Wonderful thread ! Reminds me of my childhood when every cent of my allowance went into miniature soldiers at the five and dime.
I know that this will sound like a stupid question but are these purchased or made by the builder or a little of both?
I love this because it is pure storyboard diorama making without trying to be something else.My personal persuasion is towards scratch building and realism but I love the unpretentious of these dioramas not trying to be something that they are not.I must admit that when I first saw the bases left at the feet of the soldiers it bothered me,now I absolutely love the idea.This is diorama making in its purist form.Make up a story or depict a historical event,take some pics for the record,and take it all apart if you wish, which is a lot like movie making now that I come to think of it.. Great stuff ! Cheers! John.