Arnhem 07!!! (1 Viewer)

Fred, unfortunately, there's no rule against large fonts, although it does come off as shouting and I think we get the fact that he likes this particular range.
To be fair to Ron he has changed the subject with another thread

Didn't Napoleon have an Irish Brigade - in his Legions?? :confused:

There was indeed an Irish legion, and quite a lot of pro-revolutionary (French and American) sentiment in the 1790s (uprisings too), but there were also quite a few Irish regiments in the British army.

And one of the oldest Irish regiments was in the Spanish army. They were wiped out at Girona:

Ironically, there's now a low cost airline leading an Irish invasion of the place. (Get a free drink in some places apparently if you show your passport).

Personally, had I been around at the time I wouldn't have cheered too entusiastically for either the French or British in the Napoleonic wars, even if Wellington was Irish-born.

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