
First Sergeant
Jul 25, 2007
K&C needs to make a series for the BALKANS WARS of the 90's! Look in the osrpey books, those subjects have the coolest uniforms ever!! Also, K&C needs to make more WW2 Italians! It is time for something a little different. The whole Normandy Collection just gets a little tired after a while!
If K and C do the Balkans then they might as well do some sets for the Rwandan genocide as well. You know like Hotel Rwanda. Thye could have some ineffctual UN peacekeepers soem Tutus militia wiedling pagas etc. Sorry mate but I would find the Balkans conflict a little bit depresssing.
If K and C do the Balkans then they might as well do some sets for the Rwandan genocide as well. You know like Hotel Rwanda. Thye could have some ineffctual UN peacekeepers soem Tutus militia wiedling pagas etc. Sorry mate but I would find the Balkans conflict a little bit depresssing.

I’m 100% with you, this war was a very depressing one, and I don't think that K&C should spend time with that.



Yeah, lets have a cheerer war, like WWII when only 56 million died :rolleyes::p:D
Welcome Daruss,hope you enjoy the forum.Trouble is i just don't think WW2 Italians are popular enough,give me D Day anytime.

I agree WWIi millions dead. The real difference is that the good guys won,
Welcome Daruss,hope you enjoy the forum.Trouble is i just don't think WW2 Italians are popular enough,give me D Day anytime.


Are we that positive that Italian armored cars and tanks, camoed for the desert, would not be great sellers? The Vickers did alright in sales and it might be considered a near useless vehicle for effectiveness.......Michael
Welcome Daruss,hope you enjoy the forum.Trouble is i just don't think WW2 Italians are popular enough,give me D Day anytime.


I don't know about that. I have noticed that the Airfix Italian sets always sell for two or three times what the U.S. or British Infantry sets do on eBay. However, It could be due to the relative rareness of that set.
K&C needs to make a series for the BALKANS WARS of the 90's! Look in the osrpey books, those subjects have the coolest uniforms ever!! Also, K&C needs to make more WW2 Italians! It is time for something a little different. The whole Normandy Collection just gets a little tired after a while!

Not the Balkans of the 1990s---the Balkan Wars at the turn of the last century before the start of WWI.
I retract all that. I thought you were referring to Milosevic and all that
Are we that positive that Italian armored cars and tanks, camoed for the desert, would not be great sellers? The Vickers did alright in sales and it might be considered a near useless vehicle for effectiveness.......Michael

Michael,i think you might well be right about the Armd Cars and Tanks i'm just not sure if Italian Figs are that popular.I like the set that came with the MKII a while back,for some reason the Italian participation in WW2 seems to be overlooked somewhat.

Probably not the correct thread for this, but there's a made-by-Italians movie on general release here in Dubai with English subtitles called "El Alemain" and it focusses on - an Italian platoon at - El Alemain. Not sure if its available in the UK, but its pretty good.
I have alot of the DDay stuff and I think its great, I guess it all depends on where your interrests are.

I think D-day is my faveourite range,well at least until the Paras arrive!

An AB41 armoured car would be cool.. Getting sick of the same old thing!
:) Rob, I'm suprised of your saying Italians for N. Africa, wouldn't be a GOOD Seller? The EL ALAMEIN DVD, that Harrytheid is talking about is a Very GOOD and Interesting Film! Also, I support you Guys , abroad forthe Australian and British WW2 Sets; so Please, help me out here, and support the Italians! What is a Desert War WW2 without the Italians?
:) Rob, I'm suprised of your saying Italians for N. Africa, wouldn't be a GOOD Seller? The EL ALAMEIN DVD, that Harrytheid is talking about is a Very GOOD and Interesting Film! Also, I support you Guys , abroad forthe Australian and British WW2 Sets; so Please, help me out here, and support the Italians! What is a Desert War WW2 without the Italians?

The only good thing Mussolini and the Italians did was help the Russians. By attacking Albania in 1941 they forced Hitler to interfere to save Mussolini Army from catastrophe and the Germans had to postpone Barbarossa.

Beside that, in every front they try to participate was terrible disaster. Conclusion, there is no need for more Italians.
As you all know, I'm not an individual to court controversy :)D) but I have to agree with John here. IMHO you can't have a complete WWII desert war range without the Italians.
In addition, despite images and film footage that suggests the contrary, some of the hardest fighting Empire troops encountered during the desert war was against Italian troops. It says so here in my reference book.
Seriously, I don't believe the majority of Italian troops were ice-cream salesmen and spaghetti-eaters crying for their Mamma-Mia's. I understand that the artillery troops in especial were pretty tough opponents.

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