Better days ahead - I hope. (2 Viewers)

Yo Oz, you have a lot of mates here all rooting for you, and always ready to listen if you are down. Our prayers will be with you tonight Cobber, and if I know anything about Aussie's they are out and out fighters. All the best of good luck to Sue from Ireland.
I wish everything turns around and better times come ahead for you and your family, especially that you and your wife get better as soon as possible. Hope you can both keep positive and fight your way through this. I am sure life will bring you happier moments down the road.

Best wishes,

I hope you can find a bit of escapism by visiting the forum. It sounds like a real lousy year, but you and your good lady have my support, and thoughts mate.

All the best,
The glass is ONLY half empty. May it be years and prospers 'till it's truly! Hang in there, and, if all else fails, turn to your faith! Mike

I wish nothing bu the best for your wife and for you. I also hope better days are ahead for your family.

Your friend,

Wishing you the best for you and your family.
Hey Matt,

Wow, I have your family in my thoughts, I wish y'all much better days ahead. Keep your positive thoughts up!

Wow-trying news like that makes almost everything else trivial. Hang Tough my friend and treasure every moment with your wife. I had to convert from the glass half empty to half full a few years back after some very trying events and it changed my life forever. Wishing you all my best.

Thank you so much guys. It certainly gave me a boost to know that so many people care enough to post a response like you guys have. This thread was hard for me too start, and I nearly deleted it as it's not a cultural thing for guys to appear vulnerable in some way.

Females certainly have an advantage over us males as they have few barriers to sharing their feelings and problems. I guess I seem selfish as I'm not the person with the cancer but I feel this has affected me more than if I had it myself. It's the same when your kids are very ill, you feel so helpless.

Everyone takes a kick in the guts now and then, it's part of life. But when you get a series of kicks one after another it is harder to jump back up. It can put some people in a long term depressed state if you are not careful. But I have family members depending upon me so giving up is not an option, and as some of you may know, I can be one stubborn sob ;)

Thanks for the hand up guys, and I'm working on being one of those guys with a half full glass.

At the risk of adding more drama to already troubled times I'm dropping some of my usual forum anonymity and trying the problem shared is a problem halved approach.

The fact is I have had a shocking year.

Firstly I lost my job because of a work related injury, then my wife Sue had to have a series of operations and recently she was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus, which she apparently has had for some time :(

Life can be a struggle at times, especially if you are a realist like me with a glass half empty type of personality. But this has never applied to my wife as Sue has had health problems since childhood but has maintained her bubbly personality throughout. Sue has started chemo therapy and radiation treatment and this week she was able to eat solid food after four months living off liquids only.

Anyway, thanks for listening guys and I hope there are better days ahead as my Mother in Law keeps saying.


Matt: you're in our prayers -- I know times will get better. Hang in there.

I too would like to extend my thoughts and prayers to you, your wife and family. 2008 didn't exactly start of as a great year for my family either but as the months progress things turned have around. Hang in there and I am sure your glass will be full before you know it.

Yo, Digger, sorry to hear about your misfortune, I said a prayer for your wife, too. But chin up, it sounds like you're turning a corner, we're all behind you, too. And He is always watching over us, though we may not know it or understand it.

Yo, Digger, sorry to hear about your misfortune, I said a prayer for your wife, too. But chin up, it sounds like you're turning a corner, we're all behind you, too. And He is always watching over us, though we may not know it or understand it.


Best of luck to your better half with her recovery, I hope and pray she'll have a favourable outcome.
As a cancer survivor myself, I wish her all the best and I hope things get better for the both of you in the year to come.
Dear Ozzy ( Matt ), nothing else going on around us matters much, except for our family. The decisions and consequences of a world and governments screwing up, might drive those of us healthy folks nuts, but when health issues strike us or our loved ones, our yelling at our tv's every night now becomes pretty trivial. You and your wife are the only center of the universe that now matters. You both now join my list of friends that are in my prayers always. We ,on this forum are a band of brothers and a sister or two, that really do care for each other. We are able to hug a guy and his gal from Austrailia, Singapore, England, or California, as if we were chatting in each others living rooms..And so, me and my wife, Barb now hug you and Sue and wish you both strenghth and ultimate triumph over all your ills..Because we love you folks in our extended forum family..Michael
Dear Matt,
I missed this thread until an Aussie collector (Howard, not a forum member) mentioned it and asked that I forward his best wishes to you and your family. No doubt he enjoys reading your comments like many others including myself.
Best wishes from Steve and myself. Hope to see you at the Show coming up.
My Forum Friends, thanks again for your kind words and prayers. I have passed them on to Sue and she was elated that so many people she has never met cared so much. As you can understand I now have very little time to spare to frequent the forum as much as I used to but I will drop in when I can.

Keep your chin up, Matt, we are all rooting for you. Love to Sue. Alan

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