Now this is a pitching duel. 1-0 SF in the 7th. A barn burner. Artistic. What more could you want? -- Al
Hi Chris. Kinda turned into game 1 right after I posted.I prefered game 1
Hi Chris. Kinda turned into game 1 right after I posted.Texas in big trouble now. 2-0 lead not a lock but pretty close at 80%. Game 3 now an absolute must have (duh!) for Texas or the fat lady will be singing in Arlington. -- Al
Congratulations SF for winning the WS for the first time since 1954, when you were still the NY Giants. A long time to wait and SF deserves it. Marichal, Mays, McCovey, Cepeda, and the rest will be pleased. Signing off now for the 2010 baseball season and just let me say, it was fun. Pitchers and catchers report in Feb., only 3 months off. Come on Baseball 2011 edition! -- Al