Australia Bans Nazi Memorabilia (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Oct 3, 2009
Just wondering how this may impact the sale of TS in Aussie?

Just wondering how this may impact the sale of TS in Aussie?


That's outrageous in my opinion. How many people go around giving the Nazi salute or waving a Nazi flag? It's slippery slope. Governments can define anything they don't like as objectionable hate symbols once they start going down these lines. We already have US politicians calling each other fascists and nazis because they disagree. Would a political t-shirt or hat of some right-wing group be deemed a hate symbol? Imagine if they can start using that as an excuse to ban speech or political opponents that they don't like. There was a time in the US when most recognized that it was important to protect all speech even if it was objectionable. The ACLU would sue for the rights of the KKK and neo-Nazis to hold public events if they followed the same process as anyone else because the principle of free speech had to be maintained for everyone. Now the means justifies any ends to hold political power. I wouldn't trust the government of the US to implement any such policy in a neutral manner.
Sounds funny coming from a government who from reports I heard acted like Nazis during the COVID years. I'm sure I'll get a reaction for my words.
That's outrageous in my opinion. How many people go around giving the Nazi salute or waving a Nazi flag? It's slippery slope. Governments can define anything they don't like as objectionable hate symbols once they start going down these lines. We already have US politicians calling each other fascists and nazis because they disagree. Would a political t-shirt or hat of some right-wing group be deemed a hate symbol? Imagine if they can start using that as an excuse to ban speech or political opponents that they don't like. There was a time in the US when most recognized that it was important to protect all speech even if it was objectionable. The ACLU would sue for the rights of the KKK and neo-Nazis to hold public events if they followed the same process as anyone else because the principle of free speech had to be maintained for everyone. Now the means justifies any ends to hold political power. I wouldn't trust the government of the US to implement any such policy in a neutral manner.

Does seem over the top and somewhat extreme, particularly in regards to memorabilia.

Like you I don't agree with the current push to censor anything that may or may not offend. Free speech is definitely under siege.

My primary concern would be the possible flow on effect into our hobby and as you say its a slippery slope.

Would be keen to hear what my Aussie cousins take is on the subject?
Sounds funny coming from a government who from reports I heard acted like Nazis during the COVID years. I'm sure I'll get a reaction for my words.

Mark, I think most western governments over-reached themselves during covid and in many cases acted unlawfully enforcing mandates, lockdowns and a raft of other breaches of the law and human rights. Here in NZ that is certainly the case and the justice system in hindsight has confirmed this.
Sounds funny coming from a government who from reports I heard acted like Nazis during the COVID years. I'm sure I'll get a reaction for my words.

Mark mate,

Not Nazis during Covid, but more like Stalin. Australia is in the grip, both Federal and State, of a total Bolshevik regime.

Cheers Howard

PS never fear I am still getting K&C Berlin 38 and LAH figures and sets into the Land of OZ for those of my old Collector Base who collect them. I wish we had a "First Amendment" in our Constitution like the good old U.S. of A.
Mark, I think most western governments over-reached themselves during covid and in many cases acted unlawfully enforcing mandates, lockdowns and a raft of other breaches of the law and human rights. Here in NZ that is certainly the case and the justice system in hindsight has confirmed this.
Yes I agree with you. There are still over here still want to do this.We aren't any better.It's just we heard reports of Australians locked in certain areas and couldn't even walk outside. Don't know if that's true or not.
I was really surprised at western governments how they reacted.As we can see especioally since the Middle East war that we have many fascists in our countries.
Does seem over the top and somewhat extreme, particularly in regards to memorabilia.

Like you I don't agree with the current push to censor anything that may or may not offend. Free speech is definitely under siege.

My primary concern would be the possible flow on effect into our hobby and as you say its a slippery slope.

Would be keen to hear what my Aussie cousins take is on the subject?

This is the type of thing that has nothing to do with Nazis or people giving the Nazi salute. There may be a handful of such nuts. What this is really about is establishing a precedent that the government can clampdown on whatever it deems to be "hate symbols." They start with the low hanging fruit - Nazis. Who could object to that they think? But next it is some conservative political group that is deemed a hate group because they voice contrary positions. I never thought I would see the day that the US government locks up political opponents, raids their homes in predawn tactical assault teams, tries to keep candidates from even appearing on ballots, censor speech, controls the media etc. All in the name of democracy. Effectively no different than Putin.
Just wondering how this may impact the sale of TS in Aussie?


