Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
May 31, 2014
Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?
Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?

Well, sounds like seller's regret. While I can understand your frustration, it's now the property of the buyer to do with as he pleases. Chris
Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?

No, don't be 'peeved off', you have sold it, and that is what you wanted, you got the price you wanted, so be happy :)

The other guy now has it, and that doesn't matter, because he could have put it on a shelf in his collection, and it could have stayed there, but now he has to hold on to it until it it sells .... that is his problem.

you got your price...
that's all you can hope for...
if you hadn't seen his ad...
you wouldn't of thought about it a second time...

some guys shop for bargains on Ebay...
that they feel they can flip for a profit...
ebay is a simple place. You list for what you want to sell, buyers look to pay x. When you have a match, you have a sale!

I have no bone to pick with another trying to make a buck. I buy and sell, some you win, some you lose. I have sold plenty of items to "dealers" at a price. I got what I thought I could get and was happy, if they sell it for more, more power to them!

I buy, collect, accumulate and sell, its all good to me and fun to boot.

One thing that will never register with me is to begrudge someone else trying to make a buck. Sure there are shysters out there, but just like buyer beware, seller should know their product and its worth.

Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?

As others have stated; you put the item out at price you could live with/was willing to sell it for and he bought it, now he lists it at double the price.

If he sells it at that price, then it is what it is, you got what you wanted, that's all that matters.

If it makes you feel any better; if he had contacted you and bashed you over the head for a better price and you agreed and THEN he listed it a higher price, that would be something to be upset about......................there is an Ebay seller here in the US who is notorious for that, using the old "Can you do better on this item, I'd love to have it for my collection"...............then you agree and he then peddles it for a higher price.

Oh well, live and learn, he got me once, he won't get me again and he's now blocked, go con someone else, I'm all full up here.
Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?

As long as you don't buy it back you should be fine :)
Recently sold some K & C on ebay and one buyer bought an item and within the hour of receiving it [checked delivery on tracking from the Royal Mail] the buyer had listed it at double the price. Bit peeved off, do not know why or if i should be?

When you go to sell something on any platform I would like to quote some wisdom from a fellow Treefrogger. When you price something to sell you can settle for “ Fast nickels or Slow dimes”. The decision is all yours. How long are you willing to wait for the sale?


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