Arnhem 07!!! (2 Viewers)

OK Ron, we get it. Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon:rolleyes:

So you ARE obsessive compulsive. Well, well, well, you truly are a toy soldier collector. I was wondering if you, since you are a lobbyist:rolleyes: would fit in. But you have proven your metal sir. And by the by, Wellington won:p :D

All quiet on the Western Font!

Sorry i should have resisted that one.

Are you still snowed in Rob? We all have our household problems. I'm having trouble trying to kill some black spot algae in my swimming pool, life's a beach in the sub tropics :p
Your sympathy is overwhelming mate!.Snow is melting but its still bloody cold.

We were slightly warmed by the fact that we ACTUALLY WON yesterday,it may be as often as haileys comet,but hey you gotta take it where you can!

Your sympathy is overwhelming mate!.Snow is melting but its still bloody cold.

We were slightly warmed by the fact that we ACTUALLY WON yesterday,it may be as often as haileys comet,but hey you gotta take it where you can!


I've said it before that if we don't let you guys win now and then we'd run out of guys to play and beat :D

Btw, when are those Yanks going to play a truely global sport where they can actually win and say that it was a true "World Series" :D
Has anyone else noticed that this crops up on most threads irrespective of the topic:rolleyes:


Fun you should mention that, Jeff. Looks like a cry for help to me....................professional help.:cool:

Fun you should mention that, Jeff. Looks like a cry for help to me....................professional help.:cool:


I think there's a Napoleonic rehab centre recently opened up. It's situated on a small island....:rolleyes:
I think there's a Napoleonic rehab centre recently opened up. It's situated on a small island....:rolleyes:

Small islands are always a good place to put loonies and leppers, large islands are where they send Aussies to :D
Small islands are always a good place to put loonies and leppers, large islands are where they send Aussies to :D

Tropical climates, large open areas, never ending stock of lager, long perfect beaches.... yeah, we Brits sure got you there didn't we :(
Tropical climates, large open areas, never ending stock of lager, long perfect beaches.... yeah, we Brits sure got you there didn't we :(

Hey, don't forget we are the world's largest producer of diamonds. And we have plenty of gold, opals, emeralds, iron, coal, etc, etc lying about in the streets. We're just to busy having a good time to pick it all up :D
I know this is a bit off track and radical for this thread but....


Brit Paras?
Now there's an idea. Perhaps Andy will produce some of those.
Oh, hang on, already done that one.... what are we petioning for now?
(cue Wellington series response)

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