BALKANS and ITALIANS (2 Viewers)

I hear what your saying guys but i'd rather have EA,AK or US troops before the Italians.No disrespect to John (my grandfather was Italian-and pasta is still my favourite food;)))but they just don't have any appeal for me.For whatever reason i suspect this may be the view of a lot of collectors and that is why we've not had many released.Theres still so much Brit/German/US i'd love to see,but after thats all been done how about i lend my voice to a campaign for the forces of Italia;):D

I'm with Rob on this one. I don't have much interest in Italians and except for maybe couple of divisions, like the Ariete or the Folgore, they weren't that notable (with all due respect and no insult intended to anyone of Italian descent). I just read an article about British military tactics in the first part of the Desert War, especially Operation Compass and here's what the author said: "Although the Italian soldier was as brave as any other, deficiencies in leadership, training, equipment and logistics left most Italian formations poorly prepared to deal with unexpected circumstances." You can blame Mussolini for this because he exposed his military without adequately preparing them. At the beginning of the Desert War in 1940 they had an incredible numercial advantage over the British forces.
The Italians set up numerous strongholds in the desert that were to far apart to support each other which enabled the allies to pick them off one by one. This tactic negated their overall numerical superiority.

I am all for manufacturers making a variety of sets representing different countries in the various conflicts. However I don't like the belligerents being mixed. For example I feel it was a mistake to include the three Italian figures in the Panzer II tank set (AK030).
The Italians set up numerous strongholds in the desert that were to far apart to support each other which enabled the allies to pick them off one by one. This tactic negated their overall numerical superiority.

I am all for manufacturers making a variety of sets representing different countries in the various conflicts. However I don't like the belligerents being mixed. For example I feel it was a mistake to include the three Italian figures in the Panzer II tank set (AK030).

Be nice to maybe get a mixed set of figures we are never going to see in full ranges, such as the Hungarians (think they had the fourth largest army in WWII-could be wrong) Romanians and other belligerent nations on the axis side, maybe a conference of commander figures during Barbarossa , or a few action poses or something like that;) Not likely but one can hope:D
:mad: Listen, Debrito and other Optimistic Critics; what your Opinion is your's, about WW2 Italians! The Italians weren't the Best Fighting Army in N.Africa; but they were Present, and an Allies to the Germans! So, to Complete the Desert War N. Africa WW2 K & C , should Courtesly; make the Italians for N. Africa and their is PLENTY OF WW2 Collectors who want the Italians for N. Africa!
Yes John everyone has their opinion,and they have every right to post it,this is a fee forum.Just because someone doesn't want Italian troops this is not a slur against Italy.

Now Rob
Lets get down to brass tacks. When did England last win the world cup? When did Italy last win the world cup? Based on that we should have Italian releases. :):)
Just taking the proverbial
Now Rob
Lets get down to brass tacks. When did England last win the world cup? When did Italy last win the world cup? Based on that we should have Italian releases. :):)
Just taking the proverbial

Ah, but how many times have Italy been knocked out in penalty shoot outs in the quarter finals?
I bet we win that one :rolleyes:
Let's have (wait for it), a......POLL.

What kind of Italians do collectors want?

a) WWII Desert Italians
b) 1930's Chicago Mobster Italians
c) Ice-cream Selling Italians
d) Ancient Roman Italians
e) World Cup Winning Italians
f) Roman Catholic Italians
g) Balkan Italians
h) Pasta Munching Italians
i) Boxing Italians
j) No ******* Italians
Hi guys,

I prefer not to talk about the world cup Damian,this is nothing to do with the fact we've only won it once of course but merely because i don't want this excellant thread to drift!!:eek::D;)

Myself and some mates once went to Rome,walking along a street a car carrying some lovely looking Italian girls drove up and asked if we wanted to go for a drive.As soon as they heard our accents they said 'English..No chance' did the windows up and drove off!!!!:eek::D

I wouldn't mind an Italian Tank or two,might look good in the old collection,but i just have no interest in the troops i'm afraid.I say again absolutely no offence meant to any of our Italian members, after my wife and Ms Jennifer Anniston your national dish is the third love of my life.

Nice poll Harry,how about a poll of polls?!;)

Yeah, how about another poll.

a) Are polls useful..?
b) Are polls a complete and utter waste of ******* time..?
c) Who wants to see Poles for their WWII Desert War collections
Yes John everyone has their opinion,and they have every right to post it,this is a fee forum.Just because someone doesn't want Italian troops this is not a slur against Italy.


John, I LOVE Italy, special las Italianas, I have even Italian background in my family, so nothing against Italia and the Italianos. But WWII.....:eek:

Cheers my friend.
Reading Andys post today it could mean some NA Italians could be on the way?

John does raise a good point. How can you have Desert War without Italians, particularly the two divisions I mentioned.
Ok to keep John Happy how about these two Italian beasts.Carro Armato M13/40 Tank and the Carro Veloce Flamethrower Tankette.These are two cool looking vehicles and would look good in my collection.I believe the Carro Armato was descended from the British Vickers MKVI Tankette.I guess if i'm going to have Italian armour i should also have a Japenese Tank,but these appeal even less!



The AK Range without Italians is like spaghetti without MEATBALLS ! :p
:D How about this Vehicle AS42 'SAHARIANA' Recce Car with Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Personal Gun ! Also,M-13/40 Tank with Sandbags on Front Hull, in AFV Magazine! Also, AB41-ARMOURED Car, with Baloon Tires, and Last Semovente 40-75/18 Self Propelled Vehicle? :cool: ITALIAN ARMOR and Berserglieri Infantry! Piggyback Motorcycle Dispatch Rider's! CIAO!
"The only good thing Mussolini and the Italians did was help the Russians. By attacking Albania in 1941 they forced Hitler to interfere to save Mussolini Army from catastrophe and the Germans had to postpone Barbarossa.

Beside that, in every front they try to participate was terrible disaster. Conclusion, there is no need for more Italians."

Couldn't have said it any better myself and before anyone accuses me of trashing the Italians (or more to the point one person in particular), keep in mind my last name is Guerriero, which in ITALIAN means warrior....................
Not interested in Italian troops. I would not buy them and I am sure they would not be big sellers. :);)

I hope K&C never makes them.:eek::eek::D

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