Brisbane k&c dinner 2016. (1 Viewer)


Jan 3, 2012
Well as Andy, Brett and some of the lads are as I write this most likely wining and dining the evening away at the French festival at South Bank here in Brisbane, which because of work commitments I couldn't attend:( , I guess I'll make up for it by kicking off the thread about the dinner. This year we did something a little different in that we had a dio competition, the idea being to encourage folk to have to a go, Bob's (Fitzgibbon) idea :salute::, we had twenty two entries and Bob and myself were honoured to be the judges, Andy also had his three selections to which he very generously awarded three prizes, there was also a peoples choice voted by those attending the dinner and Brett's better half Gerelou selecting her choice, Brett's generously awarding trophies and prizes. I have to admit it was hard to select a winner and it did come down to one point between first and second place. Now I am not the most articulate so I will not bore you all with my version of the night I will leave that to the other blokes who will no doubt add to the thread, I did take some pictures, not best I'm afraid, but Glen ( bless his cotton socks) was tasked to take photos so at some stage he or Brett will I'm sure up-load them, but I will post what I did take................. A special thanks goes to Martin (Jack) for without his efforts the night would not have happened, onya mate, to Brett and Gerelou, Andy and Nudgee college.....:salute::

Some of the dio entries.................

Andy's prizes..........

Gordons and Andy's Dio........

On the Left Judges first, Right second.

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Rays wonderful U-Boat.............:salute:::salute:::salute::

Sorry about the poor quality pictures but I'm sure Glens will be better when they are uploaded.
Thanks, #2 looks like a good night gonna have to make an effort next year.
Ahh some nice dio's there, a tough job for the judges. That street scene and the sub are hard to go past though. What a fun night it would have been, thanks for sharing Wayne. Robin.
Ahh some nice dio's there, a tough job for the judges. That street scene and the sub are hard to go past though. What a fun night it would have been, thanks for sharing Wayne. Robin.
Your turn is just around the corner mate.............:wink2:

Thanks for posting the pic's Wayne and I'm glad the event went well. It looks like the dio comp was a winner. Nice entries there and I didn't know you had purchased the GI crew, Jackson and Easy Eight!! :wink2: Nice buildings once again mate.

As Wayne said, judging was no easy task. The one major constraint was overall size. The dio had to fit inside an A4 copy paper box - WA4 size 8x10x12 inches. This was to create as near as possible a level playing field and avoid any disadvantage for age, budget or gender.
The imaginative interpretations showed the success of the strategy, and the broad mixture of entrants was encouraging, particularly in light of recent negative commentary about 'the hobby'. The encouragement from the crowd for all participants was heart warming. Many who came as spectators have vowed to submit their own entry next year. And Andy has offered a hands-on dio workshop as part of next year's event.
For those interested in growth, the youngest attendee was just two months old and there were a few young teenagers interested In future participation. Of course, the main focus is participation and active contribution rather than passive collecting. This focus also influenced the Q and A session and Andy answered with a degree of inspiration that matched the mood of the audience. There was a tacit buzz of excitement and enthusiasm that energised proceedings right to the end of the evening. Everyone enjoyed the night and no-one was backward in telling us.
Imagine you have shown your manufacturer your dio and you are telling him what you need to take your work to that next level...and he says, "yes, I get it; and what about some muskets in a stand, and a lamp and some tools...would they help make the story easier to tell?" And you get the feeling you're having a two-way satisfying would that be? And that's how it went? You bet!
And today Andy took us to lunch and he asked what the next big project was to be...and next year we will have a second category in our comp for those with more ambitious's the best answer I could give after sifting all my own unfinished projects ^&confuse. It seems it all works better when we share our fun.
The opportunity to Judge our competition provided evidence of the diversity of creative ideas that can come from a diversity of experience...the more, the merrier.
Thanks for posting the pic's Wayne and I'm glad the event went well. It looks like the dio comp was a winner. Nice entries there and I didn't know you had purchased the GI crew, Jackson and Easy Eight!! :wink2: Nice buildings once again mate.


No mate Kelly and co just rented the street for the night...........:wink2:
Sounds like it was a great event and dinner. From the photos, it's obvious there are some very talented collectors. Thanks for posting the photos.

Thanks to Wayne for starting the thread. Naturally we went to a French festival and ended up eating Italian !

Glenn has taken plenty of pics of the entries in the competition and hope to have uploaded in next couple of days once sorted.

As shown by the sketch images a couple of particularly interesting figures are on the way. Note the private on the left of the WW1 saluting officer even has rats hanging off his uniform. According to Andy those two figures will be joined by 4 others and be available before Christmas.

Note the plastic KnC tank diorama. This was a last minute diorama by Jack. Sensing he might not have a chance of winning he did approach Andy and made a strong hint that some serious consideration should be given to the fact he had bought a plastic tank. Whilst I am sure Andy appreciated the support for some reason he did not seem swayed in his judging.

Will post more info about the competition soon but some comments of the large table where the submarine was. Nothing on that table was in the competition but shown as examples of what could be done.mThe sub, by Ray, was a highlight and he had added a backdrop since photos a few weeks ago. Great that he brought it along. Each time I looked around some more items had appeared on the table.

The tank on the train wagon was apparently a team effort with Jack providing the tank and it's cover. The Hussars display, by Bob, was intended to show how a simple base and backdrop could be made. The tree background is from JG Miniatures. Bob also did the fort section with cannon and part of a Waterloo backdrop by JG Mins. Glenn brought in the Viking boat which is a kit as were a couple of the figures. The jungle base without figures was made by Wayne for another collector. The WW1 trench base with K&C 9th Battalion AIF and German figures was made by Wayne for an upcoming Fromelles display by the Army History Unit in Brisbane. However the figures for that display will be the Jenkins 31st Battalion with K&C Germans.

More to come tomorrow as IPAD battery about to fade.
Thanks to Wayne for starting the thread. Naturally we went to a French festival and ended up eating Italian !

Glenn has taken plenty of pics of the entries in the competition and hope to have uploaded in next couple of days once sorted.

As shown by the sketch images a couple of particularly interesting figures are on the way. Note the private on the left of the WW1 saluting officer even has rats hanging off his uniform. According to Andy those two figures will be joined by 4 others and be available before Christmas.

Note the plastic KnC tank diorama. This was a last minute diorama by Jack. Sensing he might not have a chance of winning he did approach Andy and made a strong hint that some serious consideration should be given to the fact he had bought a plastic tank. Whilst I am sure Andy appreciated the support for some reason he did not seem swayed in his judging.

Will post more info about the competition soon but some comments of the large table where the submarine was. Nothing on that table was in the competition but shown as examples of what could be done.mThe sub, by Ray, was a highlight and he had added a backdrop since photos a few weeks ago. Great that he brought it along. Each time I looked around some more items had appeared on the table.

The tank on the train wagon was apparently a team effort with Jack providing the tank and it's cover. The Hussars display, by Bob, was intended to show how a simple base and backdrop could be made. The tree background is from JG Miniatures. Bob also did the fort section with cannon and part of a Waterloo backdrop by JG Mins. Glenn brought in the Viking boat which is a kit as were a couple of the figures. The jungle base without figures was made by Wayne for another collector. The WW1 trench base with K&C 9th Battalion AIF and German figures was made by Wayne for an upcoming Fromelles display by the Army History Unit in Brisbane. However the figures for that display will be the Jenkins 31st Battalion with K&C Germans.

More to come tomorrow as IPAD battery about to fade.

Baldrick and Blacksdder and let's hope they are not released when something useful could be instead.

Great pics and dios and sketches (apart from Blackadder)

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