AWI - My Battleground (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2008
Its another cold and rainy day here in south central Wisconsin . . . what's up with that . . . . rained on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and now today . . . can't remember when I was able to enjoy being outside. Oh well, the weather has given me another good reason to enjoy my historical miniatures. This morning I took the time to clear my 4-foot by 8-foot diorama table of all of my ACW figures/set . . . that was a real chore putting everyting back into their display case. I also placed an order with First Legion for two more British Grenadiers and four more Colonial militia which will finally finish out what I want of the current FL AWI offerings. When I receive this order I will have 35 British 5th Foot Regulars and 16 Colonial Militia.

With my diorama table cleared of ACW, and with the excitement of receiving this next FL order, I thought I would create an AWI battleground scenario on my entire table. This scenario is strictly my imagination at work and doesn't necessarily depict any one battle. However, my inspiration has come from the early 1775/1776 battles which took place in the New England states. With a little of their own imagination, viewer's of the forth coming photos can perhaps see glimpses of these "contests of will" that occurred in staes like Massachusettes and New York. Although a table of this deminsion seems large, space is still very limited. As such, it must be understood that distances are compressed and in setting up the scenarios playing out on the table, some "artistic license" has been used. For those with a critical eye for detail please keep this in mind and remember that this is all about the fun of "playing" with the toy soldiers that all of us enjoy so much . . . . . Hopefully it won't be much longer before the next AWI pre-order is announced so that these future figures can also be added . . . . . . I will keep this thread alive and active for a time, so please stop back to see what's been added . . .

One more thought . . . I invite other FL AWI collectors to join in on this thread and share photos of their collections as well . . . the more the merrier . . .
:) Mike

Advancing up a small rise, a Grenadier company splits up into two sections in an attempt to flank both sides of some rebels defending the crest of the hill

The British regimental commander and the regimental colour guard advancing behind the Grenadier sections



:) Mike
Great stuff Mike, as usual! I really like how the two sections are displayed with the command element behind. Looks really nice.

Also, reference our earlier conversation, I see how the grass does mostly hide the seam between the bases. Thanks for your input on that.

This is quite nice Mike. I always enjoy seeing your set-ups whether they be ACW or AWI. Thanks for sharing.

Wonderful setup, Mike. I see you even put the officer with the spontoon to good use. I do like the positioning of the hat company to the back.

You appear to be using a lot of different manufacturers of your trees. I do recognize Ken and Ericka's. Who did the others? In particular the oak on the right?

Lastly, I have been doing very well to add some realism using woodland debris on the road to ease the transition from gravel to grass ....

Thank you for posting these pictures.
Thank you; Noah, Mark, and Andreas

Wonderful setup, Mike. I see you even put the officer with the spontoon to good use. I do like the positioning of the hat company to the back.

You appear to be using a lot of different manufacturers of your trees. I do recognize Ken and Ericka's. Who did the others? In particular the oak on the right?Lastly, I have been doing very well to add some realism using woodland debris on the road to ease the transition from gravel to grass ....

Thank you for posting these pictures.

All the trees/shrubs/bushes are made by Hudson & Allen (Ken & Ericka Osen) except for the two large Oak Trees which were made by J G Miniatures . . .
:) Mike
Excellent, Excellent diorama Mike, I am very impressed....{eek3}

You are giving me the taste to return make some dioramas....:rolleyes2:
Great dio; I like to see more AWI soldiers and dioramas. My prefered period (and Napo and Zulu, for sure{sm3})

That is a terrific setup. It is great that you have the space to recreate farms and villages.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much; Rod, Hans, and Randy . . . I am glad you have enjoyed the photos so far . . . . .

The view a militia Rifleman has


:) Mike
Thanks Ken . . .

In defiance of the Crown


Freedom Fighters​


:) Mike
Mike, I really like this last one with the militia. Especially how each casualty in the front rank of the approaching grenadiers has a corresponding (or two) militiaman responsible for having just fired the shot! A simple thing, but an element I really appreciate.

Mike, I really like this last one with the militia. Especially how each casualty in the front rank of the approaching grenadiers has a corresponding (or two) militiaman responsible for having just fired the shot! A simple thing, but an element I really appreciate.


{bravo}} Noah . . . . a very good eye you have there . . . . I set them up purposely that way . . . ..
:) Mike
{bravo}} Noah . . . . a very good eye you have there . . . . I set them up purposely that way . . . ..
:) Mike

That's funny, cause I just about wrote earlier 'It almost like you did that on purpose', but I refrained. Didn't want to come across as snide or disingenuous.

Really excellent Mike. I imagine it was a great day clearing the grounds and setting up the new scenes with all the great scenic elements and buildings you have at your disposal. In any case I love these photos and look forward to seeing more.

Verrry nice. You have such a nice array of figures, buildings, and landscaping at your disposal, and you are getting better and better at placing them just right. I especially like the first shot you posted and the scenes at the end when the British close on the militia. In the last photo, everything seems to blend into one another, including the background, giving a very realistic feel.
Thank you Dave and Dan . . .

It's rather chilly here this morning . . . temps in the LOW 40's F. Another day inside perhaps. I was rearranging the British this morning and came up with this. I rather like the arrangement . . . . so much so I thought it would be really "eye catching" if I had a third 12-man section . . . . the cost of that is scary {eek3}. If I had a third section I would arrange the marching order thusly: One 12-man section in the lead with an officer, followed by the colour guard with a foot officer, followed by the mounted colonel, followed by the second 12-man section with an officer, and followed by the third 12-man section. This actually would approximate the equivalent of a full size Grenadier Company, which according to my research would have had 38 pvts, 3 corporals, 2 sgts, 3 officers, and 2 drummers for a total of 49. According to records I have found, the day before the Lexington and Concord event, the 5th Foot Grenadiers had 41 effectives for the operation. Anyway, food for thought . . . . One more observation, everytime I photograph any figure on a roadway I realize I really need to get a software package such as Photo Shop so that I would have the ability to blend in the bases . . .
:) Mike

5th Foot Grenadier company marching in column past a colonial farmstead

Thank you very much; Rod, Hans, and Randy . . . I am glad you have enjoyed the photos so far . . . . .

The view a militia Rifleman has


:) Mike

Hi Mike,
Congratulations for your photos and staged.
Congratulations and thank you.{bravo}}:salute::

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