Battle Scene Productions (2 Viewers)

Another great set of photos Alex waiting to see what Battle Scene will have put together using Frontlines Zulu War Figures......The Lt.
Before the battle.......

Those of you who know us, know we fought long and hard to bring ultimate realism into our hobby. We are pleased to see that many members have submitted realistic shots to the Forum. So we are going to periodically submit artistic, rather than promotional Battle Scenes, for your enjoyment. Battle Scene Productions is proud to present " IN THE HEAT OF BATTLE "


That is one great shot. The background / dio set up is very detailed, and your Spielberg effects are brilliant. Really get a sense for the pace and urgency.

Got to join in Alex another great photo brought to life....The Lt.
We will have the actual shots from this Battle Scene on our Web Site in a few weeks. This is looking like a good one. It is much more extensive then this pic shows. We were determined to start working with explosions, you will see them without any enhancements in the upcoming pics. At Battle Scene Productions we are always looking to push the envelope. Alex
I am enjoying doing this artistic stuff, here is a oldie that I messed around with with to enhance the realism " D- Day plus 2 "

The Latest Frontline Figures Civil War Battle Scenes have been added to our Web Site in their Gallery. Also Our first ever 2009 BATTLE SCENE PRODUCTIONS CALENDAR is available on our Web Site, in the WEB STORE section. Alex
Here is another preview in an artsy format, from a scene we did for Frontline Figures. The Brits at Caen.

We have decided to limit our 2009 calendar to 100 pieces, to keep it a bit of a collectors item, nearly half are sold out. Check our Web Site for detalis.

Thanks LGV for your compliment.
If you haven't checked out the color photos on our web site yet, please do.
They really do kick butt. lol.

Oh yeah. We sold out of our first batch of 2009 color calendars and we decided to order another bunch.

Being that we made our money and then some from the sales, we decided to SLASH the prices! I mean, reduce the prices.

Why? Because we wanted to give something back to our fans who haven't purchased or those who wanted another calendar at a lower cost.

The LARGE glossy color photos have to be seen to be appreciated.;)


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