Battle for Arnhem.... (3 Viewers)


Registered Member
Jul 29, 2005
In September 1944, Market Garden was launched against the retreating Wehrmacht consisting of old men and bicycles, to 'bounce' across the major river obstacles into Germany through Northern Holland and end the war before Christmas by taking the Ruhr industrial area from behind.

Three airborne divisions, US 101 and 82 plus the previously untried 1st British Airborne (they missed out on D Day) were dropped as an airborne carpet, taking and holding key roads and bridges on route.

British 30 Corps were to relieve them by puching through stiff resistance based on defences across canals in Northern Belgium and Southern Holland, driving down the road through Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem - a massive operation, becoming more complex as the Germans demonstrated yet again their amazing ability to regroup and fight flexibly in 'kampfegruppe', wherever the threat appeared.

Allied aircover was not as dominant as normal, due to the fact that Holland was covered in Luftwaffe flak units as it was on the main bomber route into Germany. The weather was also a factor with fog.

Finally, the German Falschirmjager had tried a similar move in 1940 against the relatively small Dutch Army - although it had the element of complete surprise and was successful, they still took fairly heavy casualties.

And so it begins............allied medium bombers prepare on British airfields, and 1st Airborne begin to load in the massive Horsa Glider.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

It was a shame about the weather and flak, as although air support would be available to some degree, the 'tiffies' of 3rd RAF Tactical and other allied airforces would not be as dominant as they had been at Normandy around Mortain and in the Falaise gap.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

This is awesome Panda! And brings back fond memories of July in my backyard. Keep 'em coming.
Re: battle for arnhem....

The USAAF prepared to support the landings....................


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Re: battle for arnhem....

The loading progressed with men, jeeps, light armour and light artillery, plus supplies - all on a vast scale......


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Everthing in all the photos Panda has posted so far (buildings, vehicles, aircraft, figures) is all K&C (some very rare, custom built and one of kind prototypes are depicted).
Re: battle for arnhem....

Are these part of Louis's collection that you photographed for the book?

Exceptional as usual! :)

Re: battle for arnhem....

So far I think this is all Louis' stuff :cool: - most of it I haven't even had chance to look at properly, never mind reduce! :eek: Louis - perhaps we can do it again????:D

Anyway, a particular problem for the Arnhem part of the operation was the proximity of the fighter station at Driel, only a few miles away............


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Paratroopers prefer generally to land on top off or very near to the target as they are relatively lightly equiped (with regard to artillery and heavy euipment) and surprise is key.

The various factors such as flak batteries, fighter bases and terrain meant that the British 1st Airborne landed around Oosterbeek, a few miles from Arnhem, and made their way on foot and in jeeps to the bridge over the river at Arnhem. They also attempted to secure the drop zones for resupply.

On landing, the gliders were unloaded as quickly as possible.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

The paras moved into the woods that lay around the drop zones to form a perimeter.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

So far I think this is all Louis' stuff :cool: - most of it I haven't even had chance to look at properly, never mind reduce! :eek: Louis - perhaps we can do it again????:D


You (and your camera) are welcome anytime. After all, we haven't had the opportunity to shoot my new secret desert airfield diorama . . . it, combined with the Saracen Castle, would make a huge backdrop for shooting desert shots!
Re: battle for arnhem....

I hope we are going to see some of the shots of that entire Dutch/French town we built out of just about all of my different european diorama pieces/buildings combined . . . that was one of my favorite parts of the whole week of photography!
Re: battle for arnhem....

Sorry, confused Driel with Deelen airfield and flak.:eek:


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Gives you a detailed map and timeline of the battle.

Meanwhile in toy soldier market garden......patrols were sent to the bridge - the column that went in nearest the river, commanded by Lt Col John Frost, made the best progress and reached the bridge. They tried to make contact but, as had been anticipated before the drop, the low land and high trees made radio communication difficult.
Re: battle for arnhem....

awesome images Panda. Top notch! Havent seen anything like that except in 1/72.Hats off to you!

Re: battle for arnhem....

What can I say....but, keep 'em coming! Fantastic story and pics.

Re: battle for arnhem....

30 Corps were also on the move.....initially against fierce resistance......the Irish Guards lost several Shermans to mines, AT guns and especially panzerfausts


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Polar Bear sends hats off to the Panda. Another example of your great skills of diorama making and storytelling.:):):):):)

Re: battle for arnhem....

Go to the top of the class Panda.......great dios & commentary.

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