Baseball 2012 (1 Viewer)

Rain delay in St Louis, Cardinals up 3-1, the Giants had tons of chances, left about 2,000 men on base through 7, a monsoon is heading towards Detroit, might not get the game in tonight at all...........
Arid is benched again. How they're treating him is shameful. Marlins have apparently called Yankees asking if he was available. Yankees President reportedly said "You can have him."
Arid is benched again. How they're treating him is shameful. Marlins have apparently called Yankees asking if he was available. Yankees President reportedly said "You can have him."
A-Rod is obviously on the way out of town, but I don't see the need to humiliate him as it appears is being done. The Yankee failures this post-season sure go deeper than just A-Rod. Can anyone say scapegoat? Girardi seems to be making some questionable moves and with only 2 or 3 players producing at the plate, this post-season was headed for disaster from the get-go. Time comes when every team has to reboot now and then. -- Al
The thinking seems to be that Cashman is telling Girardi who to play. Arod is taking the brunt but Cano is 1 for 30, Granderson has gotten 3 hits and Swisher has gotten the fans mad at him so he will be out of here, although they weren't going to sign him anyway. Who knows if Ibanez or Ichiro will be here in the Spring. Should be a different looking team.
Arod has made his own bed. No one has rooted more for him than I have , but since coming back from his last injury..( not his fault ), he has been a hollow shell of his former self. Absolutely no power and terrible at bats. He has lost his ability, skill and confidence, all at the wrong time of year. The Yankees must move on without him. Most of the fans have never accepted him as a Yankee and his abusive salary has not endeared him to the masses. I might like to see him in the line up, but if his terrible performance would continue, the fans would riot against mgmt. Just my opinion, but Joe might sleep on it and have him back playing Thurs...Michael
When A-Rod opted out of his original contract (much of which was being paid by the Texas Rangers) Brian Cashman wanted no part of resigning him - one of the few Cashman moves I actually agreed with - but A-Rod approached Hank Steinbrenner who resigned him over Cashman's objection. A-Rod, who we now know had been on steroids since at least 2000, then got outed and had to stop taking them (he claims he stopped years earlier, but his numbers tell a different story). He immediately started having health breakdowns, and his numbers have radically decreased since 2009. After his two excellent series in 2009 (ALDS and ALCS, he did nothing in the World Series) he returned to being pretty much an automatic out in the playoffs. A lot of Yankee fans remember that last year, he struck out with the tying run on base to end the ALDS game 5 against these same Tigers.

Now Cashman sees an opportunity to run him out of town, and I am all for it. If the Yankees goal is really to win championships, head cases like A-Rod, Swisher and Granderson, who tighten up and choke in the playoffs, have to go. I expect A-Rod to be traded to either the Marlins or the Dodgers (humiliating him like this is Cashman's way of getting him to wave his no trade clause), with the Yankees eating the vast majority of his ridiculous salary. Swisher won't be re-signed. It is a mistake, but they will pick up the option on Granderson. I know he hits a lot of homers, but he just plain strikes out way to much, and never gets productive outs. I suspect Russell Martin, who also had a terrible year at the plate, will also be gone. Cashman is going to have some task in the offseason finding a Third Baseman, Right Fielder (unless they resign Ichiro) and a catcher.
When A-Rod opted out of his original contract (much of which was being paid by the Texas Rangers) Brian Cashman wanted no part of resigning him - one of the few Cashman moves I actually agreed with - but A-Rod approached Hank Steinbrenner who resigned him over Cashman's objection. A-Rod, who we now know had been on steroids since at least 2000, then got outed and had to stop taking them (he claims he stopped years earlier, but his numbers tell a different story). He immediately started having health breakdowns, and his numbers have radically decreased since 2009. After his two excellent series in 2009 (ALDS and ALCS, he did nothing in the World Series) he returned to being pretty much an automatic out in the playoffs. A lot of Yankee fans remember that last year, he struck out with the tying run on base to end the ALDS game 5 against these same Tigers.

