Battle for Arnhem.... (2 Viewers)

That's a long way from New York. Has he got enough fuel? {sm2}

Hmmm{sm2}, good point:confused:, but he was only supposed to be a few miles away in Germany ....

With some of his mates - thanks to Louis^&cool

Nicely shot young man.
I trust if you've got time to be messing about on the forum, my book is ready to be published? :tongue::wink2:
All are beautiful, but he111 ....... It is perfection!!!!! Thank you:smile2:
p.s. how many pieces were produced? (he 111)
With a Bridge to Far a major movie favorite of mine Kevin you continue to trigger memories of it with your photos. But I must say I'm quite partial to your Battle of The Bluge Watch on The Rhine which has given me so much pleasure over the years.........Joe
With a Bridge to Far a major movie favorite of mine Kevin you continue to trigger memories of it with your photos. But I must say I'm quite partial to your Battle of The Bluge Watch on The Rhine which has given me so much pleasure over the years.........Joe

Thanks Lt - you had me watching Zulu the other day, great film still. Good to see you going strong and ever better too.

Meanwhile ..... another artillery shot

A para takes a breather between German counter attacks towards the landing zones ...

Wow, I have been speed viewing your pics and storyline Panda, I see you just keep getting better and better. I see you really got into the planes and airfields. As always you have some of the best pics I have ever seen, keep up the Great work.:)
Wow, I have been speed viewing your pics and storyline Panda, I see you just keep getting better and better. I see you really got into the planes and airfields. As always you have some of the best pics I have ever seen, keep up the Great work.:)

Those are among the photos Kevin shot for our (hopefully) to be released Volume II of the K&C Book on Warbirds and aircraft related diorama pieces, vehicles and figures.:wink2:
The books have been delayed due to circumstances beyond my control, but I am enlisting help and hope to have a couple out shortly.

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American paratroop medics and 30 Corps link up.

29th inf paratrooper?^&grin No I'm kidding on mate!^&grin

That's one of the things I can't get my head around, why bring out a 29th inf medic jeep if you're not going to bring out any 29th inf figures, why not at least make it paratrooper or an armoured regt, or 3rd inf division, if you remember, King and country released this with a large amount of paratrooper figures?:rolleyes2:

A kampfegruppe gathers prior to an attempt to push the US Airborne off the Groesbeek heights near Nijmegen .....

SS infantry / panzergrenadiers with medics and armour in the background.

Nijmegen itself was a mess .......

but the German build up to counter attack continued ....

top brass plan the push ........

panzer grenadiers cross a canal ....


It was vital to progress as the British paras were suffering at Arnhem ...

so the Germans were determined to assault the corridor to Nijmegen and at the bridge at Nijmegen itself.


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