Battle for North Africa (3 Viewers)

Germany really did not have that luxury of waiting (like the generals wanted) and building their armed forces in a larger number in terms of machines and equipment. There are new documents and evidence starting to filter through that USSR would have attacked Germany in a pre emptive strike because of the nature of Germany's expansion in terms of military might and, geographical conquest.

One of the reasons of the Russian/ German pact was to bring Russian troops into Poland to make it harder for Germany to use it as a springboard to attack them.

In terms of the effect that the loss of Egypt and the Suez would have had on Britain its rather ''what if's'' and speculation but, Germany did not have to deploy large amounts of troops had they beaten the 8th Army Italian troops would have been the dominating force and, the Egyptians would have come in line. There was no love for the British rule in actuality. Its as easy to say the DAK could have moved to other theatres or moved to Tunisia and thwarted any attempt at a landing there. Had the 8th Army lost Gibraltar and Malta would have been the only real British assets in the Med area. Shipping would have had to face a longer more dangerous route to and from the far east and, that would have placed monumental pressure on the home front and, the strength of the empire.

The war in the Atlantic at that time was going very badly and, it would also have been another issue affecting US opinion about entering the war in European theatres. Again, allowing Germany really to fight on one front with enough time to fight the Russians to either a victory or, other acceptable conclusion.

E=RPZ;558187]I would agree here, though Hitler's greatest misdirections really started with invading Poland. Had he instead built the Luftwaffe and Kreigsmarine up to much greater strength and bided his time, a springtime 1940 or perhaps '41 offensive right through to the far east would have crushed Russia quickly.

Instead he repeated the error(s) of Napoleon - and his troops paid the same price.[/QUOTE]

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