Bad week for the BBC! (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
First we had the cast of QI laughing at the expense of the Japenese man who died this week aged 92, he was burnt when the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and was then moved to Nagasaki when the second bomb was delivered,It has so enraged people in Japan that host of the prog Stephen Fry has had to cancel filming of his tv series there.

Jump forward a few days and we have the team of 'Top Gear' describing a mexican car as Lazy,Flatulent,Feckless, staring at a Cactus whilst wearing a piece of cloth with a hole through it. It was then stated that the Mexican ambassador would not see this as he is probably asleep in front of the tv.

The Mexican ambassador did see this however and has complained in very strong terms.This matter was actually discussed in the House of commons yesterday with a statement being issued that the remarks were ignorant,racist and inflammatory. The BBC has been forced to apologize.

Is it me, or does the BBC seem to lurch from one PR Disaster to another these days??

When i stop laughing i will answer your question Rob.............:D

Maybe we are all just getting abit to sensitive i think now days everything is racist or discrimanation or something we just need to lighten up and have a laugh.If you cant laugh at yourself..........:confused:
The guy who passed away at 92 should not have been made fun of because he managed to survive two atomic bombs he was really lucky even with the injuries he sustained and there is no excuse for poking fun at him. A very public apology by the guys who did this is the least that should happen.

The Top Gear guys are always messing around and have quirky senses of humor but this isnt the point is it, the real issue is people are way too sensitive over things. We have gotten way too PC about too many things. Making fun of a junky car from Mexico really should not cause the Ambassador to react, unless he has nothing else to do. If its not true then make them say so if it is true then relax and sell your stock in the company...

Apparently the reason all the white British actors get the part playing Hollywood bad guys is because there is a worry that every other country,creed or religion will object!

Bet he saw it on tape after he woke up!!!!

Comedy is a strange one and, I am someone who likes chubby Brown and similar and people like that. It always has to go to the edge sometimes its very close but, you only have to look to any disaster and crime of notoriety and its takes days, if that, to get the jokes about it out.

its offensive to some but, its comedic irony to others. There has to be a balancing act and its a bit slanted to the moronic PC brigade who have taken a decent virtue and ruined it beyond recognition.

If more people would just accept differences and stop worrying about the ism's the world would be a happier place.
Apparently the reason all the white British actors get the part playing Hollywood bad guys is because there is a worry that every other country,creed or religion will object!


Excellent point!.

I think all nations poke fun at other nations, its said with humour I believe, Top Gear is known for its own unique tv humour so if anyone is offended I don't know why they'd watch.:confused:.I also think that when our economy is in a bad way and we have soldiers dying abroard I think MP's should find something a whole lot better to do than stand around talking about 'Top Gear'!.

However, thats different from laughing at the man burnt in Hiroshima and then caught again in Nagasaki, he suffered a great deal and has just past away, I know if I saw a German tv presenter laughing at a family member of mine burnt during the Blitz I'd be furious. I don't think Stephen Fry is an insensitive guy by any means and he is a very popular tv celeb, I'm sure the apology is genuine.

My main point is that the BBC seem to get in trouble an awful lot these days don't they?.

I just hope that guy in Japan bought a lottery ticket................:eek:...Sorry couldn't resist..............:)
Most of the media does this . After all, they believe that rules are to be broken, that traditional morality and manners are oppressive, and who are we to judge them?

As an indicator of how coarse we've become, how inured to profanity and vulgarity we've become, listen and see how many times "suck" comes up now in mainstream advertising. Our local radio station now uses this in its recorded ads for local businesses (eg, "Our jungle sucks, but our prices don't"). Now, I'm not a prude, in fact, I cuss far more than I ought to. But it's a sign to me that we're well on the road to the world that Kurt Vonnegut depicted in his short story, "The Big Space F---" (he spelled it out--he believed in shocking the normies out of their hidebound manners, too). But since all morality is relative, if it feels good, do it! There's a formula for a functioning society for ya.

I must say the term ' sucks' does get used an awful lot on US tv doesn't it, I never really notice it now, but now you mention it!. I remember way back in the 70's we had a hugely popular and violent Police series called ' The Sweeney' famed for its violence and bad language, the occasional use of the word B*****d caused outrage nation wide and the programme had a dramatic influence on us kids at school. It was always shown on a thursday night (legend has it that the streets were almost empty every thursday night at 9pm) and we would go into school the next day and play out scenes from the previous nights programme, which invariably involved us punching and kicking the living daylights out of each other whilst uttering said obscenity......and they say violence and bad language has no affect on kids!. :eek:

When i stop laughing i will answer your question Rob.............:D

Maybe we are all just getting abit to sensitive i think now days everything is racist or discrimanation or something we just need to lighten up and have a laugh.If you cant laugh at yourself..........:confused:

When a man That Got Bombed by an atomic bomb, That went through a very horrific time going through radiation poisoning, trying to survive a post war Japan. trying to build pieces together. And when his life is gone. We laugh at that Consequences in his life, I think we are a world that Can not feel sympathy, apathy for the person. Then it is a sad world. Makes me wonder if the Nazi's did make the atom bomb, and our homeland got bombed, And a survivor died over 50 years after, And people laughed or joked about it. does anyone feel anything but anger, at the people that laughed or Joked?. When I told my Mom about this story, With all the astrocities( forgive the spelling, I can not find the word in the dictionary) the Japanese, have done. She cried for the man. The world at times lacks empathy.....
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