in what you collect.
Down here at the bottom of the world,we don't complain,we just get on and do it.
By the way when we are deployed on active service,we work 24 hours a day.
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Time to give it a rest,if you can't afford them either work harder or collect something else.
They are toy soldiers,have fun in what you collect.
Down here at the bottom of the world,we don't complain,we just get on and do it.
By the way when we are deployed on active service,we work 24 hours a day.

Does that include the night :rolleyes2:
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Time to give it a rest,if you can't afford them either work harder or collect something else.
They are toy soldiers,have fun in what you collect.
Down here at the bottom of the world,we don't complain,we just get on and do it.
By the way when we are deployed on active service,we work 24 hours a day.
Correct me if I am not a forum rank but a bona fida that case..I believe you could afford to collect what you like....Yes...I have worked 24 hrs a day and had a Kiwi tp attached to my unit.....long time ago but I dont think my pension would match yours regardless of how hard I worked,,,,cheers TomB
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I think these MG "P" discussions are bordering on being an obsession for some people. People are going around in circles and really, 7 threads now, how many more do we need!!! Regardless in what you think about the pricing, the quality or whatever, the new MG's are going to come out at that price and if you feel strongly against buying them, then don't buy them! If the figures don't sell because of the higher prices then K&C will take notice but i personally think they will sell very well. Sure, the prices hurt and yeah, have a debate, but come on, this is all getting a little out of hand with so many threads.

I will admit that I haven't been around much lately. I have been enjoying my retirement like a kid in a candy shop. The other day something drew me to Treefrog and loving the Arnhem series I pre-ordered several figures and ordered a few retired pieces. For the last hour or so I have been trying to figure out what the "P" figures are, and what everyone was discussing.
Before King & Country I used to spend $100 and up a figure, of course my collection was very small and I usually bought a few figures a year. When I discovered K&C I could get a really nice set of figures for $89. The selection was nice so I began to buy 15 to 20 sets a year. I have developed my own style of collecting over the years with my wide variety of items that I collect, Dinky Toys, Lionel Trains, Smith Miller, K&O outboards, along with figures. My style is to have zero invested in my hobbies. I have learned to let them fund future purchases. This way it really doesn't matter how much an item costs, if you really want it you just sell whatever you need to fund the purchase.
If on the other hand you can't bring yourself to sell anything simply have a budget you want to spend and stick to it. Does it really matter if you have 4 figures you really like rather then 6?
After a while you may find you have more items then you could possibly ever display!
Just a thought.:)
Time to give it a rest,if you can't afford them either work harder or collect something else.
They are toy soldiers,have fun in what you collect.
Down here at the bottom of the world,we don't complain,we just get on and do it.
By the way when we are deployed on active service,we work 24 hours a day.

Think your missing the point it got nothing to do with what people can buy it what people are willing to buy for a item that the problem , all this talk about china wages going up funny I never hear the head of Apple going about it on the news every week {eek3}:rolleyes2:
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Correct me if I am not a forum rank but a bona fida that case..I believe you could afford to collect what you like....Yes...I have worked 24 hrs a day and had a Kiwi tp attached to my unit.....long time ago but I dont think my pension would match yours regardless of how hard I worked,,,,cheers TomB[/

We don't get a pension,a handshake and a pat on the back,we are a very poor country,when we deploy,can't afford planes,we use canoes
Correct me if I am not a forum rank but a bona fida that case..I believe you could afford to collect what you like....Yes...I have worked 24 hrs a day and had a Kiwi tp attached to my unit.....long time ago but I dont think my pension would match yours regardless of how hard I worked,,,,cheers TomB[/

We don't get a pension,a handshake and a pat on the back,we are a very poor country,when we deploy,can't afford planes,we use canoes
Haaa Haaa...well replied .......cheers TomB
Gentle Friends,

This discussion was becoming entirely too testy. I closed the thread in order to do some editing and to remove some rude posts. I have reopened the thread in the hope that calm discussion may proceed. If a calm discuss cannot or will not occur, the thread may be permanently closed. Thanks for your understanding.

Colonel RNZIR and uksubs have been excused from further participation on this thread.

Warmest personal regards,

Its a little known fact that most New Zealanders do not sleep,
we are like Chuck Norris , we wait :D.
Not being spiteful you do not want to go to sleep on the long canoeing trip to Aussie land......your snoring might upset the sharks.....cheers TomB
Not being spiteful you do not want to go to sleep on the long canoeing trip to Aussie land......your snoring might upset the sharks.....cheers TomB

I use an inner tube ,canoes are for the rich folk up on the hill "the P version of my vessel of choice".

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