Britain Smaller Scale "B Range" (1 Viewer)

I've completed my 5 Mounted Troopers and Officer from my contingent of "Skinner's Horse".

These figures are in the same scale as the old Britains "B" range ( around 45mm) - and were supplied as castings to me by Sandhurst39 - who has just become the new proprietor of "Replica Metal Soldiers & Models". These are something separate from that range of 54mm models though, and were created by Andrew - just because he liked them - and he can! These are also figures that Britains never added to their range at this size.

Both he and I just love 'em - so hope you like 'em too. Here's a few pics - just completed. jb

They look stunning!! I need to get mine finished! I’m inspired, with the way you have done these and I made them!!

Excellent job JB!!!
They look stunning!! I need to get mine finished! I’m inspired, with the way you have done these and I made them!!

Excellent job JB!!!

Down to your sculpting buddy - without a figure - I would have nothing to paint. I must admit to liking your versions of these Ancient Britains very much indeed - and especially the mounted figures.

Many thanks for them - and I'm delighted you like them too. jb
In a recent e-bay purchase, I won another lot of Britains "B" range figures. (see pic below - which includes a standard size bandsman figure for size comparison)


Note that to the left of the bandsman - there are two Crescent Household Cavalry - but all others are Britains B range figures. And they are all over 100 years old - as they are dated under the belly of the horses.

There are two Mounted Infantry ( wearing side-caps ) dated 26.4.1904;
Three Household Cavalry - dated 25.7.1904;
and two Royal Scots Greys - dated 9.5.1904.

Here's a pic - hope you can see some dates:


All are damaged to some degree, and some worse than others. Most common are missing horse legs - but I already had a small stash of such spares from previous purchases of spare-parts - so am able to handle those repairs quite easily. More difficult will be the heads and arms/weapons missing - but I'm hoping to be able to ask Replica Models to help me out here.

Here' another pic showing some progress - which is slow - due to the small size of parts to be adjusted and drilled and pinned.



Excellent find! And yes I’ll be able to support you with spares as discussed!

Secured a large lot of these as you know, and looking forward to working on them. The leg repairs you have done look good !
I have some good news to report about Set 125B - which is the Royal Horse Artillery in Review Order Gun Team, ( in the smaller B size range). I recently was successful in purchasing MOST of the set on e-bay. The ONE part really missing from this six-horse gun-team, is the limber to the gun.

The full set SHOULD consist of: Six-horse team with three riders on left horses; One Officer on galloping horse and four outriders holding a carbine -- and the Gun & Limber. (to repeat - I have the gun).

Now - there's also only ONE outrider - but - with one to work with - more can become available.

So.................what to do??

Answer. I have sent the originals to Andrew (Sandhurst39), with a request that he attempts to re-model what we have into a full set - which may or may not include the missing limber? Otherwise, as a fallback, I might attempt making one up to look similar - which I have done previously with other larger sets.

BUT IF there is anyone out there - who has such a small scale (approx 44-45mm scale) old Britains limber - or any parts thereof - that you would be willing to LOAN or sell to either of us - could you please make contact.

Maybe then - this old set could be added to the current figures available from the Replica Metal Models portfolio at some future point.

Here's a pic of the limber we are after - either for purchase - or just for a loan.........please :salute:: jb

Okay - no-one has a limber around 45mm scale - so I had a go at making one from scratch.

I first borrowed a set of wheels - which gave me a start at general dimensions. Lacking the correct pair of horses at the moment - I borrowed a set of repaired and partially re-painted Scots Greys from my stash - which at least use similar sized galloping horses as the originals - and I was off. The wheels dictated the size of the limber, whilst the horses (ignore the riders) set the length of the draw pole to the first pair of horses.

See below my Mark IV Limber for the set. ( versions I, II and II having been discarded or modified). I made it from scrap metal plate - with brass rod for the draw pole. I used a mini-hacksaw for cutting the pieces and then filed to fit. Once I have tweaked it up a bit more - I'm going to send it off to Replica Soldiers - for evaluation and inspection. It may then become available for casting up - and then we will have a full set, as the rest of the pieces are being restored at the moment.

Watch this space for future developments. jb

View from above of my Mark IV Limber for Britains sized "B" range gun team. (Ignore the Scots Grey Riders - it's the horse size which is relevant - as these horses are approximately the same size and posture as the gun team).

I do so agree. All the parts for this set are currently being repaired/restored at Replica Model Soldiers. I'm also awaiting spare parts ( such as arms with swords or carbines - again from Replica) - to restore some originals. Problem is that Replica are really trying to continue launching their 54mm ranges at the moment - so these little beauties are having to take their turn.

As soon as I get any more news on this set - or spare part availability - I'll post it here. jb
Hi Johnny

That looks really good! Quick question, what are you using for the metal bases? I have two horses that I am restoring and was wondering what metal you use.

Hi Johnny

That looks really good! Quick question, what are you using for the metal bases? I have two horses that I am restoring and was wondering what metal you use.


