Battle Scene Productions (1 Viewer)

A spooky night in Russia {eek3}

A spooky night in Russia {eek3}



Since you have moved East, you have changed your approach on the way you display your set up photographs, I found also less saturated in matter of visual information, less debits and Photoshop effects, so we can see better the details of the entire diorama, I preferred this new approach. just my opinion :smile2:

Great job, really like this last photo.


Since you have moved East, you have changed your approach on the way you display your set up photographs, I found also less saturated in matter of visual information, less debits and Photoshop effects, so we can see better the details of the entire diorama, I preferred this new approach. just my opinion :smile2:

Great job, really like this last photo.


I agree, makes your great setups even better, thanks for sharing.
I agree, makes your great setups even better, thanks for sharing.

We appreciate the critique of two talented Battle Artists, who have very different styles, fresh thoughts are welcome. We will continue to play around with different ideas and see what happens.

Thanks Again

Guess what? I love this picture's set-up-:smile2: Links in very nicely with my latest chapter.

Top Marks


Thanks Master.................... This will be our last Frontline project as we continue our move away from doing manufacturer sanctioned projects. And It will be our last ACW scene for a while............................. UK you have the ACW well in hand so there will be no loss. Alex

We will have to shut down for about two weeks as we prepare our new Headquarters.....We should have Episode IV of TGC ready by then.

New HQ... Little building and the basement of the big building

Our HQ is on the Grounds of the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth



Here is the last of Little Round Top

We will have to shut down for about two weeks as we prepare our new Headquarters.....We should have Episode IV of TGC ready by then.

New HQ... Little building and the basement of the big building

Our HQ is on the Grounds of the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth



Here is the last of Little Round Top


Some Colonial battle scenes......


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