When someone sees an item, likes it and wants to purchase it, they do so.
When someone sees an item, likes it and wants to purchase it, but either a.) Can't afford it, or b.) Can't justify the price tag, they go over it with a fine tooth comb, looking for flaws/issues/reasons NOT to buy it so that at the end of the day, they can walk away and say "It's nice, but it's got too many flaws, so I'll pass"...or should I say "perceived flaws"………….that's great, whatever helps you sleep at night.
I mean no disrespect, but how many times are we going to hear about the shade of green, the exhaust vents or whatever, the machine gun port?
Continually bringing it up is not going to change a thing and please for the love of God, spare me with the "Manufacturers need to know the issues with their tanks"...………….not if the issue is not an actual issue they don't.
If the vast majority of collectors felt the way you do, the tank would not have sold out in three days; that speaks volumes.
When I was a kid, I worked two Summers at my late Uncles Chevrolet dealership.
Can't tell you how many fellas came in looking to buy a corvette or a Z28 and drove out in a stripped down camaro (or worse)……