Been a while so here's a wee poll (1 Viewer)

What range of figures would you like to see more of?

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1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Here's a poll for items you would like to see more of, have tried to cater for everyone!
Market Gaden sets in the lead - JOINT LEAD!:wink2:

We shall see how this looks at the end of the week!:wink2:
Threw my two cents in for WW1, but for more French. Early war, and later war, all branches. -- Al
WW1 on the lead is getting very popular
especially with the new release comming out
Pre-ordered some last Friday (German)
Will be getting Johnny Turk soon
I'm in big time with new releases comming
Happy collecting guys
Still early, but very surprising that the Egypt / Greeks lines are put up a poor showing. No surprises that NAPs are well represented and MG is strong (after the flap over Andy’s decision); a little curious that the US Civil war isn’t a bit higher.
It will be interesting to see what happens as vote come in. Heck this is much more fun than Obama and Romney!
Still early, but very surprising that the Egypt / Greeks lines are put up a poor showing. No surprises that NAPs are well represented and MG is strong (after the flap over Andy’s decision); a little curious that the US Civil war isn’t a bit higher.
It will be interesting to see what happens as vote come in. Heck this is much more fun than Obama and Romney!

Yeah, and us foreigners can vote too!^&grin
Scott, what happened to the ROUGH RIDERS, did they fall off{eek3}^&grin:tongue:


I voted for Civil War but would love to see more WW1 as well. I like the new Middle Eastern stuff coming out but more Western Front stuff is always welcome.
I voted for Civil War but would love to see more WW1 as well. I like the new Middle Eastern stuff coming out but more Western Front stuff is always welcome.

The ALH and sight of the new Middle East sculpts have basically sold K&C to me. I was purely WB until the Mk IV tank came along followed by the ALH series. A lot of the WB stuff will be finding it's way on to ebay pretty soon to fund my new K&C obsession! Quality is everything.
I vote Modern.......................................

buzzkill, not on the choices :redface2:
I would like to see some WWII American paratroopers and some early war Germans including some field grey waffen ss. I would also like to see some Confederate infantry as most of the old ones were just retired. I liked to see some WWII Russian infantry and I hope to see soem more in the future.
welcome to the forum!! I agree about the field grey SS from early war a very neglected area not every member of the Waffen SS wore a camo smock in battle

I would like to see some WWII American paratroopers and some early war Germans including some field grey waffen ss. I would also like to see some Confederate infantry as most of the old ones were just retired. I liked to see some WWII Russian infantry and I hope to see soem more in the future.
I would hate to be a new manufacturer deciding on my make or break entrance to the industry based on these results. Very hard to see a pattern other than the impossibility of pleasing everyone.

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