Looking at the Victorian and New South Wales legislation, I suspect it doesn't apply as there are exclusions for "the display of a Nazi symbol done reasonably and in good faith- for an academic, artistic or educational purpose". I suspect that model soldiers fall somewhere in those categories, along with with books on German military and plastic model kits of German aircraft and vehicles. Certainly there were plenty of plastic kits of German subjects for sale in Sydney a few weeks ago.

Probably a bit of a bummer if you were a genuine collector of German WW2 militaria though.

Yes I agree with you. There are still over here still want to do this.We aren't any better.It's just we heard reports of Australians locked in certain areas and couldn't even walk outside. Don't know if that's true or not.

Mark, the covid lockdowns in both Australia & NZ were both severe, however I can only comment on how they were enforced in NZ.
Mark mate,

Not Nazis during Covid, but more like Stalin. Australia is in the grip, both Federal and State, of a total Bolshevik regime.

Cheers Howard

PS never fear I am still getting K&C Berlin 38 and LAH figures and sets into the Land of OZ for those of my old Collector Base who collect them. I wish we had a "First Amendment" in our Constitution like the good old U.S. of A.

Howard mate, I feel your pain, after 6yrs of enduring the leftist extremes of Ardern's regime, there is now hope our new government will direct the nation towards a more balanced status.........

Regardless, the bulk of our main-stream media continue to support the extreme left in gay abandon with not so subtle 'woke' overtones.
This is the type of thing that has nothing to do with Nazis or people giving the Nazi salute. There may be a handful of such nuts. What this is really about is establishing a precedent that the government can clampdown on whatever it deems to be "hate symbols." They start with the low hanging fruit - Nazis. Who could object to that they think? But next it is some conservative political group that is deemed a hate group because they voice contrary positions. I never thought I would see the day that the US government locks up political opponents, raids their homes in predawn tactical assault teams, tries to keep candidates from even appearing on ballots, censor speech, controls the media etc. All in the name of democracy. Effectively no different than Putin.

I love the whole disinformation/misinformation routine governments use now to shut down any dissenting voices, regardless of their expertise and/or profession.

Its almost a default setting and oh so predictable now a days. Rather than simply discuss or heaven forbid debate a topic, its simply easier to publicly demonize the culprits and label them conspiracy theorists or similar using main stream media and rely upon ridicule to shut them down.
Wow this is an interesting move by your government. I didn’t think you all suffered from the issues we seem to enjoy so much in the states.

I wish they would ban the fern leaf all these kiwis so proudly display but bagged the shite out of Australia.
As for nazi memorabilia just shows how weak and scared our government is getting, as the saying goes ignore history and watch it repeat itself good luck governing it.
We had a few protesters last year with a few dodgy flags and the few got scared so as per usual have gone overboard with their response, but these clowns keep voting these clowns in.
just reading up on this. Scary really. I think all relic collecting is fine. End of day, if you collect something from Ancient Rome or Mongolian Khan, are you not supporting (in today's rose colored view) some of the greatest "murderers" of indigenous people of all time? Ridiculous. History is history and freedom should not make you justify why you collect something. Do I think there are ideologically nuts who glorify Nazis, sure, plenty of them, but I chalk that up to their own i norance. Do I think and have spoken before on there are certain subjects if made would be in very poor taste and offensive, yes. BUT that said, there should not be a law against it. This is just nuts and as I have said time and time again, if the World continues to capitulate to "political correctness", "educational curriculum that rewrites history", etc. you pick the wording, unfortunately, this is where we are heading - a Dictatorial type of State.

That said, look at the US, the court of public opinion has now declared that the American Civil War was a result of only 1 cause - slavery. While I agree it was the largest cause, if you revert to thousands of previously deemed expert sources, they will indicate there were other numerous causes in conjunction with slavery. But, in the press, they have produced and manufactured outrage that has now and forever more deemed it to be the only known cause. Literally, you just can't make it up anymore.

Over the years, IL & WI let the Nazis & KKK have parades in our towns a while ago. Everyone booed. Everywhere.
I see the good intentions of people who want to shut down antisemitism but I just don't think this is the best way - or a good way at all.
Best Wishes,
Long Live Israel,
and may the World find Harmony one day.

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