Britains Early Hollow Cast (1 Viewer)

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the help with this one. I will have to some more guides one of these days. I hope to figure it out. I know I have seen a picture of a Wend-Al figure but the horse is slightly different so maybe Leadman or HHughes or Jr Steel will know who its by.

Dave, I would only be guessing. Suggest you send to Opie for confirmation.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the information I will make a note of it and see if I can find anymore out about it.

Have a great day

Someone on this forum always has the answer. Your knowledge and cooperation amazes me!

Much appreciated from a beginner.
Hi Guys,

Some help with an id for the maker of this figure would be appreciated I think it is Johillco from the post war years. It says made in England on the belly of the hollowcast hores and they are seperate pieces.

All the best


Dave someone has told you the maker of this Queen Elizabeth II was DUCAl. They are wrong it is made by Timpo.

Thought you would like to know.
Hi Britfarmer

Thanks for the clarification I appreciate it. Its sometime very difficult to tell who made what in the old days especially when a lot of makers merely copied or made very similar looking figures of what Britains was producing.

Thanks again for the info

All the best

Hi Britfarmer

Thanks for the clarification I appreciate it. Its sometime very difficult to tell who made what in the old days especially when a lot of makers merely copied or made very similar looking figures of what Britains was producing.

Thanks again for the info

All the best


It's the Johillco ones you really have to watch for alot of them can be mistaken for Britains. I think that John Hill actually worked for Britains and left them to start on his own.
Here is a liitle set up I did today while unpacking some of my Britains.

Not soldiers but they are Britains :D:)

All Aboard !!!!


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