Well after waiting on their arrival all day, and patiently I might add . . . . NOT :tongue::rolleyes2:, the seven new British Grenadier recruits arrived at my door early this evening. I think I must have been the last delivery for the day! Anyway, these are every bit as great looking as the first five. Here's a photo of all twelve 5th Foot Grenadiers together. From L-R they are: AWI027, AWI026, AWI031, AWI033, AWI037, AWI039, AWI030, AWI032, AWI030, AWI034, AWI031, and AWI028 (also used is W. Britain #DSIP10 "Chosen Ground" display base w/backdrop made by Hudson & Allen for W. Britain). I will try to post more photos tomorrow . . .
:smile2: Mike
Any news on when some new AWI figures are coming out.I'm looking for some indians and frontiersmen but of course that might be quite a while as Matt is just starting this range and he does battles in depth.
Well I just placed an order for fourteen 5th Foot Grenadiers. Should be here by mid next week. When they arrive I will have a 43-man grenadier company which is approximately a full strength British company for the AWI. It will consist of 36 enlisted, two sgt, 3 officers, and 2 drummers. I plan to arrange my company two different ways; a 20-man front, two ranks deep, with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks, or a 14-man front, three ranks deep (the third rank will only have 12 men in it), with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks. Platoon wise, I will be able to create two 20-man platoons, each with 18 enlisted, an officer and a sgt.
This completes my 5th Foot collection . . . now onto the next FL AWI release.
Well I just placed an order for fourteen 5th Foot Grenadiers. Should be here by mid next week. When they arrive I will have a 43-man grenadier company which is approximately a full strength British company for the AWI. It will consist of 36 enlisted, two sgt, 3 officers, and 2 drummers. I plan to arrange my company two different ways; a 20-man front, two ranks deep, with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks, or a 14-man front, three ranks deep (the third rank will only have 12 men in it), with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks. Platoon wise, I will be able to create two 20-man platoons, each with 18 enlisted, an officer and a sgt.
This completes my 5th Foot collection . . . now onto the next FL AWI release.
Well I just placed an order for fourteen 5th Foot Grenadiers. Should be here by mid next week. When they arrive I will have a 43-man grenadier company which is approximately a full strength British company for the AWI. It will consist of 36 enlisted, two sgt, 3 officers, and 2 drummers. I plan to arrange my company two different ways; a 20-man front, two ranks deep, with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks, or a 14-man front, three ranks deep (the third rank will only have 12 men in it), with a junior officer and two drummers behind the ranks. Platoon wise, I will be able to create two 20-man platoons, each with 18 enlisted, an officer and a sgt.
This completes my 5th Foot collection . . . now onto the next FL AWI release.