Hi Dave - As always for basing-up horses ( or putting them on a stand - to be correct), I use alloy sheet metal. When I lived in Bath (UK), I used to buy these as off-cuts from a local metal-work shop - whose main business was supplying metal sheet for swish sports car repairs. The last lot I bought were off-cuts from repairs done to an Aston Martin! The resultant bases worked out at pennies each.

However, I have moved to the South Coast now - so after searching in vain for a local supplier - I found one on-line. It's called "Arctic Metals" and is based in Manchester (UK). I bought some Aluminium sheet from them - and it's very easy to order. Just go for the thickness you want - and the size you want - and off you go. The two sheets I ordered last time arrived in the post a couple of days later. They are very aware that model makers want small amounts - and are a bit more expensive than my off-cut method - but not hugely so. I think that my last purchase meant that instead of ten-pence per horse - it worked out at about 18 pence per nag!

There's also a help-line at Arctic, that you can go to - where you can chat to someone about what you want to do - and they can help you out with suggestions of sizes/material/cost etc.

You may be able to find something similar in the USA - which would save you on shipping??? Maybe have a look on-line for sheet metal suppliers???

When you get your sheet(s) - you just cut with a junior hacksaw to fit the figure ( I usually plonk my horse onto a piece of graph paper - and draw around it with a pencil to get the shape/size I'm happy with) - and once cut - just file down the edges ( I always round off the corners for safety) - and drill and pin into the horse legs - then glue the bases/pinnned legs together.

The figures on stands are then permanently fixed and are far less susceptible to damage than before ( especially so with old Britains figures) - which sometimes have rather thin horse legs.
Thanks Johnny! I will check around the local metal shops and see if I can get some. Do you have a thickness or gauge that works best?

Thanks again

Thanks Johnny! I will check around the local metal shops and see if I can get some. Do you have a thickness or gauge that works best?

Thanks again


Last lot I bought was 2mm - not too thick - and also not thin enough to bend easily. Just saw and file carefully, and you should be okay. Here's some I made not long ago - using that gauge. jb

That’s just what I needed to know. I may go a little thicker but I think 2 mm will do the trick! Thanks again

That’s just what I needed to know. I may go a little thicker but I think 2 mm will do the trick! Thanks again


2.5mm or even 3mm would be okay too Dave. Just in my experience - they take longer to cut & file - and then when drilling the holes with a pin vise - takes longer too.

When buying offcuts - I used to go with whatever they had, sometimes - so some of my finished pieces reflect that variability. In my experience, a Britains style 54mm horse figure is fine with a 2mm thickness, but I wouldn't go below, as the base could then deform whilst you're working it.

Play about with the dimensions and thicknesses until you find what suits you best.

Have fun:D - jb
I will let you know what I sort out! Right now I have two horses from an unknown company the I found in a junk store near Metz so it’s possible they are Starlux Metal figures from the post war period before they went to plastic. I will try and remembered to take photos for the before and after so you can see them.

Okay - a big day has arrived for me - in the shape of a small package from Andrew at Replica Metal Model Soldiers.

Between us, we managed to find and purchase most of the parts, for Andrew to be able to make up and/or restore a version of the Old Britains "B" (small size - approx 45mm) Royal Horse Artillery - Set 125 - In Full Dress Uniform.

The complete set includes the gun and a version of the limber that I made up (and Andrew adapted for casting).There are a six horse gun team - three of which are ridden, whilst at the rear of the pic, are four outriders and an Officer. The Officer in my set is non-standard - but was especially made for me by Andrew as he knows I love that Prancing Horse pose. Another surprise that Andrew put in to my package - was the pair of seated figures of the gun team, who can ride the limber.

Any of such non-standard figures are of course optional - and Andrew advises that the extra figures are optional - and purists who would like a copy of this difficult to find set ( first produced in 1901),in it's original format can purchase them. However, enquire from Andrew - when available - as this is the first one.

Here's a pic below.


Note that some assembly has already been started by me - the horses come in two halves and need gluing together, heads attached (note I've missed one on central pair ). Also cannon and limber wheels need fixing to axles etc.

Some more pics - just to show more angles;


Hope you like them half as much as I do - these things in their original don't come up very often.

Many thanks Andrew - and watch this space as they develop - Johnnybach
My first (self imposed) task, is to put all of my new mounted figures on stands - which I like to do for future safety reasons, no matter what size the figures. Although the smaller size of these - which have far flimsier legs, for example, mean they would be more prone to accidental damage - so doubly important that I take best care of them for the future.

Note that I have decided to put my cannon/limber horses on a double stand - whilst the Escort group will ride singles. These are pinned and glued in place - BUT the second horse on the double stand wil be left loose, until at least the inside of each figure has been painted up. Experience has taught me that it is far easier to get a brush on the insides of each figure whilst they are not glued very closely in place.

Anyhow - this is a progress so far shot. jb

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