Now Cashman sees an opportunity to run him out of town, and I am all for it. If the Yankees goal is really to win championships, head cases like A-Rod, Swisher and Granderson, who tighten up and choke in the playoffs, have to go. I expect A-Rod to be traded to either the Marlins or the Dodgers (humiliating him like this is Cashman's way of getting him to wave his no trade clause), with the Yankees eating the vast majority of his ridiculous salary. Swisher won't be re-signed. It is a mistake, but they will pick up the option on Granderson. I know he hits a lot of homers, but he just plain strikes out way to much, and never gets productive outs. I suspect Russell Martin, who also had a terrible year at the plate, will also be gone. Cashman is going to have some task in the offseason finding a Third Baseman, Right Fielder (unless they resign Ichiro) and a catcher.

Martin had a mugh better second half of season with power and clutch RBI'S. He is good defensively and probably can be resigned at a fair price. I have no issues with him as catcher..Michael
Martin had a mugh better second half of season with power and clutch RBI'S. He is good defensively and probably can be resigned at a fair price. I have no issues with him as catcher..Michael


Russell Martin's power numbers are fine, but you can't have a starting player who hits .200 for a season. There are already way to many easy outs in this lineup, with Granderson (the most strikeouts ever by a Yankee player this season), Teixeira (who regularly hits around .250 into that shift) and the guys on the way out (A-Rod - a.270 singles hitter, Swisher, another guy who only hit in the .260's this season), most of which are pop ups and strikeouts, not productive outs. I have never seen a team that flat out could not situationally hit all season. This team was historically bad with the bases loaded, and with runners on third and less than two outs. With Jeter, Cano, Teixiera and Granderson in the lineup, the Yankees need to sign grinders - guys who will hit .280 to .290 and give them 15-20 homers but make productive outs, sacrifice flies, sacrifice bunts and drive in runs with outs.

Jeter, Gardner and Ichero, if they bring him back have done, and will continue to do, an excellent job setting the table and using speed to put themselves in scoring position. If you hit Jeter first, Ichero second and Gardner 9th, you have a nice circular top of the lineup. Cano, batting third, and Teixiera, batting cleanup, need to learn how to situationally hit and drive in runs with outs as well as homers. I would move Granderson down the lineup to 7th or 8th, where he can continue to hit 40+ homers and strikeout 200+ times without screwing up too many situations where the Yankees have a rally going (like, unfortunately, he did this year). What the Yankees need to sign to hit 5th, 6th and 7th/8th in the lineup are three solid but not spectacular guys known for playing their butts off every game, making productive outs and running hard until they are out. Guys like a Paul O'neill, Chad Curtis or Scott Brosius.

When Jeter broke his ankle, and with Mo out injured all season, I have no one to route for on this team. I really could care less about the line up as constituted. Give me some hard-nosed old school players to route for, and I will actually care about the team again. If you check my posts from even as early as May this season, I predicted what was going to happen to this lineup in the playoffs due to the absence of situational hitting. I said they would get knocked out in 5 games the first round, but getting swept in the ALCS is pretty close, they won one more game than I expected.
Wow, Yankees being no hit through 5, and 6-0 Tigers, CC shelled in 4 innings...sammy[/I]
What an embarrassment. There is no way this should have happened. And I'm not an even a Yankee fan. However, I'm a NY fan and they shouldn't have lost, at least not in this fashion.
Congratulations Detroit Tigers American League Champs and now the world Series.
Have to give credit where credit is due, Louis was right about this team all year long and he predicted they'd get bounced and in fact they did.

He said Sherman Klump is not an ace; he's right, he's not, aces don't get shelled and bounced from an elimination game in the 4th inning, aces sack up, grind out a win and force another game.

Coke and Jackson for Granderson; not such a great trade now I guess, seemed like a good idea at the time.

A-Rod has gone from the "Mays in a Mets uniform" stage of his career right to done.

