Color me puzzled. A fantasy movie where WE are the bad guys and we LOSE to the natives is GOOD and its SAD and "nonrefreshing" that we dont lose more in real life? huh?
So sorry, but I couldnt divorce myself from the underlying message of this movie, which is that WESTERN/MODERN civilization is a greedy, amoral and an unjust culture at its core. Meanwhile "indigenous" cultures are shown as inherently more natural, peaceful, loving and purely benevolent. The message of the movie, basically, is that nazi supremicist values were and are the raw embodiment of modern US civilzation/capitalism in which wealth, science and military power take precedence over all else.
Pardon me of I dont share, at all, this grossly simplistic and negative view of oursevles.
I know, I know, its only a movie. But still, demonizing the culture and system which made the magnificent technology that allowed its creation possible is bizarre to me. It seems to me that if we dont go forward the only other direction is backwards.
Couldn't agree with you more, I've just given up saying as the liberal thought police will not tolerate opposing views.
There are no more self indulgent, out of touch people in the world than the hollywood elite. They reap the greatest rewards and spits in the eye of a society that no other country/society would tolerate.
First to use and decry the most advanced sciences, they think they know better than us and would have us all eating grass and living in caves for which we would all be better people (ALL people that is except them, there lifestyles are exempt from what they preach).
I mean it's so two faced! the story and then the reality of the HUGE money Camerron will make from the movie, endorsments, game and toy franchises that make him everything he decries with the exception of the direct blood on his hands. But thats hollywood, all smoke and mirrors.....