He's toast.

He's going to do what a lot of rich New Yorkers with bad hips do; go to Miami and retire.
What an embarrassment. There is no way this should have happened. And I'm not an even a Yankee fan. However, I'm a NY fan and they shouldn't have lost, at least not in this fashion.

Wow, Yankees being no hit through 5, and 6-0 Tigers, CC shelled in 4 innings...sammy[/I]

Detroit wraps up the sweep, winning 8-1 today. Great series by the Tigers, as their starters proved their worth in all four games. The Yanks just didn't have anything in the tank. Outside of the one attempted comeback by New York, the Yankees really didn't show up at all for the entire series. I guess A-Rod has plenty of time now to follow up on his phone number request with the Austrailian bikini model/fashion designer/gold-digger/whatever she is.....

Given their payroll, the Yankees should be embarassed by this performance. Every team has an off game, but this was a whole other level of futility. The Yanks just showed how even one of the biggest payrolls in the game can't buy you wins in the postseason.

Congratulations to the Tigers. They earned it and with that starting pitching staff they will be tough to beat in the WS. SF represents my last team in the playoffs. Nats, O's, and now NY are gone. Should be a good series regardless of who the Tigers play. Sorry I can't root for the Tigers, but I still hold them responsible for Denny McClain.:tongue: -- Al
I think this will be a repeat of 2006 with the same result. I think the big problem the Tigers will have is with Valverde. That is a definite weak spot for them.
{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}^&grin^&grin^&grin{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}} Now hopefully there won't be a long delay with the National league champ. I would hate to see Detroit go cold. I wouldn't be to concerned about Valverde. In fact I think you will see multiple closers used by Detroit.
Watching the Cards knock out Lincecum in the 5th, I find myself wondering what has happened to Lincecum this year. He had a big down year for SF and I'm not sure why. He struggled all year. Does anyone know why? It may be just one of those years that almost all pitchers have now and then, but it sure was sudden. His stats weren't bad with the exception of his walks, which were up some, and his ERA, which was horrible at almost 2 runs higher than his career ERA. Has he had arm troubles? Control problems, ie., walks and pitching behind in the count? Hard to reconcile his 1.47 WHIP with such a high ERA. I wonder if he is just worn down from four 220+ innings pitched seasons in a row, prior to this year. He is only 28 but his numbers have fallen off this year. -- Al
His velocity was down this year although second half was somewhat better.
His velocity was down this year although second half was somewhat better.
That might be why his strikeouts have steadily fallen since he won his first Cy Young in 2008, along with his innings pitched, even though the IP's were very consistent until this year. His number of starts has stayed constant at 33 per year. Another possible indication of fallen velocity and/or placement problems are the Hr's allowed which were a career high 23, several more than he usually allows. Still, could have just been a down year, or maybe it is more serious. Since the Cards are about to finish off SF, with a 3-1 games lead, I guess we will have to wait to next year to maybe get an answer. -- Al
Notes from NY today:

Yankees set a record for futility in the postseason with a .188 average (minimum four games).

Arod insists that he wants to be back next year. As he has a no trade clause, unless the Yankees sweeten the pie, he is unlikely to go anywhere. He also doesn't blame Girardi for pinch hitting for him or sitting him down. When asked in the post game conferences about Arod, he insisted it was wrong to focus on just Arod.

Arod two new lady friends says Arod wasn't the only ball player to be making eyes at them but refused to disclose the name of the other player.

Met fans are calling in to talk shows, enjoying the Yankees agony. However, I think it's probably more of a case of enjoying Yankee fans agony. This isn't actually as much fun as seeing the Red Sox stick it to the Yankees in 2004 because the Yankees were so pathetic this year. It wasn't fun (at least for me) to watch.

Attention now turns to Giants v Redskins and Jets v Pats. At least the Giants game should be fun. Jets will just get decimated. It will be Brady's turn to go to Rex and say "you mad bro